NSVS 2643686 (Eclipsing binary)
RA: 12h 10m 34.47s, DE: +63° 12' 10.50" (182.6436249900, 63.2029166667)
Other: G4157.00683
- Constellation: UMa
- Variability type: EW
- Maximal brightness (Mag): 10.130 (V)
- Minimum brightness (Mag): 10.540 (V)
- Brightness in secondary minimum (Mag): 10.540 (V)
- Created: 6/28/2021
- Created by: admin
- Period (d): 0.396061000000000
- Epoch (JD): 51367.66870
- Secondary Epoch (JD): 51367.47090
2/21/2025, Filip Walter:
- Name: G4157.00683 → NSVS 2643686
- Alternative designation: → : G4157.00683

Source: The STScI Digitized Sky Survey
Number of observations
1 x
Number of observers
1 x

Last observed before
36 days
P: M = 2451367.6687 + 0.396061 * E
S: M = 2451367.4709 + 0.396061 * E
ID | HJDmin | UTCmin | Epoch | O-C (d) | P/S | Phot. band | Observer | Publication | Note | Instrument |