RA: 22h 22m 03.00s, DE: +45° 27' 26.60" (335.5124999900, 45.4573888889)
9/28/2024, 8:35 PM - 9/28/2024, 10:35 PM (UTC)
- Observer: ETD-TRESCA
- Created: 10/3/2024 11:25:23 PM
TRESCA project
Lat: +30°, Long: +39° - Instrument: Composite lightcurve
- Photometric band: Clear
- Time kind: Hjd
- Brightness in: Mag
Determined transits
2460582.39568 (9/28/2024, 21:29)
Planet designation: HAT-P-40 b
HJDmid: 2460582.39936 +/- 0.00409
Heliocentric correction: 0.00368
Transit depth (Mag): 0.00870 +/- 0.00140
Transit duration (Min): 368.60 +/- 0.00
Standard deviation (mmag): 2.3
Data quality index: 4
Data density (data/min): 0.24
Fitting algorithm: Original ETD
Note:authors: Mohammad Odeh, Nikola Antonov, Martin Tylšar || Mohammad Odeh | Abu Dhabi, UAE | 55°E, 24°N | 0.36 Schmidt Cassegrain + 10 Micron GM3000 + ZWO2600MM Pro | filter Ic | source TRESCA No. 1727614505 || Nikola Antonov | Meshtitsa, Pernik, Bulgaria | 23°E, 42°N | 250 mm F/4.7 Newtonian, CMOS ASI533MM Pro | filter : Rc | source TRESCA No. 1727981276 || Martin Tylšar | Ondřejov, Czech Republic | 15°E, 50°N | NWT 305/1200 + MII G4-16000 | filter : Rc | source TRESCA No. 1727631098 || Original partial datasets detrended and fitted by TRESCA/ETD algoritm (Poddany et al. 2010) using linear detrending and transit depth parameter fixed at catalogue value, heliocentric correction applied, combined, duration fixe for the final fit.
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