6" Maksutov f/3.8 (Cecillia) KAF-1402ME Data reduced and normalized using AstroImageJ, including AIRMASS information and additional detrending parameters for AIRMASS and tot_C_cnts.
6" Maksutov f/3.8 (Cecillia) KAF-1402ME Data reduced and normalized using AstroImageJ, including AIRMASS information and additional detrending parameters for AIRMASS and tot_C_cnts.
6" Maksutov f/3.8 (Cecillia) KAF-1402ME CCD Data reduced and normalized using AstroImageJ, including AIRMASS information and additional detrending parameters for AIRMASS.
6" Maksutov f/3.8 (Cecillia) KAF-1402ME CCD Data reduced and normalized using AstroImageJ, including AIRMASS information and additional detrending parameters for Sky/Pixel_T1 and J.D.-2400000.
6" Maksutov f/3.8 (Cecillia) KAF-1402ME CCD Data reduced and normalized using AstroImageJ, including AIRMASS information and additional detrending parameters for AIRMASS and tot_C_cnts.
6" Maksutov f/3.8 (Cecillia) KAF-1402ME CCD Data reduced and normalized using AstroImageJ, including AIRMASS information and additional detrending parameters for AIRMASS.
6" Maksutov f/3.8 (Cecillia) KAF-1402ME CCD Data reduced and normalized using AstroImageJ, including AIRMASS information and additional detrending parameters for AIRMASS and tot_C_cnts. Could not correct the contamination by companions that are affecting the transit depth.
6" Maksutov f/3.8 (Cecillia) KAF-1402ME CCD Data reduced and normalized using AstroImageJ, including AIRMASS information and additional detrending parameters for Sky/Pixel_T1 and tot_C_cnts. Could not correct the contamination by companions that are affecting the transit depth.
6" Maksutov f/3.8 (Cecillia) KAF-1402ME CCD Data reduced and normalized using AstroImageJ, including AIRMASS information and additional detrending parameters for tot_C_cnts.
6" Maksutov f/3.8 (Cecillia) KAF-1402ME CCD Data reduced and normalized using AstroImageJ, including AIRMASS information and additional detrending parameters for tot_C_cnts and J.D.-2400000.