OEJV Issues 001 - 204

OEJV# Publication's title Author   Date
  Abstract / note  

0204Moments of Minima of 25 Eclipsing Binaries
877 kB
Dmytro E. Tvardovskyi2020-02-15
 In this paper, 1168 minima for 25 stars are listed. All of them were determined using the AAVSO observations. To compute the moments of minima and their errors, the software MAVKA was used.

0203A list of minima times of some eclipsing binaries
173 kB
Ozavci, I., Bahar, E., Izci, D. D., Ozuyar, D., Karadeniz, O., Yorukoglu, O., Sarigul, H., Gocmen, G., Uzuncam, E., Yalcinkaya, S., Sayar, B., Torun, S., Uzumcu, M. A., Azizoglu, B. S., Nasolo, Y., Yilmaz, M., Senavci, H. V., Kilicoglu, T., Basturk, O., Elmasli, A., Caliskan, S., Selam, S. O., Ekmekci, F., Demirel, O.2020-01-07
 We present 165 minima times of 91 eclipsing binaries obtained using the T35 Zekeriya Muyesseroglu telescope at the Ankara University Kreiken Observatory.

0202New variable stars in the fields of AP And and SW Lac
2228 kB
appendix: Data 2855 kB
Gaynullina E.R., Khalikova A.V., Serebryanskiy A.V., Karimov R.G., Burkhonov O.A.2019-10-19
 New eclipsing binary star (USNO-B1.0 1357-0539679 = UCAC4679-131592 = 2MASS23494870+4543155) was discovered in the field of AP And. Taking into account the shape of the light curve, its period of P=0.3406908(27) day, amplitude of $R\approx$0.18 mag, we classify this star as the eclipsing binary system of W UMa (EW) type. Four stars in the filed of SW Lac also show variability. TYC3215-1288-1 = USNO-B1.0 1280-0618346 and TYC3215-1406-1 = USNO-B1.0 1278-0636029 might be irregular variable stars, USNO-B1.0 1280-0618262 = 2MASS 22533785+3802543 might be quasi-regular variable star with rotation modulation and with the period of P=12.73(4) days, and TYC3215-906-1 = USNO-B1.0 1279-0627071 is suspected to be the binary star with the period of P=1.0939(12) day.

Simbad object(s): TYC3215-1406-1, TYC3215-906-1, USNO-B1.0 1280-0618262, TYC3215-1288-1, USNO-B1.0 1357-0539679,

1009 kB
appendix: Complementary material: photometric data of our observations 26 kB
Gonzalez Carballo, Juan-Luis, Limón Martínez, Fernando, Benavides Palencia, Rafael, Gonzalez Farfan, Rafael and Fernandez Andujar, Jose Maria2019-09-09
 We present twelve new variable stars discovered during the search for new stars with variability in certain fields of Auriga, Andromeda, Lyra, Draco and Delphinus in the years 2017 and 2018. Most of the new discoveries are eclipsing binary stars, while there are also other types like DSCT or HADS. All of them are already reported in the AAVSO’s The International Variable Stars Index (VSX).

Simbad object(s): UCAC4 524-137549, 2MASS J23200752+4841143, UCAC4 522-133668, USNO-B1.0 1473-0343583, USNO-B1.0 1475-0340480, UCAC4 738-059942, UCAC4 738-059916, UCAC4 694-031510, UCAC4 693-032226, GSC 03348-01493, UCAC4 694-123652, UCAC4 603-063839,

0200Multi-epoch optical photometry and spectroscopy of AT-2019bsd: a fast FeII-type nova in M31
153 kB
appendix: Optical spectrum 27 kB
appendix: Light curve 38 kB
U. Munari, P. Ochner2019-07-30
 We have obtained multi-epoch BV photometry and optical spectroscopy of the unclassified transient AT 2019bsd that appeared in March 2019 within a few arcmin from the center of M31. Our observations show it to be a FeII-class nova, characterized by a t2=9 days decline time and a FWHM=1650 km/s expansion velocity. The heliocentric radial velocity derived from hydrogen and FeII emission lines is about −,,400 km/s, in agreement with the bulk −,,300 km/s velocity of M31 galaxy. The absolute magnitude of AT 2019bsd close to peak brightness is M(V)=−,,9.6 mag with an uncertainty of 0.2 mag depending on the adopted reddening, and it is in agreement with prediction from magnitude at maximum vs rate of decline relations.

Simbad object(s): AT 2019bsd,

482 kB
appendix: Photometric data 0 kB
appendix: Photometric data 0 kB
appendix: Photometric data 0 kB
appendix: Spectral data 0 kB
L. Kondratyeva, I. Reva, M. Krugov, G. Aimanova, M.Nizovkina, B. Omar2019-07-11
 In the autumn of 2018, the object V694 Mon underwent the new outburst. It began in only two years after the previous flash in 2016 despite the fact that during the last 25 years the interval between flashes equaled to 1860 days. In the Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute (FAI) of the Republic of Kazakhstan photometric and high resolution specroscopic observations were carried out since January 25, 2019 till April 14 2019. Maximal values of brightness B=9.110.01 mag, V=8.740.01 mag and Rc=8.320.02 mag, obtained during this outburst are compared with the maxima of previous flashes. The uniqueness of this active stage is the disappearance of the broad high-velocity absorptions in the profiles of emission lines. These absorptions are formed due to the high collimated jet, flowing out of the white dwarf and directed near to the line of sight. The high-velocity gas of the jet absorbs a continuum in the spectrum of the dwarf or/ and of the red giant. Disappearance of the broad high-velocity absorptions is possible if the inner accretion disk - the source of jet was evacuated during the outburst.

Simbad object(s): V694 Mon = MWC 560,

170 kB
Richards, Tom, Blackford, Mark, Butterworth, Neil, Crawford, Greg, Jenkins, Robert2019-06-06
 We present 142 minima estimates of 62 southern eclipsing binaries obtained in 2018 by members of the Southern Eclipsing Binary group of Variable Stars South using DSLR and CCD detectors. Where sufficient minima estimates of a target are obtained, we report the light elements derived from those minima, together with O-C comparisons with light elements in the literature.

Simbad object(s): S Ant, MR Aps, R Ara, V0610 Ara, V0878 Ara, V0454 Car, V0462 Car, V0625 Car, BH Cen, V0701 Cen, V0752 Cen, V0757 Cen, V0759 Cen, V0901 Cen, V1129 Cen, Z Cha, RW Dor, YY Eri, RV Gru, V Gru, ...

0197Proceedings of the 50th Conference on Variable Stars Research
6107 kB
Kocián R., Bahýl V., Gajtanska M., Tinh Pham Van, Breus V., Andronov I.L., Dubovsky P., Petrik K., Zola S., Dienstbier V., Wolf M., Skarka M., Gális R., Merc J., Leedjärv L., Vrašťák M., Karpov S., Kára J., Teyssier F., Hanisko P., Kurfürst P., Krtička J., Cagaš P., Zejda M., Andrych K.D., Gajdoš P., Parimucha Š., Kabáth P., Zasche P., Pejcha O.2019-04-30
 The Basic Informatics approach applied to the Modeling and Observations of the QS Virginis System, Variability of the Spin Periods of Intermediate Polars: Recent Results, A new multi-periodic delta Scuti variable in the field of NS Cep, The peculiar outburst activity of the symbiotic binary AG Draconis, Activity of flare star GJ 3236, The activity of the symbiotic binary Z Andromedae and its latest outburst, Improvement of Simplified Models of Variability of Stars: A review, The Informatics in the Doppler Tomography Modeling of the Envelopes of the Close Binaries Systems, Modeling variability of Be stars, Using neural networks in searching for variable stars, Modeling the effects of interaction between supernova ejecta and dense circumstellar material, FLEXIBLE VARIABLE STAR EXTRACTOR: new software for detection of variable stars, MAVKA: Software for statistically optimal determination of extrema, New tool with GUI for fitting O-C diagrams, Exoplanetary reseach in Czech Republic, Binaries at Charles University, Double eclipsing systems: from observer’s perspective, The Next 50 Years of Variable Star and Exoplanet Section

Simbad object(s): V1323 Her, QS Vir, NS Cep, TYC 4246-751-1, TYC 4246-883-1, V405 Aur, FO Aqr, V2306 Cyg, V709 Cas, AG Dra, GJ 3236, Z And, AG Dra, AG Peg, HBHA 1704-05, TT Hyd, U Sge, CG Aur, V974 Cyg, V345 Lac, ...

0196Historic flares of the cataclysmic variable ASASSN-18aan
149 kB
Nesci, R., Tuvikene, T., Gualandi, R.2019-04-17
 The photometric variability of ASASSN-18aan has been studied on 93 pairs of $B$ and I plates of the Asiago Observatory archive. The plates were taken with the Schmidt 65/90 telescopes from 1967 to 1975. The star was found generally around B=17.5 mag, near the plate limit, but on four plates was definitely brighter. The I plates showed a light curve consistent with the B ones. We therefore confirm the cataclysmic-variable nature of this star, but the sampling is too sparse to firmly establish a recurrence time scale: a value of about 11 months is compatible with the present data. An X-ray counterpart was found in the Swift XRT archive, supporting the classification of the star. An optical spectrum taken in quiescence shows a clear emission at Halpha, as expected for a cataclysmic binary.

Simbad object(s): UCAC4 761-008050, ASASSN-18aan,

0195Investigations on the nature of 6 suspected or hardly known variables in Equuleus
77 kB
Wunder, E.2019-03-06
 Six alleged variables in the constellation of Equuleus are examined using Catalina Sky Survey, NSVS and ASAS data. NSV 25461, NSV 13665 and NSV 13696 are of constant brightness, these objects should be removed from the list of suspected variable stars. ASAS J205848+0841.5 turned out to be a semi-regular variable star (SRA) with a pseudo-period of 80.12 days. GSC 00525-00380 is a W UMA eclipsing binary (P=0.315385 days), and NSVS 14398712 a Beta Lyrae variable star (P=20.4372 days).

Simbad object(s): GSC 01103-02460, GSC 00525-00380, GSC 00534-00978, GSC 00534-02183, GSC 00536-00780, GSC 01110-01001,

0194A new binary star system of EA type in Perseus: UCAC4 735-019611
282 kB
appendix: Photometric data 305 kB
Brincat, S. M., Galdies, C., Grech, W.2019-01-31
 Discovery of a new binary star system (UCAC4 735-019611 = USNO-B1.0 1469-0068570 = 2MASS J01561032+5657563) in the Perseus constellation is presented. It was discovered during asteroid photometric work. The shape of the light curve and its characteristics (period of 2.12701 ± 0.00001d, amplitude of V=0.55 mag, initial minimum period epoch HJD 2457363.37784) indicates that the new variable star is an eclipsing binary of Algol (EA) type. We registered this variable star in the International Variable Star Index (VSX) and its AAVSO UID is 000-BLW-283.

Simbad object(s): UCAC4 735-019611,

0193Short- and long-term variability of the ultrashort-period eclipsing RS CVn star V0648 Aur
292 kB
appendix: Photometric data 662 kB
appendix: Minimum times 1 kB
Monninger, G., Srdoc, G., Bernhard, K., Hummerich, S., Paunzen, E.2018-11-26
 Based on observations between 2006 and 2018, revised elements of the ultrashort-period eclipsing RS CVn variable V0648 Aur are given: HJD MinI =2457800.356(3) + 0.42246710(7)×E. An analysis of the observed times of minima reveals a probable near sinusoidal oscillation with a period of about 800 days. The corresponding (O-C) values of the secondary minima are situated opposite to the primary minima, which favours an interpretation in terms of the presence of pronounced starspots on at least one component over the assumption of a third, gravitationally-bound body. In addition to the star's highly variable light curve shape, observations of a probable flare event in 2012 and the appearance of an apparent hot spot in 2017 provide evidence for intense chromospheric activity and interaction between the two components.

Simbad object(s): V0648 Aur, GSC 3377-0179, GSC 3377-0811,

1018 kB
appendix: Photometric data 287 kB
Šmelcer, L., Červinka, L., Mašek, M., Skarka, M., Juryšek, J.2018-11-20
 We report on eruption activity of TYC 5112-252-1. This eclipsing binary was discovered only recently and no eruption has been reported in the literature so far. Eruption activity of this star was discovered at night June 21/22 2017 during observation of nearby star V0413 Ser. The light curve of the observed flare is typical for eruptive stars. The variability was subsequently confirmed by additional observations.

Simbad object(s): TYC 5112-252-1, UCAC4 447-079272, UCAC4 447-079254, UCAC4 449-081207, UCAC4 449-081095, UCAC4 447-079247,

203 kB
appendix: Minima 20 kB
Paschke, A.2018-11-19
 The list contains minima of eclipsing and maxima of pulsating stars. It continues the list published in OEJV 0181 (Paschke 2017).

Simbad object(s): RafV010 Aps, G5257.00616Aqr, G2760.00224And, V0613 And, V0406 And, V0382 And, V0372 And, GI And, CC And, SW And, RafV006 Aps, RafV003 Aps, G3645.01372And, G3639.01660And, G3635.01628And, G3225.01270And, G2831.01605And, G2828.00289And, BO CVn, V0394 Cam, ...

0190Possible dwarf nova on the Digitized Sky Survey plates
946 kB
Romanov, F. D.2018-09-05
 I report the discovery of a new bright variable star in the constellation Scorpius. It is most likely star OGLE BUL-SC23 396060 with position (J2000.0): RA 17:57:59.75, DEC -31:38:07.4. Magnitude range is 14.4 (B) - 21.7 (V). It is visible in the possible outburst on two digitized Palomar Sky Survey photographic plates, which were made 60 years ago. This object was registered as a variable star in the AAVSO VSX under the name of Romanov V1 and with UG: variability type.

Simbad object(s): UCAC4 292-140226, UCAC4 292-140184, UCAC4 292-139991, UCAC4 292-139826, UCAC4 292-139762, UCAC4 293-147864, UCAC4 292-139788, UCAC4 292-139427, USNO-B1.0 0583-0618095,

135 kB
 We present 101 minima estimates of 40 southern eclipsing binaries obtained in 2017 by members of the Southern Eclipsing Binary group of Variable Stars South using DSLR and CCD detectors. Where sufficient minima estimates of a target are obtained, we report the light elements derived from those minima, together with O-C comparisons with light elements in the literature.

Simbad object(s): FM Vel, DX Tuc, AQ Tuc, V4197 Sgr, V0505 Sgr, RS Sgr, V1055 Sco, V0883 Sco, CP Scl, VX Ret, HI Pup, GZ Pup, XZ PsA, YZ Phe, CT Phe, BL Phe, AU Phe, MW Pav, KZ Pav, V1010 Oph, ...

0188A New Binary Star System of EW Type in Draco: GSC 03905-01870
180 kB
Salvador Barquin2018-05-12
 Discovery of a new binary star system (GSC 03905-01870 = USNO-B1.0 1431-0327922 = UCAC4 716-059522) in the Draco constellation is presented. It was discovered during a search for previously unreported eclipsing binary stars through the ASAS-SN database. The shape of the light curve and its characteristics (period of 0.428988±0.000001 d, amplitude of 0.34±0.02 V Mag, primary minimum epoch HJD 2457994.2756±0.0002) indicates that the new variable star is an eclipsing binary of W Ursae Majoris type. I registered this variable star in The International Variable Star Index (VSX), its AAVSO UID is 000-BMP-891.

Simbad object(s): GSC 03905-00596, GSC 03905-01190, GSC 03905-01114, TYC 3905-1146-1, TYC 3905-2030-1, GSC 03905-01870,

0187Proceedings of the 49th Conference on Variable Stars Research
2688 kB
Kocián R., Bahýl V., Gajtanska M., Hanisko P., Krišták Ľ., Blažek M., Kabáth P., Klocová T., Skarka M., Grygar J., Kára J., Wolf M., Zharikov S., Vrašťák M., Zasche P., Liška J., Dřevěný R., Sódor Á., Barnes T. & Kolenberg K. 2018-04-16
 The variables V477 Peg and MW Com observation results, Automation of processing and photometric data analysis for transiting exoplanets observed with ESO NIR instrument HAWK-I, Infrared Astronomy, GJ 3236 - radial velocity determination, Recent photometry of selected symbiotic stars, Eccentric binaries – still interesting targets, Z CVn – Still mysterious

Simbad object(s): V477 Peg, MW Com, WASP-18, GJ 3236, UV Aur, YY Her, V443 Her, V1016 Cyg, PU Vul, V407 Cyg, V471 Per, ZZ CMi, NQ Gem, V934 Her, V335 Vul, V627 Cas, Z CVn,

0186Note on the Period of V883 Sco
709 kB
Richards, T., Butterworth, N., Blackford, M.G.2017-12-08
 Photometric data of the eclipsing binary V883 Sco obtained at Townsville Observatory since 2015 shows it is an eccentric system of type EA and has a period of 4.34119(4) d, not an EB/KE with period 1.29484 d as stated in the General Catalogue of Variable Stars and other sources. We also derive a new zero epoch from our primary minimum times of HJD 2457579.114(3). Our period is confirmed and rendered more precise by an analysis of INTEGRAL-OMC and ASAS3 data. An O-C analysis of earlier non-CCD minimum times (which led to the incorrect GCVS light elements) shows that our light elements can be applied with very good precision to them.

Simbad object(s): V883 Sco, HD 152754, HD 1525621, HD 151681, HD 152041,

0185CzeV - The Czech Variable Star Catalogue
1826 kB
appendix: CzeV catalogue in CSV format 171 kB
Skarka, M., Mašek, M., Brát, L., Cagaš, Pa., Juryšek, J., Hoňková, K., Zejda, M., Šmelcer, L., Jelínek, M., Lomoz, F. et al.2017-09-25
 We present the first release of the Czech Variable star catalogue that currently contains 1228 stars whose variability was discovered by 60 Czech observers. The catalogue contains confirmed variable stars of various types, but also candidates. We give precise coordinates, cross identification with other catalogues, information about constellation, variability type, brightness, light elements, name of the discoverer and year of discovery. In eighty-eight percent of stars the variability type is estimated, for more than 60 % of the stars the light ephemerides are given.

Simbad object(s): 2MASS 05090761+3314580, UCAC4 206-019237, UCAC4 205-019311, UCAC4 194-055931, UCAC4 185-075373, UCAC4 185-073602, UCAC4 185-073582, UCAC4 184-072609, UCAC4 184-072500, UCAC4 184-071992, UCAC4 180-102987, UCAC4 178-105380, UCAC4 175-143466, UCAC4 173-071017, UCAC4 145-071071, UCAC4 144-083547, UCAC4 140-077760, UCAC4 137-078690, UCAC4 114-058349, UCAC4 109-061421, ...

0184GSC 04263-02166 is a low-amplitude multi-periodic delta Scuti variable
949 kB
Lloyd, C., Ogmen, Y., Koff, R. A., Cook, L. M., Pickard, R.2017-08-10
 GSC 04263-02166 is found to be a low-amplitude delta Scuti variable with at least four frequencies. The dominant one lies at f1=22.0156(9) c/d with the other most likely frequencies being 17.9703(14), 15.7615(20) and 22.9363(22) c/d. The full amplitudes are 8.2(4), 5.6(4), 3.8(4) and 3.5(4) millimagnitudes respectively and these four frequencies account for about 82% of the power in the variation. Any remaining frequencies lie below the noise limit of∼,,1.4 mmag. The frequency ratios of f2/f1=0.816 and f3/f2=0.877 suggest that the star is a non-radial pulsator.

Simbad object(s): GSC 04263-02166,

859 kB
Auer, R. F.2017-07-24
 Analysis of a new variable star CzeV753 in Cygnus is presented. It was discovered during observation of an RR Lyrae star V1949 Cyg in 2015. Based on the shape of the light curve and its characteristics (period of 0.387162 d, amplitude of 0.313 mag), the new variable star is an eclipsing binary of W Ursae Majoris type. According to the B-V=0.344 mag from literature the CzeV753 is probably an F-type star.

Simbad object(s): UCAC4 704-063782, UCAC4 704-063830, UCAC4 704-063802, UCAC4 704-063817, CzeV753,

538 kB
Richards, T., Blackford, M., Bohlsen, T., Butterworth, N., Lowther, S., Jenkins, R., Powles, J.2017-06-14
 We present 110 minima estimates of 42 southern eclipsing binaries obtained by members of the Southern Eclipsing Binary group of Variable Stars South using DSLR and CCD detectors. Where sufficient minima estimates of a target are obtained, we report the light elements derived from those minima, together with O-C comparisons with light elements in the literature.

Simbad object(s): V0954 Sco, V0883 Sco, CP Scl, UX Ret, HI Pup, GZ Pup, CS Pup, YZ Phe, CT Phe, V0386 Pav, MW Pav, EZ Oct, TV Mus, TU Mus, eta Mus, BR Mus, DI Mic, DE Mic, QZ Lup, GG Lup, ...

470 kB
A. Paschke2017-05-17
 The list contains minima of eclipsing and maxima of pulsating stars. It continues the list published in OEJV 0172 (Paschke 2015).

Simbad object(s): V0376 And, V0613 And, V0707 And, ST Aqr, AO Aqr, HV Aqr, KX Aqr, MO Aqr, OO Aqr, QS Aqr, G5239.00030 Aqr, G5258.00558 Aqr, V0348 Aql, V0414 Aql, AG Ari, BO Ari, BQ Ari, AR Aur, BF Aur, EO Aur, ...

