
RA: 11h 11m 16.92s, DE: +69° 57' 52.95" (167.8204999950, 69.9647083333)

3/6/2025, 6:58 PM - 3/6/2025, 10:47 PM (UTC)


  • Observer: Pavel Pintr
  • Created: 3/7/2025 12:53:13 PM
  • Station: Horní Halže
    Lat: +50°, Long: +13°
  • Instrument: Celestron 235/1175
  • Photometric band: Red
  • Time standard: Gjd
  • Brightness in: Mag
Temperature: 1.4 C deg
Humidity: 69%
Dew point:-3.6 C deg
Pressure: 919.6 hPa
SkyQuality: 20.99 mag/*^2
Wind speed: 1.2 m/s
Wind direction: 263 deg
Determined transits
  • 2460741.39040 (3/6/2025, 21:22)
    Planet designation: TOI-1194 b
    HJDmid: 2460741.39285 +/- 0.00236
    Heliocentric correction: 0.00245
    Transit depth (Mag): 0.00746 +/- 0.00100
    Transit duration (Min): 148.71 +/- 8.71
    Standard deviation (mmag): 3.01
    Data quality index: 4
    Data density (data/min): 0.45
    Fitting algorithm: Original ETD
    Temperature: 1.4 C deg
    Humidity: 69%
    Dew point:-3.6 C deg
    Pressure: 919.6 hPa
    SkyQuality: 20.99 mag/*^2
    Wind speed: 1.2 m/s
    Wind direction: 263 deg

Light curve
Neighborhood of the object, comparison and check stars