XO-2 N

RA: 07h 48m 07.00s, DE: +50° 13' 33.00" (117.0291666667, 50.2258333327)

12/29/2016, 7:46 PM - 12/30/2016, 12:15 AM (UTC)


  • Observer: Trnka J.
  • Created: 12/30/2016 9:18:22 PM
  • Station: Městská hvězdárna ve Slaném
  • Instrument: Skywatcher NWT 200/1000 + SBIG ST-9E + comacorrector ATC CCF 5A
  • Photometric band: Clear
  • Time kind: Gjd
  • Brightness in: Mag
TminHJD = 2457752.40548 +/- 0.0007
exposure 50 sec. with autoguiding
Determined transits
  • 2457752.40058 (12/29/2016, 21:36)
    Planet designation: XO-2 N b
    HJDmid: 2457752.40548 +/- 0.00070
    Heliocentric correction: 0.00490
    Transit depth (Mag): 0.01420 +/- 0.00090
    Transit duration (Min): 159.30 +/- 2.30
    Standard deviation (mmag): 2.6
    Data quality index: 3
    Data density (data/min): 0.86
    Fitting algorithm: Original ETD
    exposure 50 sec. with autoguiding

Light curve
Neighborhood of the object, comparison and check stars