0180Proceedings of the 48th Conference on Variable Stars Research
4441 kB
Kocián, R., Bahýl, V., Gajtanska, M., Hanisko, P., Cagaš, P., Dubovský, P. A., Briukhovetskyi, O. B., Khlamov, S. V., Kudzej, I., Parimucha, Š.,Pohorelov, A. V., Savanevych, V. E., Vlasenko, V. P., Gális, R., Merc, J., Leedjärv, L., Hadrava, P., Koubský, P., Liška, J., Skarka, M., Sódor, Á., Bognár, Zs., Mikulášek, Z., Pribulla, T., Zejda, M., Vaňko, M., Molnár, L., Prudil, Z., Šimon, V., Zasche, P., Korčáková, D., Miroshnichenko, A., Shore, S. N.2017-04-19
 The BVRI photometry of the UZ Equulei system, Variable Stars in the Field of V729 Aql, FrameSmooth software - new tool for the calibration of astronomical images, Outburst activity of the symbiotic binary AG Dra, Disentangling of spectra of variable stars, Astronomical satellite Gaia: First results, Binary systems with an RR Lyrae component – progress in 2016, Phenomenological modelling of light curves of non-eclipsing double stars, The Keplerian revolution of variable stars, Multiple variability in RR Lyrae stars, Long-term activity of cataclysmic variables, Eclipsing binaries – selection of targets, B[e] Stars - Penetrating the Mystery of the Circumstellar Matter

Simbad object(s): UZ Equ, AG Dra, TU UMa, TU Com, KIC 2831097, RW Ari, OGLE-LMC-RRLYR-30844, GK Per, V1223 Sgr, V Sge, AM Her, FS CMa, HD 50138 (V743 Mon), HD 85567 (V596 Car), MWC 1055, AS 386, AS 446, MWC 17 (V832 Cas), MWC 645 (V2211 Cyg), AS 78 (MO Cam), ...

0179B.R.N.O. Contributions #40 Times of minima
1243 kB
Juryšek, J., Hoňková, K., Šmelcer, L., Mašek, M., Lehký, M., Bílek, F., Mazanec, J., Hanžl, D., Magris, M., Nosáľ, P., Bragagnolo, U., Medulka, T., Vrašťák, M., Urbaník, M., Auer, R. F., Sergey, I., Jacobsen, J., Alessandroni, M. R., Andreatta, C., Antonio, Ch. F., Artola, R., Audejean, M., Balanzino, L., Banfi, M., Bazán, F. S., Borgonovo, M., Cagaš, P., Čaloud, J., Campos, F., Čapková, H., Černíková, V., Červinka, L., Chiavassa, A., Dřevěný, R., Durantini, L. H., Ferraro, M. E., Ferrero, G., Girardini, C., Gudmundsson, S., Guevara, N., Hladík, B., Horník, M., Jakš, S., Janoštiak, Ľ., Jelínek, M., Kalášek, J., Kalmbach, R., Kubica, T., Kučáková, H., Liška, J., Lomoz, F., López, O. Ch., Lovato, B. M., Morero, S., Mrllák, R., Mrňák, P., Pablo, G., Persha, G., Pignata, R., Pintr, P., Popov, A., Portillo, L. F. T., Quiñ,,ones, C., Rodriguez, E., Ruocco, N., Scaggiante, F., Scavuzzo, A., Šebela, P., Šimkovič, S., Školník, V., Skubák, P., Smolka, M., Špecián, M., Šuchaň, J., Tornatore, M., Trnka, J., Tylšar, M., Walter, F., Zardin, D., Zejda, M., Zíbar, M., Ziková, A.2017-03-21
 This paper presents 3394 times of minima for 1096 objects acquired by 82 members and cooperating observers of the Variable Star and Exoplanet Section of the Czech Astronomical Society (B.R.N.O. Observing project). Observations were carried out between October 2014 and November 2016. Some newly discovered stars by the observers of project B.R.N.O. are included in the list.

Simbad object(s): 2MASS J01074282+4845188, HBHA 4705-03, NSVS 1775089, NSVS 4116978, ROTSE1 J124058.41+365255.8, SERIV 13 Сas, USNO-B1.0 1478-0002611, CSS_J233405.8+365214 And, NSV 15495 And, V0579 And, AA And, AB And, AD And, CN And, CP And, CSS J233701.6+361834 And, GSC 02290-00905 And, GSC 02837-01343 And, LO And, MO And, ...

0178Three New Variable Stars in the Field of KN Vul
7226 kB
appendix: data_HKV9Vul_20101012-20111016_13_VRI_LEH 246 kB
appendix: data_HKV12Vul_20101012-20111016_13_VRI_LEH 248 kB
appendix: data_HKV13Vul_20101012-20111016_10_VRI_LEH 169 kB
Martin Lehky2016-11-03
 Three new variable stars were found in the field of EW eclipsing binary KN Vul using 0.40-m f/5 JST reflector of the Astronomical Society in Hradec Králové, Czech Republic. In order to confirm the light variations and to determine precise periods, amplitudes, colour indices and types of variability, vicinity of the new variable stars during the period between October 2010 – October 2011 (13 nights) was observed. The shape of the light curve and basic parameters allowed classification of HKV9 Vul = CzeV254 = USNO-B1.0 1177-0589158 as an EW eclipsing binary (Min I = HJD 2455482.27667 + 0.3328594 × E), HKV12 Vul = CzeV338 = USNO-B1.0 1177-0589357 as a pulsating variable star, BCEP or DSCT (Max = HJD 2455792.48972 + 0.280559 × E), HKV13 Vul = CzeV339 = USNO-B1.0 1176-0576059 as an EW eclipsing binary (Min I = HJD 2455819.32899 + 0.779826 × E).

Simbad object(s): USNO-B1.0 1176-0576059, USNO-B1.0 1177-0589357, USNO-B1.0 1177-0589158, ,

0177Southern Eclipsing Binary Minima and Light Elements, 2015
189 kB
Richards, Tom et al.2016-08-12
 We present 113 minima estimates of 27 southern eclipsing binaries obtained by members of the Southern Eclipsing Binary group of Variable Stars South using DSLR and CCD detectors. Where sufficient minima estimates of a target are obtained, we report the light elements derived from those minima, together with O-C comparisons with light elements in the literature.

Simbad object(s): MR Aps, NT Aps, V0535 Ara, V0878 Ara, V0454 Car, RR Cen, V0676 Cen, V0831 Cen, eps CrA, YY Gru, CN Hyi, NSV 1000, BO Ind, DE Mic, DI Mic, VV Ori, MW Pav, V0386 Pav, AD Phe, GZ Pup, ...

0176Proceedings of the 47th Conference on Variable Stars Research
6319 kB
Kocián, R., Liška, J., Skarka, M., Hájková, P., Auer, R.F., Zasche, P., Mrllák, R., Bělík, M., Novák, R., Dvořáček, A., Gális, R., Hric, L., Leedjarv, L., Merc, J., Zejda, M., Andronov, I., Tkachenko, M.G., Chinarova, L.L., Paunzen, E., Mikulášek, Z., Caballero, J.A., Bahýl, V., Gajtanska, M.2016-03-29
 RR Lyrae stars in eclipsing systems - historical candidates, PHOEBE - step by step manual, CCD photometry on Observatory Úpice, Outburst activity of the symbiotic binary AG Dra, Report on observational activity in (summer) 2015, Phenomenological Modeling of Eclipsing Binary Stars, BRITE - constellation: Project of astronomical nanosatellites, (Sub-)stellar variability: from 20 Msol to 13 Mjup, The Variable Stars Program of Júlia Observatory & Computer Tomography Insight into the Surrounding Structures of the Close Binaries

Simbad object(s): VX Her, RW Ari, RZ Cet, OGLE-LMC-03541, OGLE-BLG-02792, TYC 1510-155-1, TYC 1510-36-1, AG Dra, Z And, QU Cyg, QX Cyg, GSC 03137-03322, 2MASSJ19584213+3814080, 2MASSJ19590752+3808528, 3UC257_183634, 3UC257_183888, 2MASSJ19585960+3813158, 2MASSJ11080447-6143290, USNO-B1.0 1266-0313413, S Ori 45, ...

0175Observation of eruptions in eclipsing binary NSVS 01031772
2938 kB
appendix: Measurements in C 20 kB
appendix: Measurements in I 4 kB
appendix: Measurements in R 28 kB
appendix: Measurements in V 11 kB
Šmelcer, L., Bílek, F., Pečiva, T.2016-01-11
 We report on eruption activity of NSVS 01031772. This eclipsing binary was discovered only recently and no eruption has been reported in literature so far. We observed five eruptions between 2013 and 2015. Based on these observations the rate of eruptions seems to be randomly distributed in time and no periodicity is detected. Based on simple assumptions we give a very rough estimation of the energy released during the strongest eruption from March 2015.

Simbad object(s): NSVS 01031772,

0174Maximum Times of RR Lyrae Stars
152 kB
appendix: List of objects 0 kB
appendix: Maximum times 7 kB
Skarka, M., Dřevěný, R., Auer, R. F., Liška, J., Mašek, M., Hoňková, K., Juryšek, J., Hladík, B., De Villiers, S. N.2015-12-09
 We present the first list comprising 102 maxima times of 40 RR Lyrae stars observed within the Czech RR Lyrae Observation Project between years 2012 and 2015. In addition a method of maxima determination is briefly described.

Simbad object(s): AF Vir, EX UMa, TU UMa, RV UMa, VX Scl, VW Scl, AT Ser, GY Peg, BH Peg, CN Lyr, AQ Lyr, TT Lyn, TV Lib, RR Leo, V Ind, CW Her, VZ Her, BT Dra, BK Dra, SW Dra, ...

0173Period analysis of a Blazhko star V0346 Draconis
2000 kB
Liška, J., Skarka, M.2015-10-15
 Period analysis of an RRab star V0346 Dra based on photometric measurements from NSVS and DASCH projects is presented. We confirm light curve modulation known from literature and estimate modulation period for the first time. NSVS measurements spanning one year allowed us to determine the length of the Blazhko cycle as 101(2) d. This value is close to 103.65(2)-day period estimated from photographic measurements from the DASCH project which have a lower quality but 92-year long timebase. Blazhko effect causes well apparent phase and amplitude modulation easily visible in O-C diagram and in maximum-O-C dependency.

Simbad object(s): V0346 Dra, ,

0172A List of Minima and Maxima Timings
262 kB
Paschke, A.2015-08-03
 The list contains minima of eclipsing and maxima of pulsating stars. It continues the list published in OEJV 0162 (Paschke 2014).

Simbad object(s): V0467 Vir ,, NN Vir ,, LU Vir ,, TY UMi ,, RS UMi ,, GSC 04386-01707,, GSC 04386-00604,, IO UMa ,, II UMa ,, GZ UMa ,, ZZ UMa ,, TX UMa ,, GSC 04896-01029,, VY Sex ,, GSC 00459-00892,, V0434 Ser ,, CX Ser ,, VY Ser ,, V2349 Sgr ,, GSC 01606-01750,, ...

0171A New Variable Star in Perseus: GSC 3692-00624
434 kB
appendix: Apendix 1 22 kB
Ahmet DEVLEN2015-04-28
 Discovery of a new variable star in Perseus is presented. It was discovered during observations of variable star V753 Per. Observations were carried out using BVR filters at the Ege University Observatory. B, V and R light curves of GSC 3692-00624, a beta Lyrae type variable star, are presented.

Simbad object(s): TYC 03692-00624-1,

0170Possible candidates for multiple occurrence of variable stars in the VSX catalogue
1079 kB
appendix: Appendix 1 342 kB
appendix: Appendix 2 47 kB
Liska, J., Skarka, M., Auer, R. F., Prudil, Z., Juranova, A.2015-03-09
 A paper about variable stars with possible multiple occurrence in the VSX catalogue is presented. Our main criteria for identification of such duplicities were the angular distance among stars (below 1 arcmin) and close periods of objects. In our approach, we also considered double or half values of periods to reveal possible misclassification among stars with similar light curve shapes. The probability of false identification is expressed by the parameter R giving the relative difference between periods. We found 1487 pairs of stars in angular distance lower than 1 arcmin with period difference R lower than 0.1 %, which are high-probable candidates on duplicates. From this sample, 354 pairs have exactly the same periods (R = 0.0 %) and should be considered as definite duplicates. The main contribution of certain duplicates comes from the Catalina Sky Survey (73 pairs have two names with CSS acronym) and from the BEST projects (71 pairs). Distribution of identified duplicates on the sky is not homogeneous but contains surprising depression in Galactic plane.

Simbad object(s): KIC 10407221, KID 10342041, KID 10342065, V2083 Cyg, EP Ser, V2660 Oph, V0467 And, GM And, CSS_J160820.5+281303, CSS_J160820.5+281301, CSS_J160820.7+281300, ROTSE1 J160820.64+281244.1, CI CrB,

0169Proceedings of the 46th Conference on Variable Stars Research
7224 kB
Kocian, R., Galis, R., Hric, L., Smelcer, L., Skarka, M., Jurysek, J., Honkova, K., Masek, M., Vrastak, M., Liska, J., Dreveny, R., Auer, R. F.2015-02-14
 AG Draconis – a symbiotic mystery, Blazhko effect at the time of Kepler, Flares in eclipsing binary GJ 3236 Cas, FRAM telescope – monitoring of atmospheric extinction and variable star photometry, New Variable Stars in SvkV Catalogue, Observing RR Lyrae type stars, O-C diagrams and period changes in stellar systems.

0168B.R.N.O. Contributions #39 Times of minima
1042 kB
Hoňková, K., Juryšek, J., Lehký M., Šmelcer L., Mašek M., Mazanec J., Hanžl D., Urbaník M., Magris M., Vrašťák M., Walter F., Hladík B., Medulka T., Bílek F., Trnka J., Jacobsen J., Benáček J., Kuchťák B., Audejean M., Ögmen Y., Zíbar M., Fatka P., Marchi F., Poddaný S., Quinones C., Tapia L., Scaggiante F., Zardin D., Corfini G., Hájek P., Lomoz F., Mravik J., Grnja J., Campos F., Čaloud J., Esseiva N., Jakš S., Horník M., Filip, J., Uhlář R., Mina, F., Artola, R., Zalazar, J., Müller D., Pintr P., Divišová L.2015-02-13
 This paper presents 1463 times of minima for 455 objects acquired by 46 members and cooperating observers of the Variable Star and Exoplanet Section of the Czech Astronomical Society (B.R.N.O. Observing project). Observations were carried out between October 2013 – September 2014. Some neglected southern eclipsing binaries and newly discovered stars by the observers of project B.R.N.O. are included in the list.

Simbad object(s): LO And, GZ And, EP And, DS And, CzeV267 And, CN And, BD And, AD And, AA And, IM Vul, GP Vul, BU Vul, BO Vul, BK Vul, NSVS 10441882 Vir, IK Vir, HW Vir, GR Vir, GSC 00330-01394 Vir, FO Vir, ...

01671SWASP J022916.91-395901.4 – a Possible New VY Sculptoris Variable in Eridanus
314 kB
Stefan Huemmerich, Klaus Bernhard, Gregor Srdoc2014-10-01
 We report the discovery of 1SWASP J022916.91-395901.4 = GSC 07552-00389, a possible new VY Sculptoris variable in Eridanus, which is associated with the X-ray source 1RXS J022917.1-395851.

Simbad object(s): 2MASS J02291693-3959015, GSC 07552-00389, 1RXS J022917.1-395851, 1SWASP J022916.91-395901.4,

0166A new delta scuti variable CzeV616 Cyg
1360 kB
Bohuslav Hladik, Marek Skarka, Jiri Liska2014-09-29
 A discovery of a new variable star in Cygnus is presented. In one night we witnessed subtle light changes of a star close to V1792 Cyg, which was previously thought to be stable. Data from NSVS and SuperWASP surveys were utilized to determine its type of variability and period estimation. It was found that the new variable CzeV616 Cyg, as the object is now designated, is a multiperiodic star of delta Sct type.

Simbad object(s): CzeV616, TYC 3167-958-1,

0165Erratum: „B.R.N.O. Contributions #38 Times of minima of eclipsing binary“ (OEJV #160, [2013])
499 kB
Hoňková K., Juryšek J., Lehký M., Šmelcer L., Trnka J., Mašek M., Urbaník M., Auer R.1, Vrašťák M., Kučáková H., Ruocco N., Magris M., Polák J., Brát L., Audejean M., Banfi M., Moudrá M., Lomoz F., Přibík V., Dřevěný R., Scaggiante F., Kocián R., Cagaš P., Poddaný S., Zíbar M., Jacobsen J., Marek P., Colazo C., Zardin D., Sobotka P., Starzomski J., Hladík B., Vincenzi M., Skarka M., Walter F., Chapman A., Díaz N. D., Aceti P., Singh P., Kalista L., Kamenec M., Zejda M., Marchi F., Bílek F., Guzzo P., Corfini G., Onderková K., Hečko A., Mina F., Vítek M., Barsa R., Quinones C., Taormina M., Melia R., Schneiter M., Scavuzzo A., Marcionni N., Ehrenberger R., Tapia L., Fasseta G., Suarez N., Scaggiante D., Artusi E., Garcia R., Grnja J., Fišer A., Hynek T., Vilášek M., Rozehnal J., Kalisch T., Lang K., Gorková S., Novysedlák R., Salvaggio F., Smyčka T.1, Spurný M., Wikander T., Mravik J., Šuchaň J., Čaloud J.2014-08-06
 Due to an errors in calculated heliocentric corrections, there are 404 wrong HJD minima timings (with larger Difference than Min error, see header of the Table) in „B.R.N.O. Contributions #38 Times of minima of eclipsing binary“ paper. The correct minima timings are presented hereafter.

Simbad object(s): DE CVn, UX CrB, AS CrB, AB And, NV Com, MR Com, MM Com, V 479 Aql, LT Com, LQ Com, LL Com, IU Cnc, IT Cnc, HN Cnc, CX CMi, MY Cyg, EN CVn, DF CVn, BH CMi, V 737 Cep, ...

523 kB
appendix: Observations of GSC 01443-01140 variable star 21 kB
Ulisse Quadri, Luca Strabla, Roberto Girelli, Alberto Quadri2014-07-23
 We report the discovery of a new variable star in the Leo constellation, observed by the (IAU station 565) Astronomical Observatory in Bassano Bresciano on 9th March 2014. The star is catalogued as GSC 01443-01140 (11h 51m 40.90s +21° 01’ 55.1”). From the light curve, the star should be an EB eclipsing type variable. We computed the epoch HJD 2456726.36730 and the period P = 0.409824 days. Mean magnitude is 14.02 (in Johnson V filter from APASS Cat.) with an amplitude of about 0.22 mag (clear). We registered this star in VSX (Variable Star Index, AAVSO), its UID is 000-BLH-467.

Simbad object(s): USNO-B1.0 1110-0204664, 2MASS J11514091+2101550, UCAC4 556-050656, GSC 01443-01140,

0163Elements of 33 Stars in Sonneberg Observatory field R Lyrae
2992 kB
Klaus Haeussler2014-07-15
 Observation of little known short periodic stars of Sonneberg Observatory plates from field R Lyrae. Elements and light curve are given.

Simbad object(s): NSV11369, NSV11558, NSV11622, NSV11637, NSV11679, LR Lyr, MS Lyr, V339 Lyr, V342 Lyr, V343 Lyr, V345, ,

0162A List of Minima and Maxima Timings
858 kB
appendix: en 16 kB
Anton Paschke2014-05-06
 The list contains minima of eclipsing and maxima of pulsating stars, it continues the list published in OEJV 0155.

Simbad object(s): GR Vir,, AG Vir,, GR Tau,, EG Ser,, GSC 1606.1750,, SZ Psc,, OO Peg,, GP Peg,, AT Peg,, V1385 Ori,, FR Ori,, V 839 Oph,, V 423 Oph,, GSC 5013.0182,, AL Lep,, RS Lep,, WY Leo,, GSC 1511.0479,, TX Her,, GSC 7552.0260,, ...

0161A new W UMa eclipsing binary near V2553 Oph
619 kB
Jakub Juryšek, Kateřina Hoňková2013-12-10
 The new variable star CzeV388 Oph = GSC 1003-2303 = USNO-B1.0 1037-0272001 has been discovered near V2553 Oph by means of CCD photometry. Based on shape of the light curve, amplitude and period (P = 0d.397663) it is a W UMa type eclipsing binary. Five timings of primary and secondary minima were obtained. We have registered this star in VSX (Variable Star Index, AAVSO), and this star was named VSX J172448.6+134706.

Simbad object(s): GSC 1003-2303,

0160B.R.N.O. Contributions #38 Times of minima
2301 kB
Hoňková K., Juryšek J., Lehký M., Šmelcer L., Trnka J., Mašek M., Urbaník M., Auer R., Vrašťák M., Kučáková H., Ruocco N., Magris M., Polák J., Brát L., Audejean M., Banfi M., Moudrá M., Lomoz F., Přibík V., Dřevěný R., Scaggiante F., Kocián R., Cagaš P., Poddaný S., Zíbar M., Jacobsen J., Marek P., Colazo C., Zardin D., Sobotka P., Starzomski J., Hladík B., Vincenzi M., Skarka M., Walter F., Chapman A., Díaz N. D., Aceti P., Singh P., Kalista L., Kamenec M., Zejda M., Marchi F., Bílek F., Guzzo P., Corfini G., Onderková K., Hečko A., Mina F., Vítek M., Barsa R., Quinones C., Taormina M., Melia R., Schneiter M., Scavuzzo A., Marcionni N., Ehrenberger R., Tapia L., Fasseta G., Suarez N., Scaggiante D., Artusi E., Garcia R., Grnja J., Fišer A., Hynek T., Vilášek M., Rozehnal J., Kalisch T., Lang K., Gorková S., Novysedlák R., Salvaggio F., Smyčka T., Spurný M., Wikander T., Mravik J., Šuchaň J., Čaloud J.2013-12-09
 This paper presents observations of eclipsing binaries acquired by members and cooperating observers of the Variable Star and Exoplanet Section of Czech Astronomical Society (B.R.N.O. observing project). Paper contains 3417 times of minima for 969 objects. It was obtained by 80 observers during 2011 – 2013 period. Some neglected southern eclipsing binaries and newly discovered stars by the observers of project B.R.N.O. are included in the list. New accurate ephemerides have been found for 447 binary systems. Time of primary minimum of long period variable eps Aur is presented as well.

