V0432 Per

RA: 03h 10m 10.80s, DE: +42° 52' 09.20" (47.5449999900, 42.8692222216)

2/16/2019, 8:00 PM - 2/16/2019, 10:48 PM (UTC)


  • Observer: Matúš Kamenec
  • Created: 2/17/2019 11:03:11 AM
  • Station: Prešov
  • Instrument: REF SkyWatcher 102/500 Canon 500D
  • Photometric band: Clear
  • Time standard: Gjd
  • Brightness in: Mag
#Observer>Matus Kamenec
#Telescope>SkyWatcher 102/500 / EQ3-2 GoTo
#Instrument>Canon EOS 500D
#Exposure>30s ISO 1600
#Target>V432 Per
#Magnitude system>
#Time system>JD geocentric
#Reduction>Ensemble photometry with MuniWin and MCV
#Comment>merged 3 frames

----- EBFit result: -----
TminGJD = 2458531.39433
Error (1 sigma): +0.00054/-0.00019 (Bootstrapping), +0.00065/-0.00078 (Prayer bead), +0.00003/-0.00003 (LSM)
Error (95% CI):  +0.00082/-0.00028 (Bootstrapping), +0.00115/-0.00103 (Prayer bead)
LSM: chi^2 = 192.1, n_freedom = 25

Light curve
Neighborhood of the object, comparison and check stars