
RA: 11h 11m 16.92s, DE: +69° 57' 52.95" (167.8204999950, 69.9647083333)

06.03.2025, 19:08 - 06.03.2025, 23:37 (UTC)


  • Pozorovatel: Alessandro Marchini
  • Vytvořeno: 09.03.2025 17:20:51
  • Stanice: Astronomical Observatory, University of Siena (K54)
    Lat: +43°, Long: +11°
  • Přístroj: Telescope Mak-Cas 0.3m f/5.6, CCD Sbig STL-6303, BVRI filters
  • Fotometrický obor: Rc
  • Časový standard: Gjd
  • Jasnost v: Mag
Photometric analysis performed with 1 comparison star and 2 check stars.
Binning: 1x1 (1.15 arcsec/pixel)
Meridian flip: none, not necessary. 
Moon: 52% illuminated at 65 degrees.
Sky: clear; seeing 3/5. 
Defocus: defocused, initial FWHM ~ 9 arcsec. 

--- Weather conditions ---
Int: temp inside the observatory dome (read on focuser sensor)
Ext: temp, humidity, pressure read from a weather station 2 km South of the observatory,at lower altitude and out of the town boundaries:
      TEMP °C
Hour  Int  Ext  H% Pres(hPa)
20:00 11.5  6.6 83 1025
21:00 10.9  5.4 85 1025 
22:00  9.6  4.7 86 1025 
23:20  8.2  3.4 89 1025
Stanovené tranzity
  • 2460741.39175 (06.03.2025, 21:24)
    Označení planety: TOI-1194 b
    HJDmid: 2460741.39420 +/- 0.00166
    Heliocentrická korekce: 0.00245
    Hloubka tranzitu (Mag): 0.00820 +/- 0.00082
    Délka tranzitu (Min): 111.34 +/- 6.35
    Standardní odchylka (mmag): 2.13
    Index kvality dat: 4
    Hustota dat (data/min): 0.27
    Fitovací algoritmus: Původní ETD
    Photometric analysis performed with 1 comparison star and 2 check stars.
    Binning: 1x1 (1.15 arcsec/pixel)
    Meridian flip: none, not necessary. 
    Moon: 52% illuminated at 65 degrees.
    Sky: clear; seeing 3/5. 
    Defocus: defocused, initial FWHM ~ 9 arcsec. 
    --- Weather conditions ---
    Int: temp inside the observatory dome (read on focuser sensor)
    Ext: temp, humidity, pressure read from a weather station 2 km South of the observatory,at lower altitude and out of the town boundaries:
          TEMP °C
    Hour  Int  Ext  H% Pres(hPa)
    20:00 11.5  6.6 83 1025
    21:00 10.9  5.4 85 1025 
    22:00  9.6  4.7 86 1025 
    23:20  8.2  3.4 89 1025

Světelná křivka
Okolí objektu, srovnávací a kontrolní hvězdy