New transit
HD189733 b
Ulisse Quadri, Luca Strabla, Paolo Madurini, (IAU station 565) Bassano Bresciano Astronomical Observatory, 11/26/2017
Objective 300mm f/4.5 - CCD: QHY 268M
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New observation
Ulisse Quadri, Luca Strabla, Paolo Madurini, (IAU station 565) Bassano Bresciano Astronomical Observatory, 11/26/2017
Objective 300mm f/4.5 - CCD: QHY 268M
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New transit
HD189733 b
Eduardo Fernández Lajús, Romina P. Di Sisto, Complejo Astronómico El Leoncito, Argentina
0.6 m Telescope + SBIG STL 1001 CCD
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New transit
HD189733 b
Alfa Crucis – Colesanti C, De Carvalho Aguiar P, Kulh D, Napoleao T, Olim E, Rodrigues MA, Treü R, Orion Observatory - Mairinque, Sao Paulo, Brazil
12 inch Schmidt-Cassegrain (305mm, f/10), focal reducer f/3.3, Sensor: SBIG ST-7XME, Mount: Paramount MX
20s exposures binned 1x1. Each data point is the average of 3 images. Weighted ensemble photometry with 3 comp stars (C2,C4,C6), apertures 6,11,17. More about Alfa Crucis:
20s exposures binned 1x1. Each data point is the average of 3 images. Weighted ensemble photometry with 3 comp stars (C2,C4,C6), apertures 6,11,17. More about Alfa Crucis:
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New transit
HD189733 b
Tomáš Plšek, Roman Ponča, Masaryk University Mobile Observatory, Fulnek
Newtonian 150/750, MI G2-0402
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New transit
HD189733 b
AAAV Astrofili Valdera, Oss Astr G.Galilei-Libbiano Mpc code B33
RC 500 f/6 + CCD FLI Kodak KAF 1001E Astrofili Alta Valdera
Observers: Silvia Gingillo, Lorenzo Bigazzi and Alberto Villa.
Clear sky.
Central obstruction 45 cm due to hight brightness of target. Astrofili Alta Valdera
Observers: Silvia Gingillo, Lorenzo Bigazzi and Alberto Villa.
Clear sky.
Central obstruction 45 cm due to hight brightness of target.
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New transit
HD189733 b
Daniel Bertesteanu, Astroclubul Bucurest- Traian County Station
Newton 130/650 + QHY 163 M
8 sec exposure, 2 comparison stars
8 sec exposure, 2 comparison stars
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New transit
HD189733 b
Arena C. - Gruppo Astrofili Catanesi, Private Observatory in Catania - ObservatoryCT
Sky-Watcher NWT 200/1000 + Atik 314L + Coma Corrector (0.9x focal reducer)
Clear Sky. OAG used. 2 data point binning. Exp time 90 sec (before binning). The last group of points (out of transit, after a small gap in the data) was taken during astronomical and nautical sunrise. As such, exposure time for those points was reduced to 45 sec.
Clear Sky. OAG used. 2 data point binning. Exp time 90 sec (before binning). The last group of points (out of transit, after a small gap in the data) was taken during astronomical and nautical sunrise. As such, exposure time for those points was reduced to 45 sec.
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New transit
HD189733 b
OPC - Damiano Trisciani, OPC - Osservatorio Polifunzionale del Chianti
Celestron C14 f 6.4 - Moravian G2 1600
67 average 2 x 60 sec, 695nm bandpass filter, defocused
67 average 2 x 60 sec, 695nm bandpass filter, defocused
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New transit
HD189733 b
OPC - Damiano Trisciani, OPC - Osservatorio Polifunzionale del Chianti
Celestron C14 f 6.4 - Moravian G2 1600
133 x 60 sec, 695nm bandpass filter, defocused
133 x 60 sec, 695nm bandpass filter, defocused
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New transit
HD189733 b
OPC - Damiano Trisciani, OPC - Osservatorio Polifunzionale del Chianti
Celestron C14 f6.4 - Moravian G2 1600
137 x 60 sec, RGB red filter, defocused
137 x 60 sec, RGB red filter, defocused
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New transit
HD189733 b
Stan Shadick, University of Saskatchewan Physics Roof Observatory, CANADA
Meade 10" LX200GPS; SBIG ST10XME CCD
Processed with artificial star at 7x5x10 at binning 1. (Data was subsequently binned 2x2 during processing to match calibration files.
Used only reference stars C1-C4, C6, C7.
Pier 3.
Processed with artificial star at 7x5x10 at binning 1. (Data was subsequently binned 2x2 during processing to match calibration files.
Used only reference stars C1-C4, C6, C7.
Pier 3.
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New transit
HD189733 b
Erika Pakstiene, Rimvydas Janulis, Moletai Astronomical Observatory at VU Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy
1.65 m telescope
Observed after the rain.Small low clouds disturbed. Full-moon.
Observed after the rain.Small low clouds disturbed. Full-moon.
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New transit
HD189733 b
Stan Shadick, University of Saskatchewan Physics Roof Observatory, CANADA
Meade 10" LX200GPS; SBIG ST10XME CCD
Processed with artificial star at 10x5x10 at binning 2.
Used all 5 reference stars.
Pier 3.
Note possible tiny step-down in brightness during transit at about mid-transit.
Processed with artificial star at 10x5x10 at binning 2.
Used all 5 reference stars.
Pier 3.
Note possible tiny step-down in brightness during transit at about mid-transit.
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New transit
HD189733 b
Stan Shadick, University of Saskatchewan Physics Roof Observatory, CANADA
Meade 10" LX200GPS; SBIG ST10XME CCD
Processed with artificial star at 16x6x10 at binning 2.
Used all reference stars.
Pier 3.
Processed with artificial star at 16x6x10 at binning 2.
Used all reference stars.
Pier 3.
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New transit
HD189733 b
Stan Shadick, University of Saskatchewan Physics Roof Observatory, CANADA
Meade 10" LX200GPS; SBIG ST10XME CCD
Processed with artificial star at 12X5X10 at binning 2.
Used only reference stars C1, C2, C4.
Pier 3.
Processed with artificial star at 12X5X10 at binning 2.
Used only reference stars C1, C2, C4.
Pier 3.
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New transit
HD189733 b
Stan Shadick, University of Saskatchewan Physics Roof Observatory, CANADA
Meade 10\\\" LX200GPS; SBIG ST10XME CCD
Processed with artificial star at 10x5x10 at binning 2.
Used all C1-C5 stars.
Pier 3.
Processed with artificial star at 10x5x10 at binning 2.
Used all C1-C5 stars.
Pier 3.
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