Simbad object(s): AB And, AD And, AP And, BD And, BX And, CN And, CzeV265 And, CzeV267 And, EP And, EX And, GK And, GZ And, KP And, LO And, LY And, RT And, UU And, V 376 And, V 412 And, V 413 And, ...

0159New Mira Variables from the MACHO Galactic Bulge Fields, part II
922 kB
appendix: Complete sample of Mira variables from the MACHO Galactic Bulge fields 240 kB
Klaus Bernhard, Stefan Huemmerich2013-12-01
 We present a new sample of 525 Mira variables in the direction of the Galactic Bulge, expanding on previous samples of 69 and 500 objects, respectively, and thereby concluding our search for new Mira variables in the MACHO Galactic Bulge fields. 364 Miras of the present sample are reported as variable stars for the first time. We have cross-correlated our sample with the sample of Mira stars from the OGLE-III Catalog of Long-Period Variables (LPVs) in the Galactic Bulge and found 146 matches, MACHO and OGLE periods are in very good overall agreement. We present summary data for all stars of the present sample and give a statistical overview, comparing the properties of the MACHO and OGLE samples and enlarging on the analyses in our previous paper. Lightcurves, folded lightcurves and further details are available via the AAVSO International Variable Star Index. Data of the complete sample of Mira variables from the MACHO Galactic Bulge fields, as presented in our papers (Bernhard, 2011, Huemmerich and Bernhard, 2012 and the present paper), can be found in the appendix.

Simbad object(s): MACHO 403.47552.12,, MACHO 402.47618.372,, MACHO 402.47624.8,, MACHO 402.47678.275,, MACHO 402.47680.779,, MACHO 402.47675.8,, MACHO 402.47676.58,, MACHO 402.47683.5,, MACHO 402.47684.48,, MACHO 402.47683.10,, MACHO 402.47739.56,, MACHO 402.47744.10,, MACHO 402.47744.1236,, MACHO 402.47745.178,, MACHO 402.47742.51,, MACHO 402.47796.1591,, MACHO 403.47794.99,, MACHO 401.47812.11,, MACHO 401.47870.821,, MACHO 403.47855.7,, ...

0158Proceedings of the 44th Conference on Variable Stars Research
918 kB
 Five eccentric eclipsing binaries with the relatively short periods of apsidal motion. MUNI FITS Photometric Archive. The BRITE-Constellation satellite mission. Variable stars and eclipsing binaries in open clusters. Variable stars observed with the STEREO satellites

Simbad object(s): AB And, AD And, AP And, BD And, BX And, CN And, CzeV265 And, CzeV267 And, EP And, EX And, GK And, GZ And, KP And, LO And, LY And, RT And, UU And, V 376 And, V 412 And, V 413 And, ...

0157New Variable Stars IN the Field Of Open Cluseter NGC188
1532 kB
Popov, A.A., Krushinsky, V.V., Avvakumova, E.A., Burdanov, A.Y., Punanova, A.F., Zalozhnih, I.S.2013-04-11
 A photometric study of variable stars in the field of old open cluster NGC 188 is discussed. Observations were carried out in two bands R and I for 5513 stars up to R = 17m in the field of 1.5 × 1.5◦,, around the cluster. The photometric data were processed by the console application ”Astrokit”, which corrects brightness variations associated with the variability of atmospheric transparency and carries out searching for variable stars. We found 18 new variable stars and determined the parameters of one previously known variable. Among discovered stars one is a low amplitude pulsating variable, one is a EW eclipsing binary, six are eclipsing variables of EA type, five objects are long period variables, and for five stars variability type remains uncertain.

Simbad object(s): USNO-A2.0 1725-00029208, USNO-A2.0 1725-00054091, USNO-A2.0 1725-00029965, USNO-A2.0 1725-00050293, USNO-A2.0 1725-00017979, USNO-A2.0 1725-00046088, USNO-A2.0 1725-00053666, USNO-A2.0 1725-00041749, USNO-A2.0 1725-00033865, USNO-A2.0 1725-00025485, USNO-A2.0 1725-00034466, USNO-A2.0 1725-00030896, USNO-A2.0 1725-00028936, USNO-A2.0 1725-00031038, USNO-A2.0 1725-00011807, USNO-A2.0 1725-00041811, USNO-A2.0 1725-00024284, USNO-A2.0 1725-00060680, USNO-A2.0 1725-00049719, USNO-A2.0 1725-00035803,

0156New Variable Stars in the Field of 1RSX J075330.1+044606
723 kB
appendix: Original Data files 153 kB
appendix: Answer to last referee report 68 kB
Carsten Moos, Josch Hambsch,T.Krajci2013-04-11
 Based on the observing campaign of the cataclysmic variable 1RSX J075330.1+044606 we have found in the same field eight candidates of new variable stars. The variable type and the elements of each candidate are identified and presented. HMB14= UCAC3-190-083329 is an EW type variable showing the O’Connell effect (succeeding maxima are of unequal height), HMB15= UCAC3-190-083257, HMB17= GSC 00189-01448, HMB18= GSC 00189-01715, HMB19= UCAC3-191-085589 and HMB21= UCAC3-191-085396 are EW type variables, HMB16= UCAC3-190-083374 is an EA type variable of which the period is not yet secured, HMB20= UCAC3-190-083261 is an RRLyrae type RRab variable.

Simbad object(s): 1RSX J075330.1+044606, UCAC3-190-083329, UCAC3-190-083257, UCAC3-190-083374, GSC 00189-01448, GSC 00189-01715, UCAC3-191-085589, UCAC3-190-083261, UCAC3-191-085396,

0155A list of minima and maxima timings
1156 kB
appendix: minima list in printable ASCII 24 kB
Anton Paschke2013-04-11
 The list contains minima of eclipsing and maxima of pulsating stars, it contiues the list published in OEJV 0147

Simbad object(s): BO Ant, BH Aps, MR Aps, NT Aps, OT Aps, AM Aqr, AN Aqr, AX Aqr, BE Aqr, BF Aqr, BG Aqr, BH Aqr, BT Aqr, BX Aqr, BY Aqr, CF Aqr, CG Aqr, CH Aqr, CL Aqr, CM Aqr, ...

0154Proceedings of the 43rd Conference on Variable Stars Research
3050 kB
R.Kocian, J.Liska, M.Skarka, M.Masek, V.Pribik, P.Cagas, 2012-12-09
 AV CMi preliminary results from photometric study, Blazhko effect and RR Lyrae type stars – light curve analysis, New variable stars CzeV 245, SvkV 23, CzeV 270 and CzeV 323, Several Peculiar Variable Stars Discovered in Zlín, Variable Stars Discovered at the Hinata Observatory, Wide-field imaging in variable star observing

Simbad object(s): V729 Aql, AV Cmi, V1010 Her, GSC 00330-01476, GSC 01070-01640, GSC 01079-00706, GSC 01625-01120, GSC 01983-01931, GSC 02619-00590, GSC 02712-00743, GSC 02712-01201, GSC 02761-01817, USNO-A2.0 0975-17294793, USNO-A2.,

0153V1432 Aql: 5 more years of observations
552 kB
appendix: 2007 observations 9 kB
appendix: 2008 observations 5 kB
appendix: 2009 observations 5 kB
appendix: 2010 observations 10 kB
appendix: 2011 observations 7 kB
Michel Bonnardeau2012-12-09
 Photometry observations of the asynchronous polar V1432 Aql are presented. Ephemerides for the orbital motion and for the spin are derived and are compared with previous ephemerides. For the spin, there is some evidence for a secondary derivative of the period.

Simbad object(s): V1500 Cyg, V1432 Aql,

0152A new Algol-type eclipsing binary near V 335 Cam
731 kB
appendix: Differential photometry of CzeV336 Cam 66 kB
Jakub Juryšek, Kateřina Hoňková2012-11-02
 The new variable star CzeV336 Cam = GSC 4328-2164 = HD 26525 has been discovered near V 335 Cam by means of CCD photometry. Based on shape of the light curve it is an Algol-type eclipsing binary. Six timings of primary and secondary minima were obtained. The phase light curves in BV(RI)c bands for this star are presented and the ephemerides, color indexes and magnitudes in the standard system were computed. We have also registered this star in VSX (Variable Star Index, AAVSO).

Simbad object(s): USNO-B1.0 1578-0095608, HD 26525, GSC 4328-2164, CzeV336 Cam,

0151AW Cet, a RR Lyrae star with possible Blazhko effect
762 kB
appendix: Original Data 28 kB
Carsten Moos, F.-J. Hambsch2012-10-24
 AW Cet has been observed during 23 nights. The GCVS does not list elements of this variable star and the ones in the AAVSO VSX database are based on the ASAS automatic survey. The present observing campaign was intended to verify the given elements and check the classification of this star as the available data prior to this study have been of low quality. A list of times of new maxima, the form of the light curve and results for a determination of period and epoch are given. In comparison to the dataset of ASAS and a single maximum of ROTSE we found improved elements. For AW Cet a period of P = 0.3376 ± 0.0010 [d] with the epoch E0 = HJD 2455829.6963 ± 0.0056 and an amplitude of the light variation over a single period of ∆,,m = 0.45 ± 0.05 mag has been found. The type of the star is RRc, but it also shows further variation of its maximum light as well as the time of maximum, which points to the possibility of a Blazhko effect. The database is still not dense enough to determine the Blazhko period which seems to be in the order of 20d. In the same field as AW Cet the star HMB22 = USNO-B1.0 0825-00672447 = VSX J025426.9-003400 has been found as a new variable star of type EA.

Simbad object(s): AW Cet, USNO-B1.0 0825-00672447,

0150UX Trianguli - Pulsation Period Change Since 2005 and Re-analysis of the Blazhko Effect
522 kB
Achterberg, Herbert and Husar, Dieter2012-10-06
 CCD observations after JD = 2453662 show again a small change of the main pulsation period. The period is now P = 0.4669286 ± 0.0000006 [d]. The change is deltaP = + 2.44 × 10-5 [d] if compared with the period in the previous time range. The strong Blazhko effect is confirmed by this paper with unchanged Blazhko period PB = 43.70 ± 0.06 [d]. A light curve particularity ("double maximum") around Blazhko phase phiB = 0.97 is presented.

Simbad object(s): UX Tri,

0149New Mira variables from the MACHO Galactic Bulge Fields
845 kB
Stefan Huemmerich, Klaus Bernhard2012-09-15
 500 new Mira variables in the direction of the Galactic Bulge are presented, which were found in the MACHO database.

Simbad object(s): MACHO 118.18669.254, MACHO 108.18691.45, MACHO 118.18670.21, MACHO 118.18664.475, MACHO 176.18694.1121, MACHO 118.18662.426, MACHO 108.18688.36, MACHO 108.18690.29, MACHO 118.18661.59, MACHO 108.18553.116, MACHO 118.18141.12, MACHO 118.18145.99, MACHO 118.18011.25, MACHO 118.17884.219, MACHO 176.18565.1, MACHO 113.18551.44, MACHO 118.18404.394, MACHO 118.18402.42, MACHO 118.18271.397, MACHO 176.18697.699, ...

0148Variable stars in the open cluster NGC 6738 and its surrounding field
1606 kB
J. Janík, T. Hegedüs, M. Zejda, Z. Mikulášek, Š. Parimucha and M. Csatáryová2012-06-09
 New long-term CCD observations of a eld including the open cluster NGC 6738 done using a robotic telescope at Baja Observatory bring new photometric data for known variables in the field of studied open cluster as well as unveiling of 14 new variable stars, which classfication and parameters of light changes are given.

Simbad object(s): NGC 6738, V888 Aql, V1515 Aql, NSV 11636,

0147A List of Minima and Maxima Timings
695 kB
Anton Paschke2012-04-21
 The list contains minima of eclipsing and maxima of pulsating stars, it continues the list published in OEJV 0142.

Simbad object(s): HU And, FT And, FR And, FQ And, FP And, NN And, MX And, MW And, MV And, MU And, MT And, MS And, MP And, MN And, MM And, LZ And, LW And, LV And, IU And, IT And, ...

0146Photometric Study of Two Recently Discovered Variable Stars in the Field of BS Cas
1409 kB
appendix: Photometry of CzeV134 = GSC 3682 0018 = USNO-A2.0 1425-1870026 153 kB
appendix: Photometry of CzeV135 = GSC 3682 2051 = USNO-A2.0 1425-1825909 = V1094 Cas 101 kB
Natalia Virnina, Radek Kocian, Lubomir Hambalek, Pavol Dubovsky, Ivan L. Andronov, Igor Kudzej2012-03-23
 Two recently discovered variable stars (CzeV134 = GSC 3682 0018 = USNO-A2.0 1425-1870026 and CzeV135 = GSC 3682 2051 = USNO-A2.0 1425-1825909 = V1094 Cas), which have been identified in the field of the W UMa variable star BS Cas, are studied in the present paper. The phase curves and finding charts for these stars are presented. The ephemeris and other photometric parameters were computed. The phenomenological features indicate that the first star (CzeV134) is probably a low-amplitude RRc Lyrae - type variable star with the period P = 0.419794±0.000029 d and the initial epoch T0 = HJD2453236.50412±0.00056. The amplitude and the shape of the light curve are variable possibly indicating the Blazhko phenomenon. The second star (CzeV135) was classified as an EW-type binary system of subtype A. However, a β,, Lyrae type may not be excluded, as various classification parameters lie in a range of overlapping values for both classes. The period P=0.51429090±0.00000012 d and the initial epoch T0 = HJD2454543.7920±0.0006. The O’Connell effect is clearly visible. There are slight changes of this effect, noticeable while comparing different seasons of observations. O-C diagrams for these stars were analyzed.

Simbad object(s): V1094 Cas, USNO-A2.0 1425-1825909, GSC 3682 2051, USNO-A2.0 1425-1870026, GSC 3682 0018,

0145Ten new red variables in the ASAS-3 Database
545 kB
Stefan Hümmerich2012-02-27
 10 new red variable stars of semiregular and irregular types are presented, which were found in the ASAS-3 database: GSC 6993-00061, GSC 0595-01102, GSC 1183-00578, GSC 6417-00664, GSC 0633-00840, GSC 4704-00720, 2MASS J02460684-6853254, GSC 5497-00984, GSC 9449-00903, 2MASS J20373865-4151569.

Simbad object(s): GSC 6993-00061, GSC 0595-01102, GSC 1183-00578, GSC 6417-00664, GSC 0633-00840, GSC 4704-00720, 2MASS J02460684-6853254, GSC 5497-00984, GSC 9449-00903, 2MASS J20373865-4151569,

0144A new pulsating variable star in Lynx
900 kB
appendix: Photometric raw data 111 kB
Davide Fiacconi, Luciano Tinelli2012-02-12
 We report the discovery of a new variable star in the Lynx constellation. The star is catalogued as GSC 03409-00999 (07 33 08.6, +48 03 53.5). From analysis of the light curve we are induced to think the star may be a RRab Lyrae-type variable. We calculated the epoch HJD0 = 2455644.363 +/- 0.007 and the period P = 0.61971 +/- 0.00003 d, during which the star changes its brightness from a minimum magnitude m_min = 13.65 +/- 0.01 to a maximum one m_max = 13.11 +/- 0.01. The light curve shows the asymmetry 0.248 +/- 0.001, with a rise time tau_ RT = 0.1539 +/- 0.0007 d.

Simbad object(s): GSC 03409-00999,

0143Chromospherically active stars in the ASAS-3 database: Paper 4. 25 new variables
1648 kB
Klaus Bernhard, Stefan Huemmerich2012-02-12
 Another 25 new chromospherically active stars are presented, which were found in the ASAS-3 database: GSC 07037-01333, GSC 06584-00040, GSC 08188-01052, GSC 07195-01866, GSC 07713-01595, GSC 07710-02231, GSC 08641-01961, GSC 08633-00825, GSC 08244-00494, GSC 08650-01272, GSC 07783-02098, GSC 08259-00401, GSC 08252-01015, GSC 07796-02110, GSC 07274-00609, GSC 07804-01633, GSC 08678-01367, GSC 08679-00484, GSC 07825-00956, GSC 08696-01232, GSC 07838-00556, GSC 08319-01323, GSC 06267-02271, GSC 07432-01663, GSC 06302-02521

Simbad object(s): GSC 07037-01333, GSC 06584-00040, GSC 08188-01052, GSC 07195-01866, GSC 07713-01595, GSC 07710-02231, GSC 08641-01961, GSC 08633-00825, GSC 08244-00494, GSC 08650-01272, GSC 07783-02098, GSC 08259-00401, GSC 08252-01015, GSC 07796-02110, GSC 07274-00609, GSC 07804-01633, GSC 08678-01367, GSC 08679-00484, GSC 07825-00956, GSC 08696-01232, ...

0142A List of Minima and Maxima Timings
362 kB
appendix: The list in printable ASCII 6 kB
Anton Paschke2012-02-05
 The list contains minima of eclipsing and maxima of pulsating stars. It continues the list published in OEJV 0130.

Simbad object(s): CC And, FM And, V363 And, V392 And, GSC 2771-01085 And, GSC 2837-01343 And, GSC 3229-01054 And, GSC 3627-01580 And, V719 Aql, V882 Aql, V1713 Aql, QQ Ara, TY Ari, AG Ari, BM Ari, BN Ari, BQ Ari, CD Ari, CI Ari, CL Ari, ...

0141GSC 3203-0780 - a new Algol-type eclipsing binary
394 kB
Gerold Monninger2011-10-26
 GSC 3203-0780 is identified as an eclipsing binary for the first time. Nine timings of primary and secondary minima were obtained. The well-defined and sharp begin and end of minima imply that GSC 3203-0780 is an EA-type binary with a period P=0.824846d.

Simbad object(s): GSC 3203-0780, GSC2.3 N2X8000197, 2MASS 22113337+4041514, SDSS J221133.36+404151.3, USNO-A2.0 1275-17161512, USNO-B1.0 1306-0470210,

0140Chromospherically active stars in the ASAS-3 database: Paper 3. 25 new variables
1670 kB
Klaus Bernhard, Clemens Bernhard2011-10-16
 Abstract: Another 25 new chromospherically active stars are presented, which were found in the ASAS-3 database: GSC 07528-00257, GSC 08034-00251, GSC 07533-00380, GSC 08032-01102, GSC 08483-01210, GSC 08054-00859, GSC 08508-00663, GSC 08082-00357, GSC 07589-01602, GSC 08517-00957, GSC 08094-00919, GSC 08529-01246, GSC 07625-01623, GSC 08545-01235, GSC 08131-01761, GSC 08550-01650, GSC 07658-01345, GSC 07654-03725, GSC 07128-00437, GSC 08573-01902, GSC 08582-01705, GSC 07680-01454, GSC 08171-00157, GSC 07703-00931, GSC 08195-00762

Simbad object(s): GSC 07528-00257, GSC 08034-00251, GSC 07533-00380, GSC 08032-01102, GSC 08483-01210, GSC 08054-00859, GSC 08508-00663, GSC 08082-00357, GSC 07589-01602, GSC 08517-00957, GSC 08094-00919, GSC 08529-01246, GSC 07625-01623, GSC 08545-01235, GSC 08131-01761, GSC 08550-01650, GSC 07658-01345, GSC 07654-03725, GSC 07128-00437, GSC 08573-01902, ...

0139Proceedings of the 42nd Conference on Variable Stars Research
4814 kB
R. Kocian, M. Vrastak, M. Skarka, L. Smelcer, T. Krejcova, J. Budaj, V. Krushevska, P. Zasche, M. Lehky, J. Liska, M. Zejda, N. A. Virnina, V. Simon2011-06-02
 Blazhko effect – a century old challenge, V2240 Cyg - interesting case of eclipsing binary with changes within O-C diagrams, Extrasolar planetary system WASP–10, Having CCD camera? Some tips what to observe and what not to observe, New ephemeris of the eclipsing binary V1060 Her, Restoration of the project PROSPER, Two Binary Systems with Unusually Asymmetric Light Curves, Two new eclipsing binary stars near the CN And, Two new eclipsing binary stars in field of HAT-P-16b, What the color indices can tell us about the optical counterparts of high energy sources

Simbad object(s): RW Per, TW Lac, CI Cam, V Sge, GSC 2792-1914, GSC 2792-1770, GSC 2786-1360, GSC 2786-1409, V361 Lyr, USNO-B1.0 1629-0064825, V1060 Her, AC Tau, SW Lac, V2388 Oph, V1031 Ori, EE Peg, BD –22 5866, V 505 Sgr, KR Com, WASP-10, ...

0138New Variable Stars Discovered from the Western Italian Alps I. Observations from Fields 12hr < RA < 24hr
2003 kB
appendix: time-mag data for all the new variables and the already known discussed in the paper 1233 kB
Mario Damasso, Paolo Giacobbe, Giorgio Toso, Paolo Calcidese, Andrea Bernagozzi, Enzo Bertolini, Alessandro Sozzetti, Mario G. Lattanzi, Matteo Perdoncin, R. Smart2011-04-21
 We present 20 new variable stars discovered at the Astronomical Observatory of the Autonomous Region of the Aosta Valley in the course of observations carried out from April to October 2010. The list of the newly discovered stars comprises 19 pulsating variables (two of them should be classified as Delta Scuti and 16 as Mira Ceti-type/Semi-Regular pulsators), and one W UMa eclipsing binary system. Our proposed variability classification relies on the properties of the optical differential light curves that we obtained using less than 1-meter class telescopes.

