RA: 20h 00m 43.70s, DE: +22° 42' 39.00" (300.1820833333, 22.7108333333)
7/1/2019, 12:26 AM - 7/1/2019, 2:26 AM (UTC)
- Observer: Arena C. - Gruppo Astrofili Catanesi
- Created: 7/3/2019 1:00:34 PM
Private Observatory in Catania - ObservatoryCT
Lat: +37°, Long: +15° - Instrument: Sky-Watcher NWT 200/1000 + Atik 314L + Coma Corrector (0.9x focal reducer)
- Photometric band: Clear
- Time standard: Gjd
- Brightness in: Mag
Determined transits
2458665.55646 (7/1/2019, 01:21)
Tresca ID: 1562144434
Planet designation: HD189733 b
HJDmid: 2458665.56024 +/- 0.00025
Heliocentric correction: 0.00378
Transit depth (Mag): 0.02950 +/- 0.00040
Transit duration (Min): 107.50 +/- 1.00
Standard deviation (mmag): 1.1
Data quality index: 1
Data density (data/min): 0.33
Fitting algorithm: Original ETD
Note:Clear Sky. OAG used. 2 data point binning. Exp time 90 sec (before binning). The last group of points (out of transit, after a small gap in the data) was taken during astronomical and nautical sunrise. As such, exposure time for those points was reduced to 45 sec.
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