TOI-4504 c (Exoplanet, Confirmed)
RA: 07h 37m 52.15s, DE: -62° 04' 41.80" (114.4672916567, -62.0782777771)
- Brightness (Mag): 13.364
- Transit depth (%): 0.99
- Transit depth (Mag): 0.0107
- Transit duration (m): 468.48
- Planet radius (RJup): 1.0257 +/- 0.05
- Star radius (RSun): 0.92 +/- 0.04
- Impact factor: 0.492 +/- 0.041
- Created by: admin
- Period (d): 82.97213 +/- 0.00013
- Epoch (JD): 2458400.3906 +/- 0.0016
- Semimajor axis (AU): 0.3569 +/- 0.0069
- Inclination (°): 89.69 +/- 0.03
2/8/2025, Filip Walter:
- Planet designation: b → c
1/21/2025, Filip Walter:
- Epoch error: Null → 0.0016
- Epoch: 2459065.23706 → 2458400.3906
- Period error: Null → 0.00013
- Period: 82.9383 → 82.97213
- Impact factor error: 0 → 0.041
- Impact factor: 0 → 0.492
- Star radius error: 0 → 0.04
- Star radius: 0.9609 → 0.92
- Planet radius error: 0 → 0.05
- Semimajor axis error: 0 → 0.0069
- Semimajor axis: 0 → 0.3569
- Inclination error: 0 → 0.03
- Inclination: 0 → 89.69
- Transit depth: 1.3256 → 0.99
- Status: Candidate → Confirmed

Source: The STScI Digitized Sky Survey
Number of transits
0 x
Number of observers
0 x

Last observed before