
RA: 04h 21m 52.71s, DE: +57° 49' 01.89" (65.4696250000, 57.8171916660)

3/8/2014, 6:52 PM - 3/9/2014, 12:22 AM (UTC)


  • Observer: Martin Zíbar
  • Created: 3/9/2014 2:53:15 AM
  • Station: Chlumčany
  • Instrument: Newton 254/903, sekční G2-0402, AG by MMys na SW 100/500
  • Photometric band: Clear
  • Time kind: Gjd
  • Brightness in: Mag
Jedná se o předběžné zpracování. Mírný humus, na konci objekt klesal poměrně nízko, teplota 3 až -3 °C, expozice 30 s, FWHM kolem 4, TminHJD = 2456725.42558 +/- 0.00218
Determined transits
  • 2456725.42733 (3/8/2014, 22:15)
    Planet designation: XO-3 b
    HJDmid: 2456725.42699 +/- 0.00232
    Heliocentric correction: -0.00034
    Transit depth (Mag): 0.00510 +/- 0.00080
    Transit duration (Min): 163.60 +/- 7.90
    Standard deviation (mmag): 4.4
    Data quality index: 4
    Data density (data/min): 1.89
    Fitting algorithm: Original ETD
    lehký opar, expozice 30 s, FWHM kolem 5, chlazeno na -30

Light curve
Neighborhood of the object, comparison and check stars