OEJV Publications

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The scientific content of the proceeding contributions has been refereed by the conference proceedings editors, not by the OEJV editorial board.


OEJV# Publication's title Author   Date
  Abstract / note  

0137B.R.N.O. Contributions #37 - Times of minima
941 kB
appendix: Times of minima 136 kB
Brat L., Trnka J., Smelcer L., Lehky M., Kucakova H., Lomoz F., Hanzl D., Vrastak M., Corfini G., Pribik V., Dreveny R., Ehrenberger R., Kocian R., Masek M., Polak J., Starzomski J., Marchi F., Poddany S., Zejda M., Cagas P., Klos M., Garofalo R., Klimentova J., Kliment P., Speil J., Magris M., Hladik B., Honkova K., Jurysek J., Smycka T., Moudra M., Naves R., Ruocco N., Zahajsky J., Audejean M., Pejcha O., Uhlar R., Vieira J., Zasche P., Zambelli R.2011-04-07
 Paper presents observations of eclipsing binaries acquired by the Variable Star and Exoplanet Section of Czech Astronomical Society members (B.R.N.O. observing project) and cooperating observers. Paper contains 1270 minima timings for 478 eclipsing binaries, obtained by 45 observers during 2009 – 2011 period. Some neglected southern eclipsing binaries are included in the list. New accurate orbital elements have been found for 28 binary systems. Times of minima of an extraordinary quadruple sytem V994 Her are presented as well.

Simbad object(s): XZ And, AB And, BD And, CN And, CP And, DW And, EL And, GK And, GZ And, KP And, LM And, LY And, V 404 And, V 483 And, V 449 And, GSC 2786-1409, GSC 3285-1748, OO Aql, OP Aql, sig Aql, ...


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