Simbad object(s): NOMAD-1 1095-0381014, NOMAD-1 1095-0380572, IRAS 19106+1915, NOMAD-1 1095-0380434, NOMAD-1 1367-0306809, NOMAD-1 1095-0381250, NOMAD-1 1090-0387525, NOMAD-1 1093-0381534, NOMAD-1 1095-0382124, NOMAD-1 1090-0388621, NOMAD-1 1091-0387997, NOMAD-1 1093-0382699, IRAS 19124+1859, NOMAD-1 1094-0383234, NOMAD-1 1092-0387428, NOMAD-1 1091-0389915, NOMAD-1 1092-0388944, NOMAD-1 1077-0767537, NOMAD-1 1617-0165649, NOMAD-1 1616-0162705,

0137B.R.N.O. Contributions #37 - Times of minima
941 kB
appendix: Times of minima 136 kB
Brat L., Trnka J., Smelcer L., Lehky M., Kucakova H., Lomoz F., Hanzl D., Vrastak M., Corfini G., Pribik V., Dreveny R., Ehrenberger R., Kocian R., Masek M., Polak J., Starzomski J., Marchi F., Poddany S., Zejda M., Cagas P., Klos M., Garofalo R., Klimentova J., Kliment P., Speil J., Magris M., Hladik B., Honkova K., Jurysek J., Smycka T., Moudra M., Naves R., Ruocco N., Zahajsky J., Audejean M., Pejcha O., Uhlar R., Vieira J., Zasche P., Zambelli R.2011-04-07
 Paper presents observations of eclipsing binaries acquired by the Variable Star and Exoplanet Section of Czech Astronomical Society members (B.R.N.O. observing project) and cooperating observers. Paper contains 1270 minima timings for 478 eclipsing binaries, obtained by 45 observers during 2009 – 2011 period. Some neglected southern eclipsing binaries are included in the list. New accurate orbital elements have been found for 28 binary systems. Times of minima of an extraordinary quadruple sytem V994 Her are presented as well.

Simbad object(s): XZ And, AB And, BD And, CN And, CP And, DW And, EL And, GK And, GZ And, KP And, LM And, LY And, V 404 And, V 483 And, V 449 And, GSC 2786-1409, GSC 3285-1748, OO Aql, OP Aql, sig Aql, ...

0136Chromospherically active stars in the ROTSE-1 database: Paper 6. Variables 126 - 149
1495 kB
appendix: GSC 00124-00551: photometric data 2 kB
Christopher Lloyd, Joerg Schirmer, Klaus Bernhard, Peter Frank2011-04-01
 Another 24 new chromospherically active stars are presented, which were found in the ROTSE-1 database: GSC 02268-00394, GSC 01224-00894, GSC 00648-00579, GSC 02865-01987, GSC 01851-01202, GSC 00124-00551, GSC 00150-01109, GSC 01339-00572, GSC 02968-01511, GSC 03005-00885, GSC 01083-00698, GSC 03941-00354, GSC 04450-00134, GSC 05163-01764, GSC 01095-00848, GSC 04459-00659, USNO A2.0 1275-14029063, GSC 04247-00903, GSC 01656-01276, GSC 02197-01430, GSC 02227-01294, GSC 04480-00965, GSC 01159-00245, GSC 02237-01574. For one of these stars (GSC 00124-00551), further observations were made using a TeleView 509/5.0 telescope with a CCD camera SIGMA1603 and IR-cutting filter in Velden, Germany.

Simbad object(s): 1RXS J001658.9+335733, 1RXS J025521.3+153951, 1RXS J030825.5+080528, 1RXS J032043.5+392348, 1RXS J052059.3+244603, 1RXS J054517.9+053348, 1RXS J063102.8+032726, 1RXS J064907.0+195957, 1RXS J075846.1+421151, 1RXS J103419.7+410120, 1RXS J195753.8+142034, 1RXS J201518.9+560922, 1RXS J201609.9+705406, 1RXS J202333.7-014502, 1RXS J202823.9+113115, 1RXS J202935.2+735425, 1RXS J203806.8+394554, 1RXS J205731.0+600316, 1RXS J210324.7+193026, 1RXS J214116.5+265900, ...

0135Four New Variable Stars in Ophiuchus
513 kB
appendix: Photometry of UCAC3 196-166827 = VSX J180755.6+074711 27 kB
appendix: Photometry of UCAC3 196-166958 = VSX J180805.9+074027 27 kB
appendix: Photometry of UCAC3 196-167279 = VSX J180832.9+074148 15 kB
appendix: Photometry of UCAC3 196-167073 = VSX J180813.9+074116 26 kB
Lorenzo Franco, Alessandro Marchini, Riccardo Papini2011-03-22
 Four new variable stars were discovered by serendipity in the Ophiuchus constellation during photometric analysis of the NEO Asteroid (1988 PA), pictures taken in July 2010 from A81 Balzaretto Observatory in Rome. Based on their light curves and colour indexes, the stars were classified in their variable class and registered in the Variable Star Index (VSX) hosted in the AAVSO web site, respectively as one eclipsing variable EA-type or short period eclipsing subgroup of RS CVn-type (UCAC3 196-166827), identified as the optical counterpart of 1RXS J180755.7+074717 X-ray source, two eclipsing binaries EW-type (UCAC3 196-166958 and UCAC3 196-167279) and one very likely as pulsating variable High Amplitude δ,, Scuti type (HADS) or SX Phe (UCAC3 196-167073).

Simbad object(s): 1RXS J180755.7+074717, 2MASS J18080597+0740273, 2MASS J18083292+0741486, 2MASS J18081384+0741164,

0134The elements of stars in the Sonneberg field 62 Aquilae
1994 kB
appendix: O-C data 24 kB
appendix: observational data 189 kB
Klaus Haeussler2011-03-22
 I have examined these stars on Sonneberg plates taken with the 40cm astrograph. First elements were given for most stars. Individual data are available upon request.

Simbad object(s): V 508 Aql, V 518 Aql, V 691 Aql, V 739 Aql, V 751 Aql, V 762 Aql, V 779 Aql, V 782 Aql, V 787 Aql, V 831 Aql, V 897 Aql, V 900 Aql, V1039 Aql, V1069 Aql, V1099 Aql, V1100 Aql, V1102 Aql, V1158 Aql, V1164 Aql, V1167 Aql, ...

0133“Tsessevich” Project: an Attempt to Find the System YY Dra. I
443 kB
appendix: Overall chart 621 kB
appendix: Photometry of new variables 53 kB
Natalia A. Virnina2011-02-21
 We present the first results of the project “Tsessevich”. The main goal of this project is to find the real coordinates of eclipsing variable star YY Dra, which had been discovered by Tsessevich in 1934. However, the possible misprint in the coordinates entailed that the star had been lost and later identified with a cataclysmic star DO Dra, which located closely to the published coordinates of YY Dra. We expected, that search for YY Dra will give us some new variable stars as a “by product”. We plan to publish the results of the search as soon as the new variable stars would be confirmed. As the present paper is the first of the series of the papers about the results of this project, here we describe it’s idea, used instruments, methods and computer programs. Also we present the first five new eclipsing W UMa-type variable stars. They are already registered in the VSX catalog. For these systems we’ve determined all parameters needed for the General Catalog of Variable Stars.

Simbad object(s): USNO-B1.0 1624-0096365, USNO-B1.0 1611-0091801, USNO-B1.0 1630-0091892, USNO-B1.0 1611-0091333, USNO-B1.0 1615-0092898,

0132Two New EW-type Eclipsing VariablesNear AK Cnc
458 kB
appendix: Photometry of USNO-B1.0 1015-0165372 = VSX J085438.9+113300 12 kB
appendix: Photometry of USNO-B1.0 1017-0168554 = VSX J085348.9+114353 5 kB
appendix: Overall chart 772 kB
Natalia A. Virnina2011-01-21
 Two new eclipsing variable stars, USNO-B1.0 1015-0165372 = 2MASS 08543896+1133002 and USNO-B1.0 1017-0168554 = 2MASS 08534894+1143534, were discovered in the field of the cataclysmic variable star AK Cnc. The remotely controlled astrophysical refractor AP-180 of the Tzec Maun Observatory (USA) has been used. Both binary systems were classified as EW-type. All parameters needed for the General Catalog of Variable Stars with corresponding errors were determined for both stars. We have registered these stars in VSX (Variable Stars Index, AAVSO) and these stars have got names VSX J085438.9+113300 and VSX J085348.9+114353, respectively.

Simbad object(s): USNO-B1.0 1015-0165372, USNO-B1.0 1017-0168554,

0131BAV-Results of Observations
241 kB
Joachim Hübscher2011-01-21
 This 67th compilation contains the results of visual and photographic observations of BAV-members mostly from the years 2009 and 2010. Here we publish altogether 468 minima and maxima of 152 eclipsing binaries and pulsating stars. The data were acquired by 13 observers.

Simbad object(s): R And, V And, RR And, RS And, YZ And, AQ And, T Aqr, R Aql, S Aql, RU Aql, EU Aql, HI Aql, OO Aql, S Ari, T Ari, W Aur, X Aur, Z Aur, SX Aur, UV Aur, ...

0130A List of Minima and Maxima Timings
137 kB
Anton Paschke2010-11-22
 The list contains minima of eclipsing and maxima of pulsating stars, it continues the list published in OEJV 0116.

Simbad object(s): CV Ara, BZ Ara, RW Ara, S Ara, sig Aql, V0872 Aql, V0706 Aql, HH Aqr, DX Aqr, DV Aqr, CY Aqr, PP Aps, NW Aps, GSC 03631-01972, GSC 03627-01580, GSC 02824-00002, GSC 01744-02329, CZ And, WX And, RT CMi, ...

0129Two New Eclipsing Variable Stars in Bootes
584 kB
appendix: Photometry of USNO-B1.0 1238-0228470 = VSX J141509.2+335222 13 kB
appendix: Photometry of USNO-B1.0 1229-0276915 = VSX J141340.5+325648 11 kB
Natalia A. Virnina2010-11-17
 We report the discovery of two new variable stars, USNO-B1.0 1238-0228470 and USNO-B1.0 1229-0276915, in Bootes using the remotely controlled astrophysical refractor AP-180 of the Tzec Maun Observatory (USA) in 87.5\' x 58.3\' field centered on 14h15m27.40s +33d31m32.5s. We have already preliminary registered these stars in VSX (Variable Stars Index, AAVSO) and these stars have got names VSX J141509.2+335222 and VSX J141340.5+325648, respectively. Both stars are eclipsing binary systems. USNO-B1.0 1238-0228470 has been classified as EB or EA. It is rather bright – it shows low-amplitude variations in a range of 12.833 – 13.080 (R), the period is short relatively to the classic EB-type stars: P=0.47813±0.00004 d, the initial epoch is T0=HJD2455268.5270±0.0007. USNO-B1.0 1229-0276915 has been classified as EA-type. This star is rather faint for the 180mm telescope: 16.821 – 17.593 (R), the period is P=0.46908±0.00004 d, the initial epoch is T0=HJD2455268.8822±0.0011.

Simbad object(s): USNO-B1.0 1229-0276915, USNO-B1.0 1238-0228470,

0128Chromospherically active stars in the ASAS-3 database: Paper 2. 25 new variables
2063 kB
Klaus Bernhard, Clemens Bernhard2010-11-04
 Another 25 new chromospherically active stars are presented, which were found in the ASAS-3 database: GSC 08507-01025, GSC 08869-00453, GSC 08911-02430, GSC 08578-01465, GSC 08580-00916, GSC 08930-00601, GSC 08927-03620, GSC 08595-01161, GSC 08946-00872, GSC 08947-00153, GSC 08629-00597, GSC 08976-05241, GSC 08973-01607, GSC 08978-04572, GSC 08975-00871, GSC 08658-00162, GSC 08989-00583, GSC 08706-00357, GSC 08709-01243, GSC 08722-03145, GSC 09037-01041, GSC 08724-00206, GSC 09072-00688, GSC 09089-01462, GSC 09120-00185

Simbad object(s): GSC 09120-00185, GSC 08724-00206, GSC 09072-00688, GSC 09089-01462, GSC 08578-01465, GSC 08580-00916, GSC 08930-00601, GSC 08927-03620, GSC 08595-01161, GSC 08946-00872, GSC 08947-00153, GSC 08629-00597, GSC 08976-05241, GSC 08973-01607, GSC 08978-04572, GSC 08975-00871, GSC 08658-00162, GSC 08989-00583, GSC 08706-00357, GSC 08507-01025, ...

0127A New Binary System With an Unusual Asymmetric Light Curve
238 kB
appendix: Photometry of USNO-B1.0 1629-0064825 = VSX J052807.9+725606 7 kB
Natalia A. Virnina, Ivan L. Andronov2010-09-12
 We report the discovery of a new eclipsing binary system USNO-B1.0 1629-0064825 (05h28m07.975s, +72d56m06.05s) with an unusual asymmetric light curve. The first maximum is much higher than the second one. Another feature of this curve is that the secondary minimum is shifted from the phase 0.5, the phase of the secondary minimum is phi=0.543±0.007. From the pure monochrome photometry, this star is very similar to the well known binary system V361 Lyr. We assumed that there is an accretion stream which impacts into the atmosphere of the star-accretor and forms a hot spot. All parameters needed for the General Catalog of Variable Stars were determined with corresponding error estimates. We have preliminary registered this variable star in the VSX, the star has got the name VSX J052807.9+725606.

Simbad object(s): USNO-B1.0 1629-0064825,

0126Four new variable stars near CL Aurigae
815 kB
Chun-Hwey Kim, Jae Woo Lee, Duck Hyun Kim, Ivan L. Andronov2010-09-09
 Four stars (USNO-B1.0 1234-0103195, 1235-0097170, 1236-0100293 and 1236-0100092) were discovered as new variable stars in the vicinity of CL Aur by means of BVRI CCD photometry. Light curves of the first three stars show those of W UMa-, short period Algol- and eccentric Algol- types eclipsing binary stars with orbital periods of 0.513743 d, 0.86983 d and 4.005584 d, respectively. Only a part of one ascending branch has been observed for the last star (USNO-B1.0 1236-0100092). Fourteen times of minimum light for these stars were presented.

Simbad object(s): CL Aur, USNO-B1.0 1236-0100092, USNO-B1.0 1236-0100293, USNO-B1.0 1235-0097170, USNO-B1.0 1234-0103195,

0125Proceedings of the 41st Conference on Variable Stars Research
1480 kB
R.Kocian, E.Plavalova, N.A.Solovaya, E.M.Pittich, O.V.Kiyaeva, L.Smelcer , P.Zasche, V.Simon, R.V.Simon, C.Polasek, M.Jelinek, R.Hudec, J.Strobl, M.Chrastina, M.Zejda, Z.Mikulasek2010-07-23
 In November 2009, another national conference on variable stars, stellar astrophysics in general and on extrasolar planets was organised by Variable Star and Exoplanet section of Czech Astronomical Society. The conference was held in beautiful and one of the oldest observatory in Czech republic - Stefanik Observatory in Prague. Our conferences on variable star research provide unique opportunities for meetings between professional and amateur astronomers and have become a crucial platform for exchanging information and sharing knowledge. These events help to keep the local astronomical community alive and active. This years conference was held on a weekend from November 27 to November 29. All almost 40 participants were able to witness the richness of our field and the joy that research on variable stars brings to our lifes.

Simbad object(s): HD 120136, FZ Del, CU Tau, GP Vul, V 407 Peg, MR Del, GRB 090726,

0124Three New Variable Stars Near TT Ari
828 kB
appendix: Photometry of USNO-B1.0 1047-0021596 = VSX J020534.8+144630 14 kB
appendix: Photometry of USNO-B1.0 1049-0021745 = VSX J020730.1+145623 14 kB
appendix: Photometry of USNO-B1.0 1048-0022462 = VSX J020617.2+145213 8 kB
appendix: Chart 1063 kB
Natalia A. Virnina2010-07-18
 Three new variable stars in Aries were discovered using the remotely controlled astrophysical refractor AP-180 of the Tzec Maun Observatory (USA) in 87.5\' x 58.3\' field of the cataclysmic variable star TT Ari. These stars : USNO-B1.0 1047-0021596, USNO-B1.0 1049-0021745 and USNO-B1.0 1048-0022462 have been preliminary registered in VSX (Variable Stars Index, AAVSO) and got names VSX J020534.8+144630, VSX J020730.1+145623 and VSX J020617.2+145213, respectively. The first two stars are eclipsing binaries and have been classified as EW-type. The third star has a low amplitude and sinusoidal curve, and may be classified as DSCT or a low-inclination binary system without eclipses – Ell-type.

Simbad object(s): USNO-B1.0 1048-0022462, USNO-B1.0 1049-0021745, USNO-B1.0 1047-0021596,

0123Chromospherically active stars in the ROTSE-1 database: Paper 5. Variables 101 - 125
1431 kB
Klaus Bernhard, Christopher Lloyd, Peter Frank2010-03-26
 Abstract: Another 25 new chromospherically active stars are presented, which were found in the ROTSE-1 database: GSC 03297-01671, GSC 00664-00136, GSC 02881-00392, GSC 04743-00662, GSC 02388-00772, GSC 00102-01239, GSC 00105-02553, GSC 01337-00535, GSC 00746-00366, GSC 02459-00865, GSC 00182-02245, GSC 00184-02077, GSC 01377-01142, GSC 06020-00653, GSC 05464-01135, GSC 01961-01360, GSC 03010-01373, GSC 00856-01223, GSC 00278-00814, GSC 00915-01391, GSC 04427-01555, GSC 04436-01377, GSC 04223-00399, GSC 01063-00973, GSC 01062-01972 For one of these stars (GSC 00278-00814), further observations were made using a Flatfield Camera 576/2.0 with a CCD camera OES-LcCCD12 and IR-cutting filter in Velden, Germany.

Simbad object(s): GSC 03297-01671, GSC 00664-00136, GSC 02881-00392, GSC 04743-00662, GSC 02388-00772, GSC 00102-01239, GSC 00105-02553, GSC 01337-00535, GSC 00746-00366, GSC 02459-00865, GSC 00182-02245, GSC 00184-02077, GSC 01377-01142, GSC 06020-00653, GSC 05464-01135, GSC 01961-01360, GSC 03010-01373, GSC 00856-01223, GSC 00278-00814, GSC 00915-01391, ...

0122Two new variable stars observed in the field of the extrasolar planet host star WASP-3
1068 kB
appendix: phase-folded normalized flux of GSC2.3 N20B000251 22 kB
appendix: phase-folded normalized flux of GSC2.3 N208000326 34 kB
appendix: photometry file GSC2.3_N20B000251 43 kB
appendix: photometry file GSC2.3_N208000326 5 kB
M. Damasso, A. Carbognani, P. Calcidese, P. Giacobbe, A. Bernagozzi, E. Bertolini, M.G. Lattanzi, R. Smart, A. Sozzetti2010-03-05
 We report the discovery of two new short-period variable stars in the Lyra constellation, GSC2.3 N208000326 and GSC2.3 N20B000251, observed at the Astronomical Observatory of Autonomous Region of the Aosta Valley. Photometric measurements collected during several days are presented and discussed. One star appears to be a δ,, Scuti pulsating star (P=0.07848018±0.00000006 days, pulsation amplitudes Δ,,V~0.055 mag and Δ,,R~0.045, (V-R)average=0.378±0.009, probable spectral type F2). The identity of the second star (P=0.402714±0.000008 days) resulted more difficult to be understood. We propose that this object should be classified as an eclipsing binary system where ~0.065 mag and ~0.055 are, respectively, the depths of the primary and secondary minimum in the light curve, as measured with a non standard R filter.

Simbad object(s): GSC2.3 N208000326, GSC2.3 N20B000251,

012140 previously unreported variable stars in the OGLE-II database
1216 kB
M. P. Nicholson2010-03-05
 Details of 40 previously unreported variable stars in the OGLE-II database are reported. The phase plots indicate that 34 are eclipsing binary stars of the EA subtype, 4 are eclipsing binary stars of the EB subtype, 1 is an eclipsing binary star of the EW subtype and 1 is a pulsating variable star of the RV Tauri type.

Simbad object(s): 2MASS J11054998-6131521, 2MASS J11070397-6126450, 2MASS J11084257-6128404, 2MASS J11093077-6043018, 2MASS J13572196-6319063, 2MASS J16121245-5427297, 2MASS J16145635-5336269, 2MASS J16161980-5359411, 2MASS J16165892-5328577, 2MASS J16240706-5231050, 2MASS J16254555-5202176, 2MASS J16412665-4423320, 2MASS J17003058-4435568, 2MASS UCAC3 092-285054, 2MASS J11063560-6140119, 2MASS J11071145-6131226, 2MASS J11084840-6140069, 2MASS J11104169-6108597, 2MASS J13575494-6305467, 2MASS J16144301-5358564, ...

0120BAV-Results of Observations
57 kB
Joachim Hübscher2010-03-05
 This 64th compilation contains the results of visual and photographic observations of BAV-members from the years 2008 and 2009. Here we publish altogether 193 minima and maxima of 130 eclipsing binaries and pulsating stars. The data were acquired by 13 observers.

Simbad object(s): FP Vir, FH Vir, SW Vir, SU Vir, RS Vir, R Vir, T UMi, VY UMa, ST UMa, RY UMa, RS UMa, Y UMa, T UMa, R UMa, R Tri, lambd Tau, Z Tau, R Sct, X Sge, W Sge, ...

0119Two New Eclipsing Variable Stars in the Field of RX J2133
844 kB
appendix: HJD, R observations of the variable Kol 7 10 kB
appendix: HJD, R observations of the variable Kol 8 9 kB
Natalia A. Virnina, Ivan L. Andronov, Pavol A. Dubovsky, Igor Kudzej 2010-01-02
 Two new eclipsing variable stars USNO-B1.0 1411-0397871 and USNO-B1.0 1411-0397855 were discovered in the 9.4'x9.4' field of 1RXS J213344.1+510725 = RX J2133 which had been observed using the 1-meter Vihorlat National Telescope in the Astronomical Observatory on Kolonica Saddle. We preliminary registered these stars in the VSX (http://vsx.aavso.org/) and they got names VSX J213321.5+510857 and VSX J213320.0+510819, respectively. Types of variability were determined as EW for both stars. For the statistical modeling, the program FDCN (Andronov, 1994) was used, which allowed to determine degrees of the statistically optimal trigonometric polynomials and all photometric parameters, which are needed for the General Catalogue of Variable Stars, with their corresponding errors.

