AW Vir

RA: 13h 27m 32.89s, DE: +03° 02' 28.60" (201.8870416667, 3.0412777774)

3/8/2010, 10:45 PM - 3/9/2010, 12:57 AM (UTC)


  • Observer: Ladislav Šmelcer
  • Created: 3/9/2010 2:37:51 PM
  • Station: Hvězdárna Valašské Meziříčí
  • Instrument: Celestron 280/1765 + CCD ST7
  • Photometric band: R
  • Time standard: Gjd
  • Brightness in: Mag
předpověď primárního minima JDg=2455264.4987 - 23h58m UT (podle Mo=45022.645  per.=0.3539976 dne) - minimum nastalo o 6 minut později
Determined minima
  • P: 2455264.50280 (3/9/2010, 00:04)
    HJDmin: 2455264.50773
    Heliocentric correction: 0.00493
  • P: 2455264.50260 (3/9/2010, 00:03)
    HJDmin: 2455264.50753
    Heliocentric correction: 0.00493

Light curve
Neighborhood of the object, comparison and check stars