
RA: 08h 02m 26.80s, DE: +64° 47' 49.75" (120.6116666617, 64.7971527774)

11/12/2024, 6:43 PM - 11/12/2024, 11:16 PM (UTC)


  • Observer: Zlatko Orbanic
  • Created: 11/14/2024 7:16:19 PM
  • Updated: 11/15/2024 9:59:34 AM
  • Station: Pula
    Lat: +44°, Long: +13°
  • Instrument: Newton Truss 254mm F/3.8 - Atik 414 Ex Mono
  • Photometric band: Sloan r'
  • Time standard: Gjd
  • Brightness in: Flux
Determined transits
  • 2460627.38066 (11/12/2024, 21:08)
    Planet designation: TOI-1728 b
    HJDmid: 2460627.38297 +/- 0.00302
    Heliocentric correction: 0.00231
    Transit depth (Mag): 0.00471 +/- 0.00115
    Transit duration (Min): 117.27 +/- 9.63
    Standard deviation (mmag): 5.07
    Data quality index: 5
    Data density (data/min): 0.52
    Fitting algorithm: Original ETD

Light curve
Neighborhood of the object, comparison and check stars