Simbad object(s): 1RXS J213344.1+510725, USNO-B1.0 1411-0397855, USNO-B1.0 1411-0397871,

0118GSC 4181-0713 - a new W UMa type eclipsing binary
1533 kB
Gerold Monninger2009-12-23
 GSC 4181-0713 is identifed as an eclipsing binary for the first time. Ten times of primary and secondary minima were obtained. The shape and amplitude of the light curve and the period P=0.258742d implies that GSC 4181-0713 is a short-period W UMa type eclipsing binary. The system shows clearly an O\'Connell effect delta m<0 in its light curve.

Simbad object(s): GSC 04181-00713,

0117Chromospherically active stars in the OGLE-II database: Paper 2. Another 25 new variables
1218 kB
Klaus Bernhard2009-12-09
 Another 25 new chromospherically active stars are presented, which were found in the OGLE-II database: OGLE-II BUL_SC4_463586, OGLE-II BUL_SC4_649863, OGLE-II BUL_SC4_661351, OGLE-II BUL_SC4_636297, OGLE-II BUL_SC39_97323, OGLE-II BUL_SC39_68727, OGLE-II BUL_SC39_111735, OGLE-II BUL_SC1_462536, OGLE-II BUL_SC1_451975, OGLE-II BUL_SC1_451926, OGLE-II BUL_SC1_463762, OGLE-II BUL_SC1_452586, OGLE-II BUL_SC1_628838, OGLE-II BUL_SC1_655399, OGLE-II BUL_SC1_652986, OGLE-II BUL_SC1_629202, OGLE-II BUL_SC1_608452, OGLE-II BUL_SC45_102713, OGLE-II BUL_SC45_78178, OGLE-II BUL_SC45_101976, OGLE-II BUL_SC45_101872, OGLE-II BUL_SC45_101465, OGLE-II BUL_SC45_268912, OGLE-II BUL_SC45_268843, OGLE-II BUL_SC2_745969

Simbad object(s): OGLE BUL-SC2 745969, OGLE BUL-SC45 268843, OGLE BUL-SC45 268912, OGLE BUL-SC45 101465, OGLE BUL-SC45 101872, OGLE BUL-SC45 101976, OGLE BUL-SC45 78178, OGLE BUL-SC45 102713, OGLE BUL-SC1 608452, OGLE BUL-SC1 629202, OGLE BUL-SC1 652986, OGLE BUL-SC1 655399, OGLE BUL-SC1 628838, OGLE BUL-SC1 452586, OGLE BUL-SC1 463762, OGLE BUL-SC1 451926, OGLE BUL-SC1 451975, OGLE BUL-SC1 462536, OGLE BUL-SC39 111735, OGLE BUL-SC39 68727, ...

0116A list of minima and maxima timings
99 kB
appendix: timings as plain text, fields with fixed length 17 kB
Anton Paschke2009-12-09
 The list contains minima of eclipsing and maxima of pulsating stars, it continues the list published in OEJV 0073.

Simbad object(s): V0448 Oph, V0441 Oph, V0415 Oph, V0413 Oph, V0408 Oph, XZ Oph, VY Oph, SW Oph, Y Oct, GSC 08722-00769, DE Lyn, SX Lup, EH Lib, AP Leo, XZ Leo, XY Leo, NSV 14186, AO Ind, RS Ind, GSC 06686-00470, ...

0115New Eclipsing Binary Star in Field of V430 Lac
854 kB
appendix: data HKV8 Lac 173 kB
Martin Lehký2009-11-25
 The new EW eclipsing binary HKV8 Lac = CzeV161 = USNO-B1.0 1347-0483658 (R.A. = 22h 27m 04.28s, Decl. = +44° 45' 59.7", J2000.0, R = 14.84 - 15.38 mag, Min. I = HJD 2455068.50679 + 0.2576355 x E) has been found near the variable star V430 Lac by 0.40-m f/5 reflector at Hradec Králové observatory.

Simbad object(s): GSC2 N032331228372,

0114Light curve analysis of XX Cygni from data taken using DSLR
295 kB
appendix: Photometric data for XX Cygni 62 kB
Davide Fiacconi, Luciano Tinelli2009-10-07
 XX Cygni belongs to the SX Phoenicis class of short period variable stars. The pourpose of this paper is to analize data taken by the authors with a common Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) and try to understand the capability of this type of camera in photometric measurements. From data taken during summertime and from the AAVSO International Database, we try to determine the behaviour of the main period of the star and research for other important frequency component by periodigram and Observed-Calculated (O-C) diagram.

Simbad object(s): XX Cyg,

0113Discovery Of a New Delta Scuti Variable Star
346 kB
appendix: Photometric data 21 kB
Albino Carbognani2009-10-05
 This paper reports the serendipitously discovery of a new variable star with mean visual magnitude +14.73 +/- 0.03 mag and mean V-R color indice 0.33 +/- 0.03 in Ophiuchus constellation (RA = 16h 53m 02.14s, DE = -01° 09\' 5,6\" (J2000.0)). The shape of the raw lightcurve and the observed periods lead to the conclusion that the star is a delta Scuti with a period of 0.05300 +/- 0.00004 days with an amplitude of 0.07 +/- 0.01 mag in R band. The knowledge of the star period allows an estimate of the distance that, considering interstellar absorption, is about 1000 pc.

Simbad object(s): UCAC2 31353662,

0112Search For Variable Stars in the Field of The Young Open Cluster NGC 957
299 kB
appendix: Photometry of new variables 36 kB
Bukowiecki Ł., Maciejewski G., Bykowski W., Georgiev T., Boeva S., Kacharov N., Mihov B., Latev G., Ovcharov E., Valcheva A.2009-10-03
 We report on discovery of 10 eclipsing binaries, 3 regular pulsating stars and 1 semi-regular variable in the field of the open cluster NGC 957. Only one of them – a short period semi-detached eclipsing binary – was be a likely cluster member. No short-period pulsating variables were found in the cluster.

Simbad object(s): NGC 957,

0111Three New Variable Stars in Indus
825 kB
appendix: LightCurve of USNO-B1.0 0315-0775167 3 kB
appendix: LightCurve of USNO-B1.0 0309-0771315 3 kB
appendix: LightCurve of USNO-B1.0 0311-0760061 3 kB
Alex Golovin, Kirill Sokolovsky, Natalia Virnina, Javier Lopez Santiago2009-09-29
 We report the discovery of three new variable stars in Indus: USNO-B1.0 0311-0760061, USNO-B1.0 0309-0771315, and USNO-B1.0 0315-0775167. Light curves of 3712 stars in a 87'x58' field centered on the asynchronous polar CD Ind were obtained using a remotely controlled 150 mm telescope of Tzec Maun Observatory (Pingelly, Western Australia). The VaST software based on SExtractor package was used for semi-automatic search for variable stars. We suggest the following classification for the newly discovered variable stars: USNO-B1.0 0311-0760061 - RR Lyr-type, USNO-B1.0 0309-0771315 - W UMa-type, and USNO-B1.0 0315-0775167 - W UMa-type.

Simbad object(s): CD Ind, USNO-B1.0 0313-0766011, USNO-B1.0 0315-0775167, USNO-B1.0 0309-0771315, USNO-B1.0 0311-0760061,

0110Improved parameters of the RR Lyrae variable USNO-A2.0 1200-07442272
142 kB
appendix: Photometric data 9 kB
Christopher Lloyd, Yenal Ögmen2009-09-29
 A refined period of 0.3488463(18) and Fourier decomposition components are provided for the RR Lyrae variable USNO-A2.0 1200-07442272, which lies in the field of TY Boo. The star is found to an RRc variable with a hump on the rising branch, and also has very low metallicity, [Fe/H] ZW = -1.5 and [Fe/H] CG = -1.2, typical of the halo population. It is an extreme halo object and probably lies at nearly 6 kpc from the galactic plane.

Simbad object(s): 2MASS J15004755+3509514,

0109Proceedings of the 40th Conference on Variable Stars Research
4423 kB
R. Kocian, V. Pribik , L. Brat, R. Hudec, M. Spurny, M. Krizek, P. Pata, R. Slosiar, M. Rerabek, S. Poddany, M. Hrudkova, V. Simon, L. Hudec, M. Kocka, T. Krejcova, P. Chadima, P. Harmanec, O. Demircan, A. Paschke, 2009-09-21
 A new HADS type variable star in Auriga, Alternative methods for detection of GRBs, Brief demonstration of the new developed database of the transiting planets, Can we find other bodies in transiting extrasolar systems?, ESA Gaia: The variability based on low dispersion spectra, Photometry of extrasolar planets, SID monitor indirect observation and monitoring of Solar flares, The mysterious and complicated interacting binary beta Lyr, new proof of the existence of various structures of a circumstellar matter, The O-C gate, The strange optically variable source SWIFT J195509+261406 and implication for optical observers

Simbad object(s): HD 165763, NGC 7009, SWIFT J195509.6+261406, GRB 070610, GRO J1744-28, V4641 Sgr, bet Lyr, TrES-2, CI Cam, X Cyg X-1, X Sco X-1, SS 433, XTE J1118+480, GRO J1655-40, HD 190918, HS0822+3542, X Cam, CoRoT-Exo-2, HD 189733, HD 209458, ...

0108Chromospherically active stars in the OGLE-II database: Paper 1. 25 new variables
1321 kB
Klaus Bernhard2009-08-13
 Abstract: 25 new chromospherically active stars are presented, which were found in the OGLE-II database: OGLE-II NOR_SC1_127324, OGLE-II BUL_SC1_268450, OGLE-II BUL_SC4_648283, OGLE-II BUL_SC4_268274, OGLE-II BUL_SC4_293840, OGLE-II BUL_SC4_475761, OGLE-II BUL_SC33_691176, OGLE-II BUL_SC35_347003, OGLE-II BUL_SC35_369625, OGLE-II BUL_SC35_521447, OGLE-II BUL_SC35_544397, OGLE-II BUL_SC35_555023, OGLE-II BUL_SC35_576350, OGLE-II BUL_SC36_204166, OGLE-II BUL_SC36_636869, OGLE-II BUL_SC45_125532, OGLE-II BUL_SC45_126250, OGLE-II CAR_SC1_35056, OGLE-II CAR_SC1_38287, OGLE-II CAR_SC1_85427, OGLE-II BUL_SC4_280309, OGLE-II BUL_SC5_194541, OGLE-II BUL_SC4_14642, OGLE-II BUL_SC4_280505, OGLE-II BUL_SC4_281800

Simbad object(s): OGLE BUL-SC4 281800, OGLE BUL-SC4 280505, OGLE BUL-SC4 14642, OGLE BUL-SC5 194541, OGLE BUL-SC4 280309, OGLE CAR-SC1 85427, OGLE CAR-SC1 38287, OGLE CAR-SC1 35056, OGLE BUL-SC45 126250, OGLE BUL-SC45 125532, OGLE BUL-SC36 636869, OGLE BUL-SC36 204166, OGLE BUL-SC35 576350, OGLE BUL-SC35 555023, OGLE BUL-SC35 544397, OGLE BUL-SC35 521447, OGLE BUL-SC35 369625, OGLE BUL-SC35 347003, OGLE BUL-SC33 691176, OGLE BUL-SC4 475761, ...

0107B.R.N.O. Contributions #36, Times of minima
1763 kB
appendix: 557 times of minima 59 kB
L. Brat, J. Trnka, M. Lehky, L. Smelcer, H. Kucakova, R. Ehrenberger, R. Dreveny, F. Lomoz, P. Marek, R. Kocian, P. Svoboda, V. Pribik, L. Urbancok, S. Poddany, P. A. Dubovsky, R. Uhlar, P. Horalek, D. Hanzl, M. Broz, T. Kalisch, O. Macek, M. Exnerova, M. Vitek2009-06-29
 Paper presents observations of eclipsing binaries acquired by the Variable Star and Exoplanet Section of Czech Astronomical Society members (B.R.N.O. observing project). Paper contains 557 minima timings for 265 eclipsing binaries, obtained by 21 observers during 2008 – 2009 period.

Simbad object(s): BS Cas, USNO-B1.0 1510-0027592, AL Cas, LR Cam, HW Cam, AV Cam, ZZ Boo, XY Boo, TZ Boo, SY Boo, GU Boo, GP Boo, GK Boo, GH Boo, GG Boo, FY Boo, EW Boo, EQ Boo, CK Boo, AC Boo, ...

0106Period analysis of the eclipsing binary DM Del
152 kB
appendix: Data file with observations 6 kB
Petr Zasche, Robert Uhlar, Petr Svoboda2009-06-08
 The eclipsing binary system DM Del reveals changes of its orbital period. These variations could be described as a result of orbiting the eclipsing pair around a common center of mass with an unseen companion with the period about 33 years. Seven new minima observations were carried out by the authors.

Simbad object(s): DM Del,

0105Chromospherically active stars in the ROTSE-1 database: Paper 4. Another 25 new variables
1906 kB
Joerg Schirmer, Klaus Bernhard, Christopher Lloyd2009-05-06
 Abstract: Another 25 new chromospherically active stars are presented, which were found in the ROTSE-1 database: GSC 00140-01925, GSC 00563-00384, GSC 05165-00365, GSC 01956-00231, GSC 00723-00863, GSC 00324-00779, GSC 04688-02015, GSC 01683-00144, GSC 02424-00544, GSC 02741-01676, GSC 05003-00138, GSC 00990-02029, GSC 00024-00224, GSC 02236-00568, GSC 02460-00622, GSC 03125-01976, GSC 00583-00566, GSC 05183-00044, GSC 02933-02042, GSC 01572-00794, GSC 01571-01349, GSC 00110-01049, GSC 02221-00759, GSC 04767-00071, GSC 04734-00020

Simbad object(s): GSC 00140-01925, GSC 00563-00384, GSC 05165-00365, GSC 01956-00231, GSC 00723-00863, GSC 00324-00779, GSC 04688-02015, GSC 01683-00144, GSC 02424-00544, GSC 02741-01676, GSC 05003-00138, GSC 00990-02029, GSC 00024-00224, GSC 02236-00568, GSC 02460-00622, GSC 03125-01976, GSC 00583-00566, GSC 05183-00044, GSC 02933-02042, GSC 01572-00794, ...

010466 New Variable Stars from SAVS Sky Survey
691 kB
appendix: Light curves of regular variables 54 kB
appendix: Light curves of semi-regular variables 47 kB
appendix: Light curves of irregular variables 37 kB
M. Lewandowski, M. Gorecka, G. Maciejewski, A. Niedzielski2009-04-07
 Light curves of 66 new variable stars discovered by the Semi-Automatic Variability Search are presented. We report on discovery of 23 eclipsing binaries, 5 regular pulsating stars, 14 semi-regular variables, and 24 irregular ones among the others.

Simbad object(s): GSC 04421 00400, GSC 03011 01150, TYC 3305 01469, GSC 03303 01583, GSC 02822 01558, GSC 02825 00603, GSC 04421 00050, GSC 04424 01787, TYC 4215 01480, GSC 04439 01124, GSC 04448 01301, GSC 04453 01543, GSC 04453 00432, GSC 04449 01278, GSC 03226 01616, GSC 03621 00711, GSC 03996 00791, TYC 3992 02365, GSC 03996 01098, TYC 3993 01515, ...

0103Ccd Photometry of Nova V2362 Cyg
402 kB
appendix: Photometry of V2362 Cyg 28 kB
Ladislav Šmelcer2009-04-07
 Results of CCD photometry of V 2362 Cyg nova are published in this work. They were achieved at the Observatory in Valašské Meziříčí on 24th November – 14th December 2006, which was in the period of its second brightness maximum. During 4 hours lasting photometry on 8th December 2006 nova brighten about 0.1 mag for a short time. According to L. Hric (2008) it could be a flickering activity. Theoretical model correspond with turbulent streams of mass in acretion disk around compact element. Similar phenomen could be seen at recurrent novae (RS Oph)

Simbad object(s): V2362 Cyg,

0102Five New Variable Stars in the Field of the Old Nova RS Car
292 kB
appendix: Data files for new discoveries 61 kB
appendix: Simbad objects - matches OGLE to 2MASS using Vizier facility 0 kB
M. P. Nicholson2009-04-07
 Five new eclipsing binary stars (2MASS J11080308-6145589, 2MASS J11080447-6143290, 2MASS J11080559-6147079, 2MASS J11083782-6146288 and 2MASS J11085087-6143349) have been identified in the field of the 1895 nova RS Car. The phase plots indicate that all five stars are eclipsing binary stars of the EA subtype.

Simbad object(s): 2MASS J11080308-6145589, 2MASS J11080447-6143290, 2MASS J11080559-6147079, 2MASS J11083782-6146288, 2MASS J11085087-6143349,

0101Recovery of W Dor & SS Pav
1023 kB
Mati Morel2009-04-01
 Innes (1921) reported a list of 11 stars as being variable. A careful examination of the material presented by Innes in his paper, in its entirety, allows me to draw some conclusions about the quality of certain plates used. Two variables, W Dor and SS Pav, which have been hitherto unidentifiable, can now be identified.

Simbad object(s): W Dor, SS Pav,

0100The 2008 Primary Eclipse of OW Gem
80 kB
appendix: BV observations of OW Gem 1 kB
Shawn Dvorak2009-04-01
 Observations of the 2008 eclipse of the rare supergiant eclipsing binary OW Gem yield new high-quality times of minima. Combining this new data with all previously published ToMs yields an improved period of 1258.581(9) days.

Simbad object(s): OW Gem,

0099Three New Eclipsing Binary Stars in Field of OP Lac
1103 kB
appendix: HKV5Lac_20070922-20081023_R_LEH - data 210 kB
appendix: HKV6Lac_20070922-20081023_R_LEH - data 233 kB
appendix: HKV7Lac_20070922-20081023_R_LEH - data 218 kB
Martin Lehký2009-03-27
 The new EW eclipsing binary HKV5 Lac = CzeV137 = USNO-B1.0 1454-0411281 (R.A. = 22h 34m 29.31s, Decl. = +55o 29' 03.6", J2000.0, R = 16.23 - 16.66 mag, Min. I = HJD 2454387.35273 + 0.387245 x E) and the new EA type eclipsing binary HKV6 Lac = CzeV138 = USNO-B1.0 1455-0409516 (R.A. = 22h 34m 16.26s, Decl. = +55o 34' 24.1", J2000.0, R = 14.10 - 14.23 mag, Min. I = HJD 2454387.58563 + 1.105815 x E) and the new EA type eclipsing binary HKV7 Lac = CzeV139 = USNO-B1.0 1455-0409575 (R.A. = 22h 34m 21.44s, Decl. = +55o 30' 13.8", J2000.0, R = 13.52 - 13.78 mag, Min. I = HJD 2454373.28108 + 1.324325 x E) have been found near the variable star OP Lac by 0.40-m f/5 reflector at Hradec Králové observatory.

Simbad object(s): USNO-B1.0 1454-0411281, USNO-B1.0 1455-0409516, USNO-B1.0 1455-0409575,

0098Chromospherically active stars in the ASAS-3 database: Paper 1. 25 new variables
1744 kB
Klaus Bernhard, Clemens Bernhard, Michael Bernhard2009-02-11
 25 new chromospherically active stars are presented, which were found in the ASAS-3 database: GSC 09500-00821, GSC 09390-00322, GSC 09473-00014, GSC 09486-00927, GSC 09356-01284, GSC 09384-01942, GSC 09411-01577, GSC 09442-01129, GSC 09444-02266, GSC 09288-00744, GSC 09235-01702, GSC 09214-00531, GSC 09338-02016, GSC 09275-02349, GSC 08906-00808, GSC 09034-00643, GSC 08923-01147, GSC 08950-00019, GSC 08933-01802, GSC 09014-00118, GSC 09031-04159, GSC 08983-00564, GSC 09010-04839, GSC 08870-00372, GSC 05275-00646

Simbad object(s): GSC 09384-01942, GSC 09356-01284, GSC 09486-00927, GSC 09034-00643, GSC 08906-00808, GSC 09275-02349, GSC 09338-02016, GSC 09214-00531, GSC 09235-01702, GSC 09473-00014, GSC 09390-00322, GSC 09500-00821, GSC 09288-00744, GSC 09444-02266, GSC 09442-01129, GSC 09411-01577, GSC 08923-01147, GSC 08950-00019, GSC 08933-01802, GSC 09014-00118, ...

0097BAV-Results of observations
57 kB
Joachim Hübscher, Hans-Mereyntje Steinbach, Frank Vohla, Frank Walter2009-01-01
 This 62nd compilation contains the results of visual observations of BAV-members from the years 2007 and 2008. Here we publish altogether 337 minima and maxima of 201 eclipsing binaries, pulsating and eruptive stars. The data were acquired by 14 observers. The compilation contains also one photographic- and two ccd-results.

Simbad object(s): SV Vul, V Vul, R Vul, SU Vir, RS Vir, R Vir, V UMi, U UMi, V And, S UMi, RZ UMa, RY UMa, RS UMa, Z UMa, X UMa, T UMa, S UMa, R UMa, R Tri, TU Tau, ...

0096Observations of the cataclysmic variable SDSS J081321.91+452809.4
314 kB
appendix: Photometric data 21 kB
Jeremy Shears, Ian Miller and Steve Brady2008-12-10
 Our observations of the first reported outburst of SDSS J081321.91+452809.4 during 2008 April show that this cataclysmic variable is a dwarf nova. The outburst amplitude was at least 3.1 magnitudes and the outburst appears to have been rather short-lived at around 3 days with a rapid decline to quiescence of 0.73 mag/day.

