V1332 Tau

RA: 04h 43m 41.30s, DE: +22° 53' 37.70" (70.9220833233, 22.8938055552)

1/9/2024, 4:41 PM - 1/9/2024, 10:53 PM (UTC)


  • Observer: Stanislav Holý
  • Created: 1/10/2024 10:34:35 PM
  • Station: Ratměřice
  • Instrument: GSO NWT 200/1000 + ZWO ASI 178MM
  • Photometric band: Clear
  • Time standard: Gjd
  • Brightness in: Mag
2X B.R.N.O.! (primární + sekundární)

----- EBFit result: -----
TminGJD = 2460319.24342
Error (1 sigma): +0.00017/-0.00018 (Bootstrapping), +0.00026/-0.00026 (Prayer bead), +0.00007/-0.00007 (LSM)
Error (95% CI):  +0.00033/-0.00036 (Bootstrapping), +0.00033/-0.00033 (Prayer bead)
LSM: chi^2 = 710.6, n_freedom = 120

----- EBFit result: -----
TminGJD = 2460319.38501
Error (1 sigma): +0.00020/-0.00020 (Bootstrapping), +0.00025/-0.00027 (Prayer bead), +0.00007/-0.00007 (LSM)
Error (95% CI):  +0.00038/-0.00040 (Bootstrapping), +0.00031/-0.00042 (Prayer bead)
LSM: chi^2 = 781.6, n_freedom = 127
Determined minima
  • P: 2460319.24345 (1/9/2024, 17:50)
    HJDmin: 2460319.24801
    Heliocentric correction: 0.00456
    ----- EBFit result: -----
    Tmin = 2460319.24345
    Error (1 sigma): +0.00017/-0.00016 (Bootstrapping), +0.00027/-0.00025 (Prayer bead), +0.00007/-0.00007 (LSM)
    Error (95% CI):  +0.00034/-0.00033 (Bootstrapping), +0.00035/-0.00030 (Prayer bead)
    LSM: chi^2 = 695.1, n_freedom = 119
  • S: 2460319.38502 (1/9/2024, 21:14)
    HJDmin: 2460319.38957
    Heliocentric correction: 0.00455
    ----- EBFit result: -----
    Tmin = 2460319.38502
    Error (1 sigma): +0.00018/-0.00019 (Bootstrapping), +0.00026/-0.00026 (Prayer bead), +0.00007/-0.00007 (LSM)
    Error (95% CI):  +0.00035/-0.00037 (Bootstrapping), +0.00033/-0.00044 (Prayer bead)
    LSM: chi^2 = 784.6, n_freedom = 127

Light curve
Neighborhood of the object, comparison and check stars