
RA: 04h 44m 06.87s, DE: +84° 21' 51.12" (71.0286249950, 84.3642000000)

3/4/2025, 7:52 PM - 3/5/2025, 12:33 AM (UTC)


  • Observer: Philippe LANGLET
  • Created: 3/7/2025 1:26:20 PM
  • Station: ND Cruet
    Lat: +45°, Long: +06°
  • Instrument: Célestron 8, Canon 1100D, sans filtre
  • Photometric band: Clear
  • Time standard: Gjd
  • Brightness in: Flux
 Weather report middle transit :   air temperature : 2.9 °C  -  atmospheric pressure : 1022.5   -  air humidity   63%  -  clear sky
Determined transits
  • 2460739.41923 (3/4/2025, 22:03)
    Planet designation: TOI-2154 b
    HJDmid: 2460739.41979 +/- 0.00525
    Heliocentric correction: 0.00056
    Transit depth (Mag): 0.00512 +/- 0.00236
    Transit duration (Min): 160.78 +/- 21.95
    Standard deviation (mmag): 4.31
    Data quality index: 5
    Data density (data/min): 0.43
    Fitting algorithm: Original ETD
    Weather report middle transit :   air temperature : 2.9 °C  -  atmospheric pressure : 1022.5   -  air humidity   63%  -  clear sky

Light curve
Neighborhood of the object, comparison and check stars