Simbad object(s): SDSS J081321.91+452809.4,

0095Proceedings of the 39th Conference on Variable Stars Research
10833 kB
L. Brát, M. Spurny, M. Krizek, R. Hudec, J. Zicha, M. Nekola, T. Dorokhova, P. A. Dubovsky, I. Kudzej, N. Dorokhov, A. Ryabov, P. Švaříček, M. Chrastina, F. Hroch, V. Šimon, L. Hudec, F. Munz, S. Parimucha, Ľ. Hambálek, A. Skopal, R. Slošiar, P. Zasche, S. Poddaný2008-11-22
 Alternative Solution for an Low-Cost Optical All-Sky Monitor, The beginning of asteroseismological observations at Kolonica Saddle, The Binary Stars With Pulsating Component, CCD Photometry: Measurement uncertainity, ESA Gaia and Variable Objects, Identification and Analyses in Optical Light of Gamma-ray Sources with Astronomical Archival Plates, Superhumps in Kolonica, New Variables In Archival CCD Fields, Objects of High Energy Astrophysics as Optically Variable Objects, On the light curves of symbiotic stars, On the Possibility of the Amateur Detection of GRBs by Ionospheric Response, Optical Photometry of Be/X-ray Binary V 615 Cas = LS I +61°303, Recommended tips for variable stars observers, Transiting Explanet Light Curve Solution by Phoebe Code

Simbad object(s): HD 177863, V2314 Oph, VW Ari, TrES-1 b, WASP-2 b, V2083 Cyg, V2388 Oph, V 819 Her, DN UMa, V1031 Ori, V 592 Per, V 773 Cas, V 348 And, V 615 Cas, GRB 060124A, CI Cyg, AX Per, V1329 Cyg, BF Cyg, AG Dra, ...

0094B.R.N.O. Times of minima
486 kB
appendix: 626 minima timings 57 kB
L. Brát, L. Šmelcer, H. Kučáková, R. Ehrenberger, R. Kocián, F. Lomoz, L. Urbančok, P. Svoboda, J. Trnka, P. Marek, R. Dřevěný, R. Uhlář, S. Poddaný, P. Zasche, M. Skarka2008-11-13
 Paper presents observations of eclipsing binaries acquired by the Variable Star Section of Czech Astronomical Society members (B.R.N.O. group). Paper contains 626 minima timings for 272 eclipsing binaries, obtained by 36 observers during 2007 – 2008 period.

Simbad object(s): AB And, GK And, LY And, QW And, QX And, RT And, V 404 And, V 441 And, V 449 And, XZ And, GSC 1077-0828, OO Aql, V 724 Aql, V 889 Aql, V1426 Aql, CL Aur, EM Aur, HL Aur, HP Aur, IM Aur, ...

0093New Elements For RR Lyrae and CW stars
1880 kB
Sebastián A. Otero2008-10-22
 This research presents elements for 95 RR Lyrae and CW variables listed in the GCVS and NSV catalogues that had wrong or unpublished periods. The data used for the analysis come from the publicly available ASAS-3 and NSVS databases. New identifications are given for the RRAB stars EU Tel, ST Tel and NSV 11178.

Simbad object(s): HV 11916, UW Phe, ET Cep, AT Hyi, NSV 1434, NSV 1603, SON 4029, AN 399.1934, NSV 3908, LT Car, SY Pyx, NSV 4650, NSV 4680, NSV 4683, OR Car, NSV 5019, EV Hya, HV 8415, AZ Cha, NSV 6625, ...

0092Chromospherically active stars in the ROTSE-1 database:Paper 3. Another 25 new variables.
1727 kB
Klaus Bernhard, Christopher Lloyd2008-10-22
 Abstract: Another 25 new chromospherically active stars are presented, which were found in the ROTSE-1 database: GSC 05090-00118, GSC 01433-01056, GSC 01442-01289, GSC 03239-00610, GSC 00604-00254, GSC 02121-00729, GSC 02991-00890, GSC 02747-01337, GSC 01094-00792, GSC 02769-00149, GSC 03139-01710, GSC 01104-00245, GSC 04723-00878, GSC 02482-00745, GSC 00132-01109, GSC 01191-01566, GSC 02107-00188, GSC 02744-01935, GSC 00359-00677, GSC 02479-00944, GSC 00114-00296, GSC 05050-00802, GSC 05215-00136, GSC 01331-01211, GSC 02788-00248

Simbad object(s): GSC 05090-00118, GSC 01433-01056, GSC 01442-01289, GSC 03239-00610, GSC 00604-00254, GSC 02121-00729, GSC 02991-00890, GSC 02747-01337, GSC 01094-00792, GSC 02769-00149, GSC 03139-01710, GSC 01104-00245, GSC 04723-00878, GSC 02482-00745, GSC 00132-01109, GSC 01191-01566, GSC 02107-00188, GSC 02744-01935, GSC 00359-00677, GSC 02479-00944, ...

0091New and Confirmed Eclipsing Binaries In the ASAS-3 and NSVS Databases
2891 kB
Sebastián A. Otero2008-08-18
 This research presents a list of elements for 120 eclipsing binaries using data from the ASAS-3, NSVS and Hipparcos databases. Some of the systems studied are new and others are confirmed or had wrong elements in the literature.

Simbad object(s): HD 185990, TYC 479-253-1, GSC 6889-0302, GSC 6880-1632, CD-37 12814, ZZ CrA, GSC 4442-1114, GSC 4222-0613, GSC 4429-0655, GSC 4428-1044, V451 Sco, SON 8681, NSV 9626, HD 160632, NSV 9555, AI Pav, GSC 4421-1708, GSC 4577-0707, NSV 8300, LY Nor, ...

0090The 2008 February superoutburst of V452 Cas
83 kB
appendix: Finding chart and sequence for V452 Cas 382 kB
appendix: 2008 Feb superoutburst photometry 0 kB
appendix: vsnet-alert 3707 21 kB
C. Lloyd, R. Pickard, J. Shears, I. Miller, D. Boyd, S. Brady2008-08-01
 Observations of the 2008 February outburst of V452 Cas show that the profile, duration and magnitude at maximum were very similar to the previous superoutburst in 2007 September. Low-amplitude variations consistent with previously observed superhumps were also seen.

Simbad object(s): V452 Cas,

0089Another 25 new chromospherically active stars in the ROTSE-1 database – numbers 26 - 50
1499 kB
Klaus Bernhard, Christopher Lloyd2008-05-14
 Abstract: Another 25 new chromospherically active stars are presented, which were found in the ROTSE-1 database: GSC 03189-00408, GSC 02727-01789, GSC 00562-01405, GSC 01684-01956, GSC 02587-00902, GSC 01108-01066, GSC 01939-00467, GSC 00580-01188, GSC 01746-01812, GSC 02624-02515, GSC 01546-01938, GSC 01101-00607, GSC 02760-00635, GSC 01543-00131, GSC 01676-01765, GSC 01656-01714, GSC 02612-01778, GSC 00346-00400, GSC 05011-00274, GSC 03042-00255, GSC 05253-00748, GSC 00258-00148, GSC 02172-01415, GSC 00341-00005, GSC 03262-01217

Simbad object(s): GSC 03262-01217, GSC 00341-00005, GSC 02172-01415, GSC 00258-00148, GSC 05253-00748, GSC 03042-00255, GSC 05011-00274, GSC 00346-00400, GSC 02612-01778, GSC 01656-01714, GSC 01676-01765, GSC 01543-00131, GSC 02760-00635, GSC 01101-00607, GSC 01546-01938, GSC 02624-02515, GSC 01746-01812, GSC 00580-01188, GSC 01939-00467, GSC 01108-01066, ...

0088108 New Variable Stars in the NSVS Database
424 kB
appendix: Elements 18 kB
appendix: Cross-IDs 5 kB
Maxim Usatov, Artem Nosulchik2008-05-08
 In this paper we present 105 SR+L, 1 Orion T Tau and 2 RS CVn type variable stars found in the Northern Sky Variability Survey (NSVS) database. This work is designated to complement and finalize our previous publication of the Extended Catalog of Red AGB Variable Stars found in the NSVS database as is primarily designated to find SR+L stars. While the previous work employed the AOV ratio cutoff at >1.6 to pick stars showing slow variability pattern, we have manually processed all the remaining objects originally filtered out by the smaller AOV ratio and picked the ones with light curves showing obvious variability pattern. All the stars presented have no identification in General Catalogue of Variable Stars, SIMBAD and VSX databases thus most likely the stars presented are new discoveries.

Simbad object(s): 2MASS J20433466-0736475, 2MASS J17470357-1237151, 2MASS J17372172-0940359, 2MASS J08262938-1927037, 2MASS J05520873-2208100, 2MASS J05432701-0959375, 2MASS J20100180+0238133, 2MASS J20013484+0459252, 2MASS J20083061-0245583, 2MASS J19574292-0145397, 2MASS J19081342-0612469, 2MASS J18301526+0702188, 2MASS J18245505-0057143, 2MASS J18141768-0104597, 2MASS J18113558-0219464, 2MASS J17593613-0125033, 2MASS J17573307-0336121, 2MASS J17530373+0342451, 2MASS J08405392-0509358, 2MASS J05581071-0255185, ...

0087The Extended Catalog of Red AGB Variable Stars found in the NSVS Database
341 kB
appendix: Catalogue - Elements 142 kB
appendix: Catalogue - USNO-A2.0 and SIMBAD Cross-IDs 35 kB
appendix: Light Curves 1676 kB
appendix: Readme file for supplemental analysis data 0 kB
Maxim Usatov, Artem Nosulchik2008-04-24
 In this paper we present the catalog of new Mira-type and SR+L variable stars in the Northern Sky Variability Survey (NSVS) database, found after complementing the original NSVS object tables with a number of additional parameters. By extending the amount of criterias search queries can take advantage of and filtering known objects out, it became convenient to apply better constrained filters to search new variable star candidates. As an example of presented approach, the quest for red variables has resulted in 78 Mira-type and 717 SR+L stars found that have no identification in General Catalogue of Variable Stars, SIMBAD and VSX databases. Most likely the stars presented are new discoveries. The classification of these stars is based on the near-infrared colors from Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) photometry, amplitude and period with the accuracy of the classification given ~90%, estimated basing on the current GCVS classification scheme.

Simbad object(s): 2MASS J20142023+4822329, 2MASS J20313483+3750093, 2MASS J20262196+4338290, 2MASS J19550744+4301272, 2MASS J19441583+4348390, 2MASS J19364302+4415479, 2MASS J20052552+4937020, 2MASS J20022983+4926589, 2MASS J19594369+5143000, 2MASS J19555052+4817060, 2MASS J19520386+5030178, 2MASS J19435937+4822180, 2MASS J19294522+4903522, 2MASS J19330349+4935499, 2MASS J19364459+4256002, 2MASS J19342559+4420580, 2MASS J19285699+4223547, 2MASS J19195776+4209046, 2MASS J19153541+3848152, 2MASS J19165404+4330121, ...

008625 new chromospherically active stars in the ROTSE-1 data base
1568 kB
Klaus Bernhard, Christopher Lloyd2008-03-26
 25 new chromospherically active stars are presented, which were found in the ROTSE-1 data base: GSC 4721-00552, GSC 2518-00781, GSC 2628-01345, GSC 164-01162, GSC 3345-01977, GSC 3525-01869, GSC 2912-01219, GSC 115-00801, GSC 3333-00117, GSC 1979-00569, GSC 1291-00887, GSC 2229-00611, GSC 105-00869, GSC 63-00006, GSC 5253-00472, GSC 2339-01230, GSC 4920-01189, GSC 1164-00392, GSC 1756-00430, GSC 2276-00205, GSC 2280-00897, GSC 234-00306, GSC 4912-01357, GSC 612-00169, GSC 1935-01066 One of these variables (No.4: GSC 164-01162) is a new long-period eclipsing RS CVn variable.

Simbad object(s): GSC 1935-01066, GSC 612-00169, GSC 4912-01357, GSC 234-00306, GSC 2280-00897, GSC 2276-00205, GSC 1756-00430, GSC 1164-00392, GSC 4920-01189, GSC 2339-01230, GSC 5253-00472, GSC 63-00006, GSC 105-00869, GSC 2229-00611, GSC 1291-00887, GSC 1979-00569, GSC 3333-00117, GSC 115-00801, GSC 2912-01219, GSC 3525-01869, ...

0085The 2007 August outburst of AW Sge
101 kB
Lloyd C., Pickard R.D.2008-03-17
 CCD observations of the normal outburst of AW Sge in 2007 August were taken over four days covering the whole outburst. The magnitude at maximum was probably V = 14.5 and the outburst lasted little more than two days, with the star being visible above the typical discovery limit of V = 15 for about 18 hours.

Simbad object(s): AW Sge,

0084The Correlations Between the Parameters of the Sharpness of the Light Curve and Period for Miras
201 kB
Ivan Andronov, Larisa Kudashkina2008-03-14
 We have considered the dependence of the sharpness of the mean light curves of Mira-type stars on the period. The correlation coefficients and regression lines have been calculated. We have derived the variations of the mean light curve depend on variations of the ascending branch versus period only.

Simbad object(s): RT Cyg, R Vir, R Vul, RZ Sco, S Car, SS Cas, SS Her, T Her, V Tau, W Lyr, X Cam, R Ari, RR Boo, X Aur, SY Her, W Pup, BG Cyg, R Aql, R Boo, R Dra, ...

0083New eclipsing binaries found in the NSVS database II
2770 kB
Sebastian A. Otero2008-02-27
 A search for eclipsing binaries in the NSVS database resulted in the discovery of 116 new such systems and the improvement or confirmation of the elements and types of other four.

Simbad object(s): TYC 3669-1165-1, GSC 04610-00904, GSC 04614-00887, GSC 04606-00340, GSC 04491-00535, GSC 04490-00777, GSC 04482-00981, GSC 04482-00673, GSC 04478-00658, GSC 04606-01601, GSC 02755-02136, GSC 04481-00080, GSC 04278-01180, TYC 4481-1535-1, GSC 04601-00559, GSC 04605-01469, GSC 04485-00988, GSC 04613-00149, GSC 04477-00706, TYC 4485-1061-1, ...

0082Reclassification of ROTSE-1 Cepheids: 18 new chromospherically active stars
1343 kB
Bernhard, K., Lloyd, C.2008-02-19
 18 new chromospherically active stars are presented, which were previously identified as Cepheids: GSC 978-01306, GSC 966-00193, GSC 1541-00191, GSC 2058-00642, GSC 2.2 N022132016439, GSC 2598-01430, GSC 2557-01181, GSC 2560-00711, GSC 2541-00338, GSC 2636-00533, GSC 2617-01977, GSC 2579-00167, GSC 3021-00206, GSC 3062-01317, GSC 3130-01158, GSC 3527-00201, GSC 3106-00264, GSC 3115-01770

Simbad object(s): GSC 3115-01770, GSC 3106-00264, GSC 3527-00201, GSC 3130-01158, GSC 3062-01317, GSC 3021-00206, GSC 2579-00167, GSC 2617-01977, GSC 2636-00533, GSC 2541-00338, GSC 2560-00711, GSC 2557-01181, GSC 2598-01430, GSC 2.2 N022132016439, GSC 2058-00642, GSC 1541-00191, GSC 966-00193, GSC 978-01306,

0081New Variable Stars in the NSVS database
227 kB
Maxim Usatov2008-02-08
 A search in the NSVS database resulted in the discovery of new variable stars. The aim of this paper is to present and classify the stars found.

Simbad object(s): USNO-A2.0 1575-04862771, USNO-A2.0 1275-02298343, USNO-A2.0 1425-09199634, USNO-A2.0 1425-06157042, USNO-A2.0 1575-04648021, USNO-A2.0 1575-04362850, USNO-A2.0 0975-05318851, USNO-A2.0 1275-02147552, USNO-A2.0 1425-09697449, USNO-A2.0 1425-04706112, USNO-A2.0 1425-06208857, USNO-A2.0 1500-03443029, USNO-A2.0 1350-01683813, USNO-A2.0 1500-07111604, USNO-A2.0 1425-07032818, USNO-A2.0 1650-00555686, USNO-A2.0 0975-19106140, USNO-A2.0 1125-18619564, USNO-A2.0 1425-05258645, USNO-A2.0 1500-09216800, ...

0080Three new variable stars in the field of the RR Lyrae star GY Peg
506 kB
appendix: Data for HMB11 378 kB
appendix: Data for HMB12 323 kB
appendix: Data for HMB13 261 kB
 Three new variable stars (HMB11 = USNO-B1.0 1249-0502361, HMB12 = USNO-B1.0 1250-0498893 and HMB13 = USNO-B1.0 1251-0501729) have been identified in the field of the RR Lyrae variable star GY Peg. Full light curves for all the three stars are presented. The form of the light curve indicates that two of the stars (HMB11 and HMB12) are EW type variable stars and the third star (HMB13) is an RRab type RR Lyrae variable star. For HMB11 a period P = 0. 31875 +/- 0.00005 [d] with the epoch E0 = HJD 2454333.747 and an amplitude of the light variation of delta m = 0.20 +/- 0.05 mag. has been found. For HMB12 a period P = 0. 27810 +/- 0.00005 [d] with the epoch E0 = HJD 2454340.720 and an amplitude of the light variation of delta m = 0.15 +/- 0.05 mag. has been found. And finally for HMB13 a period P = 0. 6278 +/- 0.0002 [d] with the epoch E0 = HJD 2454340.774 and an amplitude of the light variation of delta m = 0.75 +/- 0.02 mag. has been found.

Simbad object(s): USNO-B1.0 1251-0501729, USNO-B1.0 1250-0498893, USNO-B1.0 1249-0502361,

0079Discovery of a New Variable Star GSC2.3 N2X9042559
108 kB
appendix: The paper in LaTeX format 5 kB
appendix: Close vicinity of the variable 1740 kB
appendix: Light curve of the variable 108 kB
appendix: Photometric data for GSC2.3 N2X9042559 7 kB
Strigachev, Anton, Bachev, Rumen, Semkov, Evgeni2008-01-23
 We report on the discovery of a new variable star GSC2.3 N2X9042559. The shape of the light curve and the derived period lead us to the preliminary conclusion that this star is a close binary of EW type with ephemeris HJD Min(R) = 2454332.478(+/-0.002) + 0.3616(+/-0.0002)*E and R magnitude range 15.3-15.8.

Simbad object(s): GSC 2.3 N2X9042559,

0078New long-period RS CVn variables in the NSVS database
246 kB
appendix: GSC924-356 data 8 kB
Bernhard, K.2008-01-06
 9 new long-period RS CVn variables are presented, which were discovered during a programme of optical identification of ROSAT X-ray sources: GSC 0608-1004, GSC 3335-1727, GSC 4116-0276, GSC 3448-0105, GSC 4388-1284, GSC 3456-2059, GSC 0924-0356, GSC 0969-1638, GSC 3557-0919

Simbad object(s): GSC 3557-0919, GSC 0969-1638, GSC 0924-0356, GSC 3456-2059, GSC 4388-1284, GSC 3448-0105, GSC 4116-0276, GSC 3335-1727, GSC 0608-1004,

0077Photometric Study of the Light Curve of the Early Type Binary V1898 Cyg
718 kB
Acerbi Francesco & Barani Carlo2007-12-26
 The photoelectrical (BV)lightcurve of the eclipsing binary V1898 Cyg obtained by Dallaporta & Munari (2006) are here analyzed. The Wilson-Devinney Differential Correction program was used in the analysis and the results shows that the star is a semi-detached system with the secondary component that accurately fills its Roche lobe. The best fit was obtained at photometric mass ratio q = 0.3018 and inclination i = 70°

Simbad object(s): V1898 Cyg,

0076Measuring the Period of the δ Scuti Variable U1425-01208594 In Cassiopeia
368 kB
appendix: Photometric data for USNO-A2.0 1425-01208594 106 kB
Jeremy Shears, David Boyd, Steve Brady, Ian Miller, Roger Pickard2007-11-29
 The variability of U1425-01208594 was recently discovered by Schmidtobreick et al (2003), who suggested that it is a member of the δ,, Scuti family of pulsating stars. Photometry conducted by the authors revealed a period of 0.06695(8) d and a peak-to-peak amplitude of 0.014 mag.

Simbad object(s): USNO-A2.0 1425-01208594,

0075Proceedings of the 38th Conference on Variable Stars Research
2097 kB
L. Brát, R. Hudec, V. Šimon, I. Kudzej, P. A. Dubovský, T. Dorokhova, N. Dorokhov, N. Koshkin, Š. Parimucha, A. Ryabov, M. Vadila, F. Munz, J. Štrobl, C. Bartolini, A. Guarnieri, A. Piccioni, D. Hanžl, P. Sobotka, P. Škoda2007-11-03
 Astronomical Plate Archives and Amateur Variable Stars Researchers, The ESA Gaia Mission and Variable Stars, First Results of CCD and Photoelectric Photometry on Astronomical Observatory at Kolonica Saddle, How Can Amateur Astronomers and Small Observatories Contribute to Recent Astrophysics, Investigation of Cataclysmic variables and related objects with the INTEGRAL satellite, Photometry of the X-ray transient CI Cam – opportunity for CCD observers, Reliability of the INTEGRAL OMC optical data, The Virtual Observatory and its Benefits for Amateur Astronomers, Visual and CCD observing of cataclysmic variables and related objects

Simbad object(s): V Sge, KV UMa, CH UMa, DO Dra, QR And, GS Gem, V1011 Cyg, CI Cam, RS Oph, IX Vel, GK Per, V2400 Oph, V1432 Aql, V1223 Sgr, Mark 501, Mark 421, OJ 287, ON 231, OQ 530, PKS0420-014, ...

0074B.R.N.O. Contributions #34
424 kB
appendix: 2327 times of minima for 656 EBs 178 kB
Brát L., Zejda M., Svoboda P.2007-10-25
 Paper presents observations of eclipsing binaries acquired by the Variable Star Section of Czech Astronomical Society members (B.R.N.O. group). Paper contains 2327 minima timings for 656 eclipsing binaries, obtained by 127 observers during 2000 – 2007 period.

Simbad object(s): USNO-A2.0 1050-17578119, HD 350731, HD 171055, GSC 0244-0434, BD+56 704, TYC 2750-854-1, GSC 1129-1457, HD 252984, GSC 3983-1532, USNO-A2.0 1350-1727153, GSC 3983-0544, GSC 0196-0894, GSC 0196-0699, GSC 4420-1984, GSC 4232-2830, HD 226957, GSC 3612-1565, GSC 3576-0170, GSC 3021-0057, GSC 2533-0370, ...

0073A list of minima and maxima timings
141 kB
appendix: Measurements of RZ Crv 25 kB
Anton Paschke2007-10-25
 The list contains minima of eclipsing and maxima of pulsatings stars, it continues the list published in OEJV 0048.

Simbad object(s): GSC 02850-01075, NSV 00001, MN TrA, TY Tau, CX Ser, V487 Sco, V675 Sgr, V440 Sgr, YY Sgr, GSC2.2 N033031028158, GSC2.2 N033031026576, BX Peg, ZZ Peg, EG Ori, NSV 07748, V2298 Oph, V710 Oph, V709 Oph, V509 Oph, V487 Oph, ...

0072New Elements for 54 Eclipsing Binaries
3617 kB
Sebastián A. Otero2007-10-14
 This research presents new elements for 54 eclipsing binaries found using data from the ASAS-3, Hipparcos and NSVS databases. Some of the systems studied are new and others are confirmed or had wrong elements in the literature. The discovery of apsidal motion in TZ Pyx is presented and an identification problem with CPD-41 7746 in NGC 6231 is addressed. Conspicuous BE-variability superposed to eclipsing variations is discovered in HD 61407.

Simbad object(s): HD 326334, HD 326319, HD 152291, V3903 Sgr, AF Gru, V1905 Cyg, V1901 Cyg, HD 199587, BP Del, HD 188942, V2094 Cyg, BN Dra, NSV 11763, HD 174344, NSV 10625, CCDM J18061-2412AB, V1090 Sco, CPD-41 7746, V712 Her, HD 143156, ...

0071CCD Photometry of the Short-period Eclipsing RS CVn Variable GSC 2038.0293
76 kB
Frank, P. , Bernhard, K. 2007-10-10
 GSC 2038.0293 is an eclipsing RS CVn variable, which has been discovered in the ROTSE1 database. BVR and unfiltered observations showed a further decline of starspot activity in 2007, which is in good agreement with a suggested cyclic variation of 6-8 years. Despite the low mean starspot activity we noticed considerable changes of starspot activity on timescales of a few weeks.

Simbad object(s): GSC 2038-0293,

0070Minima of long period eclipsing stars
67 kB
appendix: Data for UU Cas 11 kB
appendix: Data for EK Cas 11 kB
appendix: Data for RS Cep 17 kB
appendix: Data for EX Cep 13 kB
appendix: Data for KL Cep 18 kB
Boër M, Klotz A, Paschke A2007-10-10
 This is the first of a planned seria of minima lists. It contains only five stars, UU Cas, EK Cas, RS Cep, EX Cep, KL Cep.

Simbad object(s): KL Cep, EX Cep, RS Cep, EK Cas, UU Cas,

0069The outburst history of AW Sge
166 kB
Christopher Lloyd2007-10-09
 A review of the outbursts of AW Sge suggest that the outburst interval is 286+/-28 days, which is much shorter than previously thought. The normal outbursts last less than 3 days and usually reach magnitude 14.5. The superoutbursts are about half a magnitude brighter and last about 8 days. A previously unrecognised superoutburst has been identi ed from 1961.

Simbad object(s): AW Sge,

0068Two bright eclipsing binaries solved with the help of visual observations
167 kB
Sebastián A. Otero, Pavol A. Dubovský, Federico Claus2007-09-26
 Visual observations of V975 Cen and NSV 15737 were combined with photometric data from the Hipparcos and ASAS databases to determine the elements for these eclipsing binaries. V975 Cen is an Am+F binary in an extremely eccentric orbit with elements HJD 2454217.582 (±0.080) + 135.9255 (±0.0015) x E. NSV 15737 is an EA-system made up of very different components with elements HJD 2454329.479 (±0.001) + 8.161235 (±0.000001) x E.

Simbad object(s): NSV 15737, V975 Cen,

0067Two new variable stars in the field of the Transiting Extrasolar planet TRES-1 (GSC 2652-1324)
1432 kB
appendix: Data for HMB09 150 kB
appendix: Data for HMB10 158 kB
appendix: Data for Pej025 158 kB
F.-J. HAMBSCH 2007-09-12
 Two new variable stars (HMB09 = USNO-B1.0 1265-0306001 and HMB10 = USNO-B1.0 1267-0324775) have been identified in the field of the host star of the transiting Extrasolar planet TRES-1 (GSC2652-1324). The third star showing variability is already known under the abbreviation Pej025 = IBVS 5700-40 as found in the VSX database of the AAVSO. Full light curves for all the three stars are presented. The form of the light curve indicates that all the three stars are EW type variable stars. For HMB09 a period P = 0.579289 +/- 0.000056 [d] with the epoch E0 = HJD 2454249.977 and an amplitude of the light variation of dm = 0.400 +/- 0.005 mag. has been found. For HMB10 a period P = 0.337262 +/- 0.000037 [d] with the epoch E0 = HJD 2454249.940 and an amplitude of the light variation of dm = 0.25 +/- 0.05 mag. has been found. And finally for Pej025 a period P = 0.300374 +/- 0.000021 [d] with the epoch E0 = HJD 2454249.495 and an amplitude of the light variation of dm = 0.30 +/- 0.02 mag. has been found. For the latter the period has been significantly improved compared to the one given in VSX.

Simbad object(s): GSC2 N030320055368, USNO-B1.0 1267-0324775, USNO-B1.0 1265-0306001,

0066Lost RR Lyrae stars in Apus
55 kB
appendix: Observation of SW Aps 18 kB
appendix: Observation of TT Aps 18 kB
appendix: Close vicinity of UV Aps 20 kB
appendix: Observation of UV Aps 9 kB
appendix: Observation of VW Aps 11 kB
Anton Paschke2007-09-04
 The stars discussed here are all located in the constallation Apus and have not been observed since their discovery. They all are too faint to be recorded by the All Sky Automated Survey. Observations made in June 2007 with the 50 cm telescope and ST-7 camera on the Hakos IAS observatory in Namibia are reported.

Simbad object(s): SW Aps, TT Aps, UV Aps, UX Aps, VW Aps,

0065CCD photometry of CF Tuc and a note on the orbital period
135 kB
J.L. Innis, D.W. Coates, T.G. Kaye2007-07-23
 CF Tuc is a far–southern example of an RS CVn–type eclipsing binary. The orbital period of just under 2.8 d is known to be variable, although the reasons for this variation are not clear. A small number of CCD observations of CF Tuc were obtained at the Brightwater Observatory in 2006 September–November. While phase cover was incomplete, a primary minimum was well observed. This time of minimum indicates that the period has been constant since 1995, and hence that the period change predicted to occur sometime after 1999 has not taken place. We derive an updated ephemeris of HJD 2453994.140 (± 0.005) + 2.797481 (± 0.000008) × E, where E is the cycle number.

Simbad object(s): CF Tuc,

0064Three new variable stars in the field of the RR Lyrae star AK Gem
1472 kB
F.-J. HAMBSCH 2007-05-23
 Three new variable stars (HMB06 = USNO-B1.0 1035-0121819, HMB07 = USNO-B1.0 1036-0121306 and HMB08 = USNO-B1.0 1035-0121640) have been identified in the field of the RR Lyrae type variable AK Gem. Full light curves for all the three stars are presented. The form of the light curve indicates that all the three stars are EW type variable stars. For HMB06 a period P = 0.32667 +/- 0.00012 [d] with the epoch E0 = HJD 2454155.699 and an amplitude of the light variation of dm = 0.6 +/- 0.1 mag. has been found. For HMB07 a period P = 0.53284 +/- 0.00017 [d] with the epoch E0 = HJD 2454155.683 and an amplitude of the light variation of dm = 0.45 +/- 0.05 mag has been found. And finally for HMB08 a period P = 0.43257 +/- 0.00024 [d] with the epoch E0 = HJD 2454155.742 and an amplitude of the light variation of dm = 0.25 +/- 0.1mag. has been found.

Simbad object(s): USNO-B1.0 1035-0121640, USNO-B1.0 1036-0121306, USNO-B1.0 1035-0121819,

0063GI Aqr Is RRab Type Star
397 kB
Petr Sobotka2007-05-16
 Observations by INTEGRAL Optical Monitoring Camera (OMC) showed, that the GI Aqr is not an eclipsing binary of EB type as given by GCVS. Based on CCD V-filtered observations, GI Aqr is pulsating RRab type star. To determine new light elements also ROTSE and ASAS-3 data were used. P=0.6097 ± 0.0003 days, T0(max) = 2451314.7593.

Simbad object(s): GI Aqr,

0062GSC00008-00901 - New Discovered Eclipsing Binary
128 kB
Stefan Parimucha2007-04-15
 Discovery of new eclipsing binary GSC00008-00901 is reported. It is the most probably W UMa type binary with period 0.28948+-11 days. The shapes of the light curves indicate presence of one or more spots on the surface of the components.

Simbad object(s): DV Psc, GSC 00008-00901,

0061Two new variable stars in the field of the RR Lyrae star MW Lyr
953 kB
F.-J. HAMBSCH 2007-03-08
 Two new variable stars (HMB04 = USNO A2 1200 09129739 = USNO B1.0 1219-0327636 and HMB05 = USNO A2 1200 09130700 = USNO B1.0 1218-0322538) have been identified in the field of the RR Lyrae type variable MW Lyr. A full light curve for the star HMB04 = USNO A2 0900 02059141 = USNO B1.0 1219-0327636 is presented, which also indicates that this star is an EW variable star. The other star’s type and light curve are so far undetermined. For HMB04 a period P = 0.23087 +/- 0.00044 [d] with the epoch E0 = JD 2453930.7448 and a variation of Dm = 0.8 +/- 0.1 mag. has been found.

Simbad object(s): USNO-B1.0 1219-0327636, USNO-B1.0 1218-0322538,

0060Visual Minima Timings of Eclipsing Binaries Observed in the Years 1992 - 1996
157 kB
Petr Molik2007-03-06
 The paper contains a list of 283 new times of minima and 77 revised times of minima for 63 eclipsing binaries derived by the author from his visual observations.

Simbad object(s): RT And, TW And, CO And, HV Aqr, V346 Aql, TT Aur, WW Aur, AR Aur, UW Boo, CV Boo, SV Cam, RZ Cas, TV Cas, TW Cas, BZ Cas, MM Cas, U Cep, XX Cep, XZ Cep, ZZ Cep, ...

0059New and confirmed RR Lyrae variables found in the NSVS and ASAS-3 databases
932 kB
Sebastián A. Otero2007-02-23
 A search for variable stars in the NSVS and ASAS-3 databases resulted in the discovery or confirmation of fifteen pulsating variables of the RR Lyrae type.

Simbad object(s): GSC 04619-01292, SV* BV 1353, SV* BV 1349, SV* SVS 2667, GSC 04603-00197, SV* BV 1138, SV* HV 10656, GSC 04649-02160, GSC 04656-00461, NSV 11605, NSV 6747, NSV 4438, NSV 4007, GSC 04539-00694, SV* BV 930,

0058Two New Eclipsing Binary Stars in Field of RV Tri
1381 kB
Martin Lehky, Petr Horalek2007-02-11
 The new eclipsing binary HKV2 Tri = CzeV128 Tri = VSX J021331.9+370236 = USNO-B1.0 1270-0034289 (R.A. = 02h 13m 31.95s, Decl. = +37o 02' 36.5", J2000.0, R = 14.1 - 14.4 mag, Min. I = HJD 2454000.4696 + 0.494176 x E) and the new EW type eclipsing binary HKV4 Tri = CzeV130 Tri = VSX J021301.4+370326 = USNO-B1.0 1270-0034104 (R.A. = 02h 13m 01.49s, Decl. = +37o 03' 26.0", J2000.0, R = 14.4 - 15.0 mag, Min. I = HJD 2453999.4197 + 0.295562 x E) have been found near the variable star RV Tri by 0.40-m f/5 reflector at Hradec Králové observatory.

Simbad object(s): USNO-B1.0 1270-0034104, USNO-B1.0 1270-0034289,

0057Three new EW stars in the field of the RR Lyrae star NSV2724 = GSC0125-0449
335 kB
F.-J. Hambsch2007-01-27
 Three new EW stars (HMB01 = USNO A2 0900 02059141 = USNO B1.0 0950-0071306, HMB02 = USNO A2 0900 02064661 = USNO B1.0 0950-0071548 and HMB03 = USNO A2 0900 02064201 = USNO B1.0 0948-0071066) have been identified in the field of the RR Lyrae type variable NSV2724 (GSC0125-0449) in Orion. Full light curves for two of the stars are presented. The third stars light curve is not yet fully covered. For HMB01 a period P = 0.6032 +/- 0.0015 [d] with the epoch E0 = JD 2454071.7676 and a variation of Dm = 0.7 mag. has been found. For HMB02 a period P = 0.27872 +/- 0.00025 [d] with the epoch E0 = JD 2454071.8727 and a variation of Dm = 0.4 mag. has been found. And finally for HMB03 a period P = 0.33262 +/- 0.00058 [d] with the epoch E0 = JD 2454080.7679 and a variation of approximately Dm = 0.4 mag. has been found.

Simbad object(s): USNO-B1.0 0948-0071066, USNO-B1.0 0950-0071548, USNO-B1.0 0950-0071306,

0056New and confirmed delta Scuti variables found in the NSVS and ASAS-3 databases
575 kB
Sebastián A. Otero2007-01-27
 A search for variable stars in the NSVS and ASAS-3 databases resulted in the discovery or confirmation of five pulsating variables of the DSCT type.

Simbad object(s): GSC 03986-01266, HD 154605, GSC 04638-00455, HD 42304, TYC 3733-1115-1,

0055New Eclipsing Binary Star in Field of OQ Cas
690 kB
Martin Lehký, Petr Horálek2007-01-24
 The new EW eclipsing binary star (R.A. = 00h 47m 12.68s, Decl. = +61o 02' 03.4", equinox 2000.0, m = 15.2 - 15.8 mag, P = 0.649435 d) has been found near variable star OQ Cas by 0.40-m f/5 reflector at Hradec Králové observatory.

Simbad object(s): USNO-B1.0 1510-0027592,

0054New and confirmed cepheid variables found in the NSVS and ASAS-3 databases
631 kB
Sebastián A. Otero2006-12-13
 A search for variable stars in the NSVS and ASAS-3 databases resulted in the discovery or confirmation of seven pulsating variables of the CW or DCEP types.

Simbad object(s): GSC 04613-01113, GSC 01050-00361, NSV 9046, GSC 04547-01890, NSV 3571, GSC 02388-00772, GSC 04621-00688,

0053SAO 64632: A new variable star in the field of U CrB
81 kB
Violat-Bordonau, F., Violat-Martin, D.2006-11-16
 A light curve of the dwarf K star SAO 64632 (BD +32 2572), in the same field as U CrB, is presented in this paper. Data was obtained using the 7.5-cm telescope at the Caceres Astronomical Observatory (Caceres, Spain) equipped with a Starlight Xpress MX516 CCD. The present light curve (in V band) and those obtained by HIPPARCOS (in BT and VT band) are all analyzed: the results show that SAO 64632 is a variable star of low amplitude (almost 0.18 magnitude) with a period near to 9.24 days.

Simbad object(s): PPM 78506, LTT 14557, BD +32 2572, HIP 75011, SAO 64632,

0052CCD photometry of dwarf nova RXSJ053234 during superoutburst in July 2006
681 kB
Parimucha S., Dubovsky P.2006-10-14
 In this paper we report CCD observations of the dwarf nova RXSJ053234 during long lasted outburst in July 2006. We found variations of light curve after maximum and we detected superhumps with periodicity 0.05707 +/- 0.0012 days and amplitude about 0.3 mag.

Simbad object(s): 1RXS J053234.9+624755,

005130 maximum times of cepheids
175 kB
Ralf Meyer2006-10-11
 I report new visual maximum times of classical cepheids and one W-Virginis (CWA-) variable, based on observations of the years 2004 until 2006.

Simbad object(s): SZ Aql, FM Aql, PZ Aql, V493 Aql, RT Aur, YZ Aur,

0050CCD photometry of dwarf nova CI UMa during outburst in July 2006
446 kB
Parimucha S., Dubovsky P.2006-10-11
 We present CCD photometry of the dwarf nova CI UMa obtained at Kolonica Observatory during its outburst in July 2006. We detected superhumps with period 0.06226 +/- 0.00012 days and amplitude about 0.3 mag in white light.

Simbad object(s): CI UMa,

0049T Monocerotis: collected maximum times and a new ephemeris
698 kB
Ralf Meyer2006-09-27
 The period of this classical cepheid is variable. I give 209 reported times of maximum light and a revised ephemeris.

Simbad object(s): T Mon,

0048Extrema timings of some short-period variable stars
103 kB
Anton Paschke2006-08-17
 A list of recently observed minima and maxima.

Simbad object(s): GSC 2850-1075, ZZ Sgr, V2298 Oph, V709 Oph, V528 Oph, V448 Oph, V441 Oph, GSC 6686-0470, RT Equ, SX Del, V454 CrA, Y Crv, CL Cir, AQ Cir, VY Cir, RZ Cir, RR Cir, Y Cir, TX Cha, TU Cha, ...

0047Four More Ross Variables Identified
44 kB
James Bedient2006-08-15
 Additional online data has been searched for Ross variables. As a result, four more of Ross’ suspected variables have been identified as red variables, and accurate positions and cross-references determined.

Simbad object(s): NSV 13558, NSV 13469, NSV 12676, NSV 11649,

0046T Vulpeculae: Maximum Times Covering 120 Years Show a Slight, Continuous Period Decrease
695 kB
Ralf Meyer2006-08-04
 I give 221 maximum times of the well known classical cepheid T Vulpeculae covering the years 1885 until 2003. A slight, continuous period decrease has been reported and can be demonstrated in the data set.

Simbad object(s): T Vul,

0045New and Confirmed Variables in the Field of Eta Carinae. Discovery of New Massive O-type Eclipsing Binaries
448 kB
Sebastián A. Otero2006-08-01
 A search for massive eclipsing binaries in the eta Carinae area resulted in the discovery or confirmation of eighteen variable stars. Six of them are in fact eclipsing binaries and three are O-type systems.

Simbad object(s): GSC 8626 1905, HD 303389, HD 93281, CD-59 3299, C* 1742, GSC 8626 1999, HD 93056, HD 92937, HD 92876, HD 92853, HD 305440, FU Car, HD 303408, HD 303302, Cl* Trumpler 16 MJ 596, CPD-59 2635, HD 93130, HD 303312,

0044DK And: Reclassification as EW Binary from CCD Observations
1114 kB
Hambsch F.-J., Husar D.2006-07-28
 This paper describes the reclassification of DK And, formerly classified as a RRc type star, as EW binary. 1599 CCD unfiltered and filtered (V and R band) observations between 1999 and 2005 show, that the star is actually an eclipsing binary star with a period of P = 0.4892224 +/- 0.0000002 [d] with epoch E0 = 2451435.4353 +/- 0.0010 (if all historic data were taken into account). From our new observations 12 timings of minimum light are given.

Simbad object(s): DK And,

0043Four Ross Variables Identified
41 kB
James Bedient2006-07-24
 Four suspected variables, NSV 9124, NSV 9200, NSV 9248, and NSV 9457, detected on photographic plates by F.E. Ross at Yerkes Observatory, are identified as red variable stars.

Simbad object(s): SV* R 041, SV* R 030, SV* R 026, SV* R 024, NSV 9457, NSV 9248, NSV 9200, NSV 9124,

0042CV Monocerotis – a Collection of Maximum Times and a Revised Ephemeris
381 kB
Ralf Meyer2006-07-15
 I review reported observations and times of maximum of the Classical Galactic Cepheid Variable CV Monocerotis. The ephemeris of the GCVS does not represent the data adequately and I give improved elements. There is no evidence of a substantial period change since the discovery of the variability.

Simbad object(s): CV Mon,

0041UX Tri: Period Change Discovered and Unchanged Strong Blazhko Effect Confirmed
416 kB
Herbert Achterberg, Dieter Husar2006-07-13
 New CCD observations of the RRab star UX Tri after JD = 2452234 show a change of the main pulsation period. The period is now P = 0.4669046 ± 0.0000006 [d]. The change is ΔP = - 1.72 x 10-5 [d] if compared with the value we previously published [1]. A strong Blazhko effect with unchanged Blazhko period PB = 43.7 ± 0.1 [d] is confirmed by this paper. Light curve particularities around Blazhko phase &#934B = 0.0 are discussed in detail. In one observation (JD 2453617) related to Blazhko phase &#934B = 0.12 an exceptionally pronounced "bump" of Δm > -0.1 magnitudes was observed at pulsation phase φ = 0.71.

Simbad object(s): UX Tri,

0040V819 Cen = HD 115599
127 kB
Anton Paschke, Ennio Poretti2006-06-22
 The period of V819 Cen was found in Asas data.

Simbad object(s): V819 Cen, HD 115599,

0039A Backyard CCD Photometric Study of the Neglected W UMa Binary EQ Tauri
727 kB
Kevin B. Alton2006-06-22
 Analysis of CCD data collected in V- and R-band between Dec 2005 and March 2006 has been used to calculate an updated ephemeris and orbital period for EQ Tau. A Roche-type model invoking a hot spot in the neck region of the primary component produced a theoretical fit of light curve data in V that largely accounts for the peak asymmetry observed approaching Max I.

Simbad object(s): CSV 347, SV* HV 6189, GSC 01260-00909, EQ Tau,

0038Four Previously Unreported Red Variables in ASAS
216 kB
Martin Nicholson, Eric Whiting2006-06-17
 Four new variables with high southern declination. Based on the rationale outlined by Greaves (2005) the 2MASS survey was data-mined for entries that matched the following criteria: dec < 0.000 and j_m - k_m >1.2 and vr_m_opt - j_m >6 and j_m <6.00. A total of 4,128 stars matched these four criteria. The publically available ASAS light curves for four previously unreported variables are presented.

Simbad object(s): IRAS 12006-6558, IRAS 12229-6706, IRAS 12290-5553, GSC 09416-00679,

0037GSC 847 1021 - a new brightish cataclysmic variable in Leo
52 kB
John Greaves2006-06-09
 GSC 00847 01021 is revealed to be a cataclysmic variable of the UGSS subclass by Northern Sky Variability Survey data

Simbad object(s): GSC 00847 01021,

0036Confirmation of 109 objects in the NSV Catalogue as red long period variables
546 kB
John Greaves2006-06-03
 Colours are derived from online surveys for suspected variables in the NSV having good positions and a red subset of the resultant data is assessed against the NSVS online time series database

Simbad object(s): NSV 98, NSV 135, NSV 288, NSV 499, NSV 709, NSV 854, NSV 877, NSV 880, NSV 930, NSV 953, NSV 994, NSV 1210, NSV 1211, NSV 1343, NSV 1371, NSV 1383, NSV 1448, NSV 1473, NSV 1481, NSV 1497, ...

0035Red variables in ASAS, part I, 0h - 2h
709 kB
Martin Nicholson2006-06-03
 Based on the rationale outlined by Greaves (2005) the 2MASS survey was data-mined for entries that matched the following criteria: dec < 0.000 and j_m - k_m >1.2 and vr_m_opt - j_m >6 and j_m <6.00. A total of 4,128 stars matched these four criteria. The publically available ASAS light curves for those matching stars - between 0 and 2 hrs in right ascension - are presented.

Simbad object(s): AG CET, UY CET, BD-10 66, BD-03 40, IRAS 00097-3527, RU OCT, V SCL, SY SCL, XY SCL, W CET, IRAS 23593-5306, T PHE, X HYI, IRAS 00477-4900, SON 5342, U TUC, IRAS 01013-6437, AD SCL, IRAS 01094-7152, XX TUC, ...

0034Ten previously unreported variable stars with a high northern declination
557 kB
Martin Nicholson2006-06-01
 A further search for variable stars has been conducted in the publicly available data of the Northern Sky Variability Survey (NSVS). The statistical properties of the star, the magnitude, magnitude scatter and median error were entered into a multi-factor algorithm to evaluate the most promising stars for further examination and analysis. The default settings for the NSVS user interface were used except, following the suggestion of Wils, Lloyd and Bernhard (2006), the APINCOMPL flag was set and the RADECFLIP flags unset. Only stars not listed in the “Combined General Catalogue of Variable Stars (Samus+ 2004)”, or in the “Suspected Variable stars and Supplement”, or in “Red Variables in the NSVS (Williams+, 2004)” or identified as variable in Simbad or identified in the International Variable Star Index have been included.

Simbad object(s): IRAS 00251+6509, IRAS 00275+6826, IRAS 00512+7213, IRAS 01113+7800, IRAS 01148+6740, IRAS 02095+7013, IRAS 02252+6630, IRC +70042, BIS 138, DO 27996,

0033Confirmation of 177 objects in the NSV Catalogue as red long period variables
635 kB
John Greaves2006-05-31
 Colours are derived from online surveys for suspected variables in the NSV having good positions and a red subset of the resultant data is assessed against the ASAS3 online time series database

Simbad object(s): NSV 166, NSV 244, NSV 326, NSV 329, NSV 350, NSV 443, NSV 502, NSV 605, NSV 620, NSV 1043, NSV 1071, NSV 1120, NSV 1171, NSV 1196, NSV 1214, NSV 1237, NSV 1564, NSV 1660, NSV 1675, NSV 1698, ...

0032Six Variable Stars found in the NSVS Database
280 kB
Martin Nicholson, Eric Whiting2006-05-23
 A search for variable stars has been conducted in the publicly available data of the Northern Sky Variability Survey (NSVS). The statistical properties of the star, the magnitude, magnitude scatter and median error were entered into a multi-factor algorithm to evaluate the most promising stars for further examination and analysis. The default settings for the NSVS user interface were used except, following the suggestion of Wils, Lloyd and Bernhard (2006), the APINCOMPL flag was set and the RADECFLIP flags unset. Only stars not listed in the “Combined General Catalogue of Variable Stars (Samus+ 2004)”, or in the “Suspected Variable stars and Supplement”, or in “Red Variables in the NSVS (Williams+, 2004)” or identified as variable in Simbad have been included.

Simbad object(s): IRAS 00047+6436, IRAS 00060+6156, IRAS 00093+6021, IRAS 00139+6534, IRAS 00158+6310, IRAS 00163+6739,

0031Two New Variable Stars in Draco
159 kB
Martin Nicholson, Paul Watkins2006-05-19
 A second search for variable stars has been conducted in the publicly available data of the Northern Sky Variability Survey (NSVS). The statistical properties of the star, the magnitude, magnitude scatter and median error were entered into a multi-factor algorithm to evaluate the most promising stars for further examination and analysis. The default settings for the NSVS user interface were used except, following the suggestion of Wils, Lloyd and Bernhard (2006), the APINCOMPL flag was set and the RADECFLIP flags unset.

Simbad object(s): GSC 04182-00325, IRAS 15181+6241,

0030Three New Variable Stars in Cygnus
283 kB
Martin Nicholson, Carl Scottish2006-05-18
 A search for variable stars has been conducted in the publicly available data of the Northern Sky Variability Survey (NSVS). The statistical properties of the star, the magnitude, magnitude scatter and median error were entered into a multi-factor algorithm to evaluate the most promising stars for further examination and analysis. The default settings for the NSVS user interface were used except, following the suggestion of Wils, Lloyd and Bernhard (2006), the APINCOMPL flag was set and the RADECFLIP flags unset.

Simbad object(s): IRAS 20198+3553, GSC 02684-00094, GSC 02684-00774,

0029Remarks on Three Stars - RR Scl, RS Scl and S Tel
132 kB
Mati Morel2006-04-23
 Early 20th Century observations of RR & RS Scl and S Tel from Cape and Harvard Observatories have been re-examined. Modern data sources yield additional information. It is concluded that RR Scl is constant, RS Scl does not exist, and S Tel is a possible nova or other eruptive variable.

Simbad object(s): RR Scl, RS Scl, S Tel,

0028New Minimum Times of Eclipsing Binaries
147 kB
Ralf Meyer2006-04-03
 I report 16 visual minimum times of eclipsing binaries.

Simbad object(s): LY Aur, S Cnc, GU Cas, KR Cas, LR Cas, XZ Cep, GT Cep, UX Mon, VV Mon, AR Mon, Z Ori, CP Ori, Z Per, RW Tau, RW UMa,

0027A Note on the Orbital Period of TW And
354 kB
Petr Molik2006-03-28
 History of period behaviour and corrected light elements of the eclipsing binary TW And are presented in this note.

Simbad object(s): TW And,

0026BM Persei: Period change and a new ephemeris
314 kB
Ralf Meyer2006-03-26
 BM Persei is a classical cepheid with a long period of 23 days. Recent observations show a period increase. I collect maximum times, show lightcurves and an O-C-diagram and offer a revised ephemeris.

Simbad object(s): BM Per,

0025Five new red variables in the ASAS-3 database
36 kB
Sokolovsky, K.V., Pojmanski, G.2006-02-24
 Five new semiregular variable stars are presented. They were selected from the UCAC2 catalog as very red objects (Greaves J.). ASAS-3 light curves of this stars show clear variability. Despite that, they were not yet included in ASAS-3 Catalog of Variable Stars. Finding charts, light curves, and raw data for this stars are available from the ASAS web page: http://www.astrouw.edu.pl/~gp/asas.

Simbad object(s): IRAS 18213-1039, IRAS 18103-1728, IRC-20380, USNO-B1.0 0840-0399000, IRAS 18336-1311,

0024An improved ephemeris for AB Persei
307 kB
Ralf Meyer2006-02-17
 The ephemeris of the eclipsing binary AB Persei given in the GCVS represents modern data badly. I review reported observations and offer an improved ephemeris.

Simbad object(s): AB Per,

0023Proceedings of the 37th Conference on Variable Stars Research
7177 kB
Brat L., Graf T., Hric L., Chrastina M., Ledvinka S., Mikulasek Z., Molik P., Motl D., Paschke A., Pecharova P., Pejcha O., Petrik K., Skalicky J., Svoboda P., Szasz G., Smelcer L., Svaricek P., Zejda M.2006-02-11
 T UMi Keeps Mysterious * Gravitational Microlensing and Variable Stars * O-C Gateway * Open European Journal on Variable stars * Experiences with Technology for Variable Star CCD Observing * Apsidal Motion of CO Lacertae * ALTAN.Observatory Annual Report 2005 * V839 Oph - 60 Years After Its Discovery * Proposal of Observational Program of CCD Monitoring of 30 Carbon Miras * Codes Normles1 and Normles – Light Curve Examination Tools * BL Cam * The Role of Nicholas Copernicus * Planetarium and Observatory In Astronomical Education * The CzeV Catalogue – Czech Variable Stars * Periodic Changes in O-C Diagrams * Bohemian Regional Network of Observers * Analysis of Van Houtens Estimates of Variable Stars From Photographic Plates * 12 New Variable Stars * Project Prosper * Updated ephemeris, (O-C) diagrams and light fluctuations of the supersoft X-ray source QR And * Photometry of the supersoft X-ray source V Sagittae during its large outburst in 2004

Simbad object(s): T UMi, BH Cru, LX Cyg, R Hya, CO Lac, V839 Oph, V1500 Cyg, BX And, V523 Cas, V 374 Aql, S Aur, UV Aur, AU Aur, AZ Aur, S Cam, R CMi, W Cas, X Cas, HV Cas, S Cep, ...

0022Detection of Gamma Ray Bursts and X-ray transient SGR1806-20 with VLF Radio Telescopes
1083 kB
Rodney Howe2006-02-10
 The VLF computer model proposed in this paper examines whether gamma ray bursts (GRB) or X-ray transient flux from distant supernova can be detected by amateur VLF radios. Arguments presented in this paper compare how GRBs created from supernova events might cause detectable signatures similar to magnetar or other local X-ray transient Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances (SID). High-energy GRB and short X-ray transients of supernova (SN) origin affect the upper ionosphere through Compton free electron interaction and not through magnetic field reconnection as local solar plasma might affect the earth’s magnetosphere. Gamma ray and X-ray ionization of the upper F2 layer, or thermosphere, should be a measure of ionizing radiation as small as 10-6 ergs, yet may not be detectable with amateur VLF radios. High-energy solar plasma interactions causing ionization have larger energy regimes, which impact the lower ionosphere layers. Local atmospherics such as lightening, and sprites also confound detection of SN GRB. Only events of very long duration, such as the nighttime ionosphere disturbance from SRG1900+14, or a recent ‘super flare’ from SGR1806-20 located toward the center of our galaxy 45,000 light years away from earth, and GRB030329 IBVS 5415 have been detected at Very Low Frequencies (Peterson and Price et. al, 2003, Price et. al, 2004).

Simbad object(s): SGR1806-20, GRB030329,

0021The Peculiar Cepheid TW Capricorni
435 kB
Ralf Meyer2006-01-30
 55 maxima since 1917 of the peculiar cepheid TW Cap is reported. The star is undergoing drastic period changes and has variable shape of the lightcurve.

Simbad object(s): TW Cap,

0020A pitfall in reading astronomical daytime arguments
56 kB
Ralf Meyer2006-01-27
 The astronomical count of day fractions always starts at mean noon. This statement is not anymore trivial when trying to assign to historical time reports before 1925 Julian day numbers with the help of modern computer software.

0019Period, Amplitude and Light Curve of V38 in M13
466 kB
Violat Bordonau, F., Arranz Heras, T., Diez Gago, A.2006-01-23
 We have measured the period and amplitude of the new red variable star V38 (L414), of M13 (NGC 6205, C 1639+365), using CCDs and amateur telescopes (35.5-, 30.5- and 20.3-cm) from Spain in the years 2001-2005. The analysis of our CCD frames shows that V38 is a red variable star with a period of approximately 81 days, and low amplitude nearly 0.08 magnitudes: the period agrees with Osborn' s (1977) measures, but the period and amplitude with Kopacki' s et al. (2003) data. Also for 14 radial velocities published we find a pulsating period P = 83 days, consistent with the others three periods founded.

0018Red Variable Stars found in the NSVS Database (2)
194 kB
Martin Nicholson, Hannah Varley2006-01-22
 Data from the 2MASS was used to generate positional information for red stars. The publicly available NSVS data was then examined and 24 previously unreported variable stars were found.

Simbad object(s): IRAS 23497+5050, IRAS 23481+5316, IRAS 22549+4442, IRAS 22286+4731, IRAS 22272+4832, GSC 3198-0175, IRAS 20564+5918, IRAS 20534+4641, GSC 3958-1603, IRAS 19193+3032, IRAS 17278+6416, IRAS 07178+4023, GSC 2421-0613, IRAS 06156+5752, IRAS 05178+4722, GSC 3745-1205, GSC 2378-0295, IRAS 04196+4951, IRAS 03276+6238, IRAS 03250+6334, ...

0017A survey of “Flaring Orion Variables” in the NSVS Database.
1167 kB
Martin Nicholson, Hannah Varley2006-01-21
 A survey of "Flaring Orion Variables" based on NSVS data suggests that some examples have been misclassified in the General Catalogue of Variable Stars.

Simbad object(s): V1257 ORI, V718 ORI, V1254 ORI, V1236 ORI, V389 ORI, V1181 ORI, UZ ORI, V863 ORI, V751 ORI, V778 ORI, V1153 ORI, V939 ORI, V705 ORI, V385 ORI, V1075 ORI, V766 ORI, V1144 ORI, V870 ORI, V1142 ORI, V1296 ORI, ...

0016Total eclipses of CK Dra
182 kB
Lubos Brat2006-01-19
 The Algol type eclipsing binary CK Draconi with period 4.994511 days has total eclipses more then 3.5 hours long. The period is inaccurate and should be corrected. In first half of 2006, good observation season will set in and every 5th night, the minimum of CK Dra can be observed.

Simbad object(s): CK Dra,

0015Red Variable Stars found in the NSVS Database
203 kB
Martin Nicholson, Hannah Varley2006-01-16
 Data from the 2MASS was used to generate positional information for red stars. The publicly available NSVS data was then examined for these stars and 25 previously unreported variable stars was found.

Simbad object(s): GSC 2767-1716, IRAS 23208+6502, IRAS 22465+6118, TYC 2723-1647-1, IRAS 21332+6201, IRAS 20463+3229, IRAS 20005+3540, IRAS 19553+3145, IRAS 19141+3913, IRAS 19103+4740, IRAS 18521+3116, IRAS 05578+3500, IRAS 05473+3141, IRAS 04553+4315, IRAS 04173+7111, IRAS 04056+5016, IRAS 02208+6051, IRAS 02087+6517, GSC 4041-0983, IRAS 01282+5705, ...

0014New Variable Stars found in the NSVS Database (2)
416 kB
Martin Nicholson, Jane Sutherland2006-01-03
 In 2004 and 2005 a search for variable stars not listed in the General Catalogue of Variable Stars or in Sinbad was conducted by members of the Remote Astronomical Society in the publicly available data of the Northern Sky Variability Survey (NSVS, Wozniak et al., 2004). NSVS fields were searched for candidates with both a sufficient number of observations to allow valid analysis and also with a significantly higher magnitude scatter than normal for stars of their magnitude.

Simbad object(s): USNO-A2.0 1425-10559361, GSC 3941-1661, USNO-A2.0 1425-10540737, TYC 3945-1690-1, GSC 3949-1750, GSC 3937-0551, GSC 3949-1849, GSC 3941-1532, USNO-A2.0 1425-10672862, GSC 3958-0410, TYC 3958-1457-1, USNO-A2.0 1425-11112996, TYC 3586-1200-1, TYC 3955-583-1,

0013X Cyg: observations from 1886 until today
403 kB
Ralf Meyer2005-12-31
 Because of methodical reasons many early observations of X Cygni between 1886 and 1914 are biased. Taking these biased data out of calculation there is no evidence of a period change left.

Simbad object(s): X Cyg,

0012New Variable Stars found in the NSVS Database
237 kB
Martin Nicholson, Jane and Charles Sutherland2005-12-30
 A search for previously unreported variable stars was conducted by members of the Remote Astronomical Society in the publicly available data of the Northern Sky Variability Survey (NSVS, Wozniak et al., 2004). NSVS fields were searched for candidates with both a sufficient number of observations to allow valid analysis and also with a significantly higher magnitude scatter than normal for stars of their magnitude.

Simbad object(s): TYC 4141-54-1, GSC 3428-0212, GSC 3428-0003, GSC 3432-0094, GSC 3433-1003, GSC 3440-1097, TYC 1174-352-1, TYC 1174-344-1,

0011UW Lacertae in the Northern Sky Variability Survey
104 kB
M P Nicholson, H Varley2005-12-29
 Although the quantity of reliable photometric data in the Northern Sky Variability Survey (http://skydot.lanl.gov/nsvs/nsvs.php) was limited to 85 points it proved possible to obtain an ephemeris that closely matched previously published figures.

Simbad object(s): UW Lac,

0010OT And - a Long Period EA Binary with Increasing O-C
376 kB
Dieter Husar2005-12-18
 Results are compared with Crawford, R.C. et al., IBVS 2624 (1984). There seems to be indication for increasing O-C. Further observations are encouraged to improve the current elements.

Simbad object(s): OT And,

396 kB
Violat Bordonau, F., Sanchez Bajo, F., Bennasar Andreu, T.2005-12-02
 Small amateur telescopes equipped with photometric filters and CCD cameras constitute a valuable tool for variable star research. In this regard, we have carried out a photometric campaign over last three years (May 2001-November 2003), centered on the globular cluster M13 (NGC 6205). In this work, we present the results obtained from the photometric analysis of the BL Her cepheid V2 data, that can be used to estimate the distance to M13 (8.0 kpc), as well as some physical features of the star (mean radius: about 13 solar radii, effective temperature: about 6630 K, mean absolute bolometric magnitude: -1.49, and mean luminosity of 316 times the solar luminosity).

0008WW And: no decrease of amplitude
578 kB
Ralf Meyer2005-11-18
 I compare reported visual observations of the eclipsing binary WW Andromedae of the 1920ies with professional photometries of 1991 and with my own visual data. Contrary to some presumptions in the professional literature, the amplitude of light variation since its discovery probably never changed and always was as bad as 0,6mag. WW And therefore is no rewarding object of visual observation.

Simbad object(s): WW And,

0007UW Lacertae
283 kB
Ralf Meyer2005-11-11
 UW Lac is an eclipsing binary star, whose astrophysical and geometrical specification based on precise photoelectric or CCD measurements still is missing. The period is about 5 days, the light variation is slow and cannot be observed in one night. A visual light curve and a refined ephemeris are given. (2005NOV)

Simbad object(s): UW Lac,

0006GEOS Note Circulare 1024
267 kB
J. Vandenbroere2005-11-04
 GEOS Note Circulaire 1024 is a summary of the observations on LZ Dra = NSV 12223 = GSC 4456.1244 made by GEOS members. A first summary was published in November 2001 as IBVS 5207. By now 42 minima timings are known, the observation goes on.

Simbad object(s): LZ Dra,

0005Outburst of symbiotic variable YY Her
232 kB
Ladislav Smelcer2005-10-24
 New CCD observation of symbiotic variable YY Her shows rapid brightening in half of October 2005, which can be described as outburst. The latest CCD+V and CCD+R light curve of YY Her shows pic # 1 in this paper.

Simbad object(s): YY Her,

0004New Spots Appears on V 728 Her?
245 kB
Lubos Brat2005-10-21
 New CCD observation of V728 Her shows asymmetric light curve near minimum. There is no asymmetry present in photometric B and V light curve obtained in 1988 by Agerer and col. New multicolor CCD observation of V728 Her is needed.

Simbad object(s): V728 Her,

0003Minima Kurt Locher 2004-2005
113 kB
Kurt Locher2005-10-13
 Minima observed 2004..2005 by Kurt Locher visually, not accepted by IBVS as part of BBSAG Bulletin.

Simbad object(s): UU And, WZ And, XZ And, CP And, CU And, EP And, GZ And, HS And, V425 And, GSC 2775-1188, UU Aqr, XZ Aqr, AT Aqr, CX Aqr, CZ Aqr, GK Aqr, GSC 568-1658, XZ Aql, LT Aql, V479 Aql, ...

189 kB
J. Vanderbroere2005-10-13
 Times of maxima of RR Lyr variables

Simbad object(s): SW And, RS Aps, V 341 Aql, ST Boo, TT Cnc, TT Cnc, W CVn, SS CVn, AA CMi, RZ Cep, DX Cep, UY Cyg, DX Del, XZ Dra, AR Her, ST Leo, RZ Lyr, AV Peg, DH Peg,

219 kB
J.Hübscher, Th.Lange, A.Paschke, F.Vohla, F. Walter2005-10-13
 In this 54th compilation of BAV results, visual observations obtained in the years 2004 and 2005 are presented on 359 variables stars giving 728 minima and maxima.

Simbad object(s): AQ And, CD And, GP And, R And, RR And, RW And, SW And, T And, TU And, TW And, UW And, V And, W And, XX And, XZ And, Y And, YZ And, Z And, FF Aql, KO Aql, ...