NSVS 2048817 (Eclipsing binary)
RA: 03h 56m 16.56s, DE: +60° 43' 19.40" (59.0689999950, 60.7220555549)
- Constellation: Cam
- Variability type: EW
- Maximal brightness (Mag): 10.400
- Minimum brightness (Mag): 10.740
- Created by: admin
- Period (d): 0.267033940000000
- Epoch (JD): 2460318.43344
2/21/2025, Filip Walter:
- Epoch: Null → 2460318.43344
- Period: Null → 0.26703394
- Variability type: Null → EW
- Minimum brightness: Null → 10.74
- Maximal brightness: Null → 10.4

Source: The STScI Digitized Sky Survey
Number of observations
5 x
Number of observers
1 x

Last observed before
35 days
P: M = 2460318.43344 + 0.26703394 * E
S: M = 2460318.56695697 + 0.26703394 * E
ID | HJDmin | UTCmin | Epoch | O-C (d) | P/S | Phot. band | Observer | Publication | Note | Instrument |