
RA: 01h 04m 44.39s, DE: +74° 19' 52.70" (16.1849583233, 74.3313055549)

2/3/2025, 5:18 PM - 2/3/2025, 10:10 PM (UTC)


  • Observer: Claudio Lopresti
  • Created: 2/4/2025 5:31:41 PM
  • Updated: 2/4/2025 6:08:24 PM
  • Station: GAD Observatory - SP
    Lat: +44°, Long: +09°
  • Instrument: Mak-Newton 180mm F/4, CCD Sbig ST-10xme, L-R-V-B-Ha-SII-OIII-Ic-SA200
  • Photometric band: R
  • Time standard: Gjd
  • Brightness in: Flux
weather: clear | light pollution | Moon  illumination: 32.7%, Moon distance: 62.8° | temp.: 7/8° | Humidity: 67% | Athmospheric pressuer:  1024 | Photometric aperture radii: 4-7-13 |
Determined transits
  • 2460710.29284 (2/3/2025, 19:01)
    Planet designation: TOI-2046 b
    HJDmid: 2460710.29361 +/- 0.00185
    Heliocentric correction: 0.00076
    Transit depth (Mag): 0.02022 +/- 0.00098
    Transit duration (Min): 142.79 +/- 6.83
    Standard deviation (mmag): 2.99
    Data quality index: 3
    Data density (data/min): 0.21
    Fitting algorithm: Original ETD
    Adopted limb darkening: 0.5 | EXP. 240s  | binning 1+1 |  weather: clear | light pollution | Moon  illumination: 32.7%, Moon distance: 62.8° | temp.: 7/8° | Humidity: 67% | Photometric aperture radii: 4-7-13 |

Light curve
Neighborhood of the object, comparison and check stars