OEJV Publications
Note on conference proceedings in OEJV The scientific content of the proceeding contributions has been refereed by the conference proceedings editors, not by the OEJV editorial board.
Publication's title |
Author |
Date |
Abstract / note |
0168 | B.R.N.O. Contributions #39 Times of minima 1042 kB | Hoňková, K., Juryšek, J., Lehký M., Šmelcer L., Mašek M., Mazanec J., Hanžl D., Urbaník M., Magris M., Vrašťák M., Walter F., Hladík B., Medulka T., Bílek F., Trnka J., Jacobsen J., Benáček J., Kuchťák B., Audejean M., Ögmen Y., Zíbar M., Fatka P., Marchi F., Poddaný S., Quinones C., Tapia L., Scaggiante F., Zardin D., Corfini G., Hájek P., Lomoz F., Mravik J., Grnja J., Campos F., Čaloud J., Esseiva N., Jakš S., Horník M., Filip, J., Uhlář R., Mina, F., Artola, R., Zalazar, J., Müller D., Pintr P., Divišová L. | | 2015-02-13 | | This paper presents 1463 times of minima for 455 objects acquired by 46 members and cooperating observers of the Variable Star and Exoplanet Section of the Czech Astronomical Society (B.R.N.O. Observing project). Observations were carried out between October 2013 – September 2014. Some neglected southern eclipsing binaries and newly discovered stars by the observers of project B.R.N.O. are included in the list. Simbad object(s): LO And, GZ And, EP And, DS And, CzeV267 And, CN And, BD And, AD And, AA And, IM Vul, GP Vul, BU Vul, BO Vul, BK Vul, NSVS 10441882 Vir, IK Vir, HW Vir, GR Vir, GSC 00330-01394 Vir, FO Vir, ... | comments: 0 |
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