V0523 Cas

RA: 00h 40m 06.00s, DE: +50° 13' 10.62" (10.0249999900, 50.2196166660)

2/5/2025, 6:21 PM - 2/5/2025, 11:55 PM (UTC)


  • Observer: Matúš Kamenec
  • Created: 2/8/2025 1:07:36 PM
  • Station: Kolonica
    Lat: +49°, Long: +22°
  • Instrument: SkyWatcher Newton 200/1200, Canon EOS 500D
  • Photometric band: c
  • Time standard: Gjd
  • Brightness in: Mag
Determined minima
  • P: 2460712.41173 (2/5/2025, 21:52)
    HJDmin: 2460712.41066
    Heliocentric correction: -0.00107
  • S: 2460712.29353 (2/5/2025, 19:02)
    HJDmin: 2460712.29248
    Heliocentric correction: -0.00106

Light curve
Neighborhood of the object, comparison and check stars