RA: 11h 11m 16.92s, DE: +69° 57' 52.95" (167.8204999950, 69.9647083333)
06/03/2025, 18:28 - 06/03/2025, 22:41 (UTC)
- Observateur: Claudio Lopresti
- Créé: 07/03/2025 13:11:15
GAD Observatory - SP
Lat: +44°, Long: +09° - Instrument: Mak-Newton 180mm F/4, CCD Sbig ST-10xme, L-R-G-B-Ha-SII-OIII-Ic-SA200
- Bande photométrique: R
- Standard de temps: Gjd
- Luminosité dans: Mag
Adopted limb darkening: 0.5 | EXP. 180s | binning 1+1 | weather: clear - clouds at the end of observation | light pollution | Moon illumination: 51,7, Moon distance: 64,42° | temp.: 8° | Humidity: 82% | atmospheric pressure 1021,7 | Photometric aperture radii: 5-17-25
Transits déterminés
2460741.40396 (06/03/2025, 21:41)
Désignation de la planète: TOI-1194 b
HJDmid: 2460741.40641 +/- 0.00535
Correction héliocentrique: 0.00245
Profondeur de transit (Mag): 0.00504 +/- 0.00128
Durée du transit (Min): 53.96 +/- 18.69
Écart-type (mmag): 2.4
Index de qualité des données: 5
Densité des données (data/min): 0.2
Algorithme d’ajustement: ETD original
Note:Adopted limb darkening: 0.5 | EXP. 180s | binning 1+1 | weather: clear - clouds at the end of observation | light pollution | Moon illumination: 51,7, Moon distance: 64,42° | temp.: 8° | Humidity: 82% | atmospheric pressure 1021,7 | Photometric aperture radii: 5-17-25
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