OEJV Publications
Note on conference proceedings in OEJV The scientific content of the proceeding contributions has been refereed by the conference proceedings editors, not by the OEJV editorial board.
Publication's title |
Author |
Date |
Abstract / note |
0165 | Erratum: „B.R.N.O. Contributions #38 Times of minima of eclipsing binary“ (OEJV #160, [2013]) 499 kB | Hoňková K., Juryšek J., Lehký M., Šmelcer L., Trnka J., Mašek M., Urbaník M., Auer R.1, Vrašťák M., Kučáková H., Ruocco N., Magris M., Polák J., Brát L., Audejean M., Banfi M., Moudrá M., Lomoz F., Přibík V., Dřevěný R., Scaggiante F., Kocián R., Cagaš P., Poddaný S., Zíbar M., Jacobsen J., Marek P., Colazo C., Zardin D., Sobotka P., Starzomski J., Hladík B., Vincenzi M., Skarka M., Walter F., Chapman A., Díaz N. D., Aceti P., Singh P., Kalista L., Kamenec M., Zejda M., Marchi F., Bílek F., Guzzo P., Corfini G., Onderková K., Hečko A., Mina F., Vítek M., Barsa R., Quinones C., Taormina M., Melia R., Schneiter M., Scavuzzo A., Marcionni N., Ehrenberger R., Tapia L., Fasseta G., Suarez N., Scaggiante D., Artusi E., Garcia R., Grnja J., Fišer A., Hynek T., Vilášek M., Rozehnal J., Kalisch T., Lang K., Gorková S., Novysedlák R., Salvaggio F., Smyčka T.1, Spurný M., Wikander T., Mravik J., Šuchaň J., Čaloud J. | | 2014-08-06 | | Due to an errors in calculated heliocentric corrections, there are 404 wrong HJD minima timings (with larger Difference than Min error, see header of the Table) in „B.R.N.O. Contributions #38 Times of minima of eclipsing binary“ paper. The correct minima timings are presented hereafter. Simbad object(s): DE CVn, UX CrB, AS CrB, AB And, NV Com, MR Com, MM Com, V 479 Aql, LT Com, LQ Com, LL Com, IU Cnc, IT Cnc, HN Cnc, CX CMi, MY Cyg, EN CVn, DF CVn, BH CMi, V 737 Cep, ... | comments: 